The 562th chapter of the poisonous bead molding

“Black horse, you still chose to fight with me, I really don’t want to fight with you, the whole poisonous swamp, you know, we are two strengths, so I am very sorry for you!” Wang looked straight at the Dark Horse King and said slowly!

“But I see you as the only opponent!” The black horse suddenly opened the eyes, the black light in the eyes flashed, a flash of excitement, and then screamed!

“Sure enough, it is a wild horse!” The black bear king did not have the expression of anger, but smiled and shook the head: “Don’t you interrupt your breakthrough five thousand years ago, grabbed you a poisonous grass? I was seriously injured at the time. I really need that poisonous grass to heal, have you always hated it now?”

“Since you still remember, today, your so-called treasure, I will not give up anyway, you grab me once, I will grab you once, this is fair!” The black horse screamed, the voice was a little low, watching The black bear is stunned and the black light flashes!

“Black Bear King, don’t say extra nonsense anymore. Today we two, there is a need to have a battle, you lose, that treasure is naturally mine, I lost, then all the grievances before us are a cancellation!” The black horse king saw the black bear king still talking, not screaming in a low voice, the black fog flashed on his body, and the one-horn appeared in his hand all at once!

The black horn of the lacquer black exudes a strong black mist, and a strong momentum erupted in the hands of the black horse king. The black horse king held the one-horned horn and looked at the black bear king deeply. Then he whispered and screamed, and countless black fog filled. The one-horned horn will fly directly toward the black bear king!

“Weng!” flashed the unicorn of black rays of light, so that the black bear king had to pay attention to it, and looked at this one-horned dignified face. The big knife in the hands of the black bear king also slammed down and brought a black blade glow!

“bang!” sounded loudly, and the strong collision caused the rising winds, scudding clouds, black unicorns and blade glow to retreat at the same time. “hu!” The black light of the black horse king’s sole flashed, and the black wind, the horse’s Speed, it has been a lot faster for the bears!

“hu!””hu!””hu!”each and everyone black The afterimage is constantly flashing around the black bear king, encircling the black bear king, the black bear king’s face is unchanged, the black light is faintly shining, the black in the hand The long knife suddenly jumped forward, just a violent blade glow!

“bang!” Innumerable afterimages are broken, revealing the silhouette of the black horse king. The black bear is quietly opening: “Black horse, I have already know your magic shadow step, so I want to deal with it by this, it is impossible!”

“weng!” A fiercely squat, the strength of the black bear king’s horror can be said to be completely erupted at this moment, each knife seems to be very relaxed, but the power contained in each knife has reached the level of terror!

“Okay, it really is a black bear king. If so, let us all make the best!” The black horse king loudly shouts, “roar!” screamed, the whole person suddenly turned into a huge black horse, that root The unicorn doesn’t know when it has returned to his head!

The one-horned black horse king completely showed the body. Like the black bear king, both of them broke out their most powerful power at the moment. The black horse king became a body, and the four hooves continued to rush, and a black mist came from its sole. Continue to break down!

“Wearing the cloud shuttle!” The black horse suddenly screamed in the sky, then loudly roared, the whole body continued to rotate, turned into a burst of black wind, the monocular at the top of the head is also black light slamming, directly puncture the past to the black bear king!

“Come on, Xiong Wang Kaishan!” The black bear king was not shocked, loudly roared, his body black light flashed, his hands clasped long knife, and then broke out a powerful momentum, a knife The black horse king swept up!

“hu!” huge black blade glow, with a strong splitting voiid, fiercely and black horse king’s one-corner collision, “clang!” The crisp collision sounds constantly echoed, like a sound The echo of the stop is normal!

The black horse king’s body suddenly black light flashed, “bang!” black unicorn was surrounded by a layer of black fog, the black bear king’s long knife was suddenly shaken out, and the black horse king is also a few steps back, his face looked dignified Black Bear King!

The black bear king is famous for its power, but the black horse king’s blow is even comparable to his fight. It can be seen that the power of the black horse king cannot be underestimated. The most surprising thing is not Yun Bufan, but Black Bear King!

It can’t believe it anyway, the power of a horse is almost the same as his bear? In the eyes of the black bear, the cold light flashed, and the whispered coldly shouted: “Black horse, pick me up again, and force the world!”

The black horse king is stopped, the unicorn on the top of the head is also black light flashing, coldly snorted: “whirlwind horse cone!”

“Chī!” The unicorn of the head of the black horse suddenly turned up, and a burst of black fog continued to spread. The black bear’s eyes flashed in the eyes, “hu!” A knife has already slammed down, and the black horse king’s one-horn suddenly greeted him!

“clang!” “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” The huge long knife and the black horse king’s one-horn collide, and all the around is constantly bombing, even the far Yun Bufan and the Others have been affected!

The black bear king suddenly stepped on the ground, and the earth suddenly trembled. “Ah!” The black bear king was loudly roared, the huge bear’s paw fiercely pressed down, “bang!” was another strong explosion, the black horse king At the same time, the black bear king is a body shape, but obviously the black horse king retreats more!

This time of the collision, it is obvious that the black bear king has the upper hand, the black horse king groaned, has been slightly hurt by the terrorist power of this attack, the killing intent of the black bear king eyes flashed, coldly snorted and said: “black horse, now Go back, I can spare you once!”

The black horse king has a cold smile: “Black Bear King, now say so big, don’t you think it’s too early? Then pick me up and wear the sky!”

The black horse king roared loudly, and the one-horned horn floated up in front of it, suspended in front of it, and kept spinning up. There were countless black air around it, and the power of the black horse’s one-horned horn was getting more and more horrible. The stronger the whole, the whole unicorn, and the strangely turned into a dark crystal!

The black bear king was shocked. He knew that the black horse king’s attack was definitely a small mistake. In the eyes of the black horse, the black light flashed, coldly snorted, the huge mouth opened, and a black air flow spewed out of its mouth, bringing the whole The unicorn is surrounded!

“hu!” The black horse unicorn suddenly broke out with a powerful momentum of horror. The black bear king pierced the past, the black bear king pupils shrank, complexion greatly changed, the power of this attack, definitely called the black horse king’s full blow The sound is amazing!

The black bear king’s hands are also rays of light skyrocketing, the three-meter long knife in the hand is a cold chill, the killing intent in the black bear king’s eyes flashes: “black horse, since you are courting death, then you can’t blame me, Xiong Wang Haotian !”

In the face of this black horse king’s attack, the black bear king also broke out with all strength, and the momentum suddenly rose sharply. It suddenly reached the level of the ten-level Emperor Peak, obviously stronger than the black horse king. The black bear king’s gaze died. Staring at the three-meter knife that I held, and then coldly shouted: “The bear king is separated!”

“Personal, Young Master, you pay attention, in fact, it is the black bear family Totem, bear Totem, this black bear king is also a smart person, also knows to use the this move to fool others!” He Lin’s low voice sounded, Yun Bufan I suddenly turned and looked!

“weng!” A burst of black light flashed, Black Bear King’s within the body suddenly pulled out a mini black bear. This little black bear Yun Bufan had seen it before. He thought it was really the black bear king’s body, but now he listened to He Lin. Words, it seems to be more like the black bear king Totem!

Totem of the demon sorcerer family is a snake, and the Totem of this black bear family must be a bear. The power of the bear is so great that it can be split and the two sides are superimposed on each other, which is enough to enhance the strength of the black bear king!

But at this moment, he heard He Lin’s reminder, he also observed more carefully, and finally found out that He Lin said that it is true, this so-called avatar, and the demon family’s figure god is so imagined, now it is completely certain This black bear king must be the black bear family among the devils!

The black bear king’s little black bear suddenly sprinted toward the black horse king. Looking at this, the black bear king is going to resist the black horse king’s blow, and his figure god, to kill the black horse king, there is no one-horned black horse king, The strength is obviously much worse!

“Not good, Young Master, that 10,000 poison beads, it will be formed soon!” Just as Yun Bufan observed the black bear king’s figure, He Lin’s anxious voice rang again, Yun Bufan glimpsed, then went to the Black Forest. The inside looked at the past and saw the interior of the Black Forest. At this time, it was black light, and the black air filled!

From the outside, the Black Forest is only a little more black fog, but Yun Bufan who has entered it knows that this black fog is not a little bit, but at least ten times more black fog. There is no doubt that there is only one explanation, that is, Wanzhuzhu, formed immediately!

Yun Bufan took a deep breath and opened the mouth and said to He Lin: “He Lin, prepared, when the figure god and the black horse king collided, immediately went to the Black Forest and took the poisonous beads and said! ”

“bang!” Just after Yun Bufan’s words were finished, the god of the picture had already collided with the black horse king. He Lin and Yun Bufan looked at each other. Yun Bufan’s blue light flashed and he took the glory into Immortal Mansion, sound. Transmission low shouted: “Go fast, enter the Black Forest, take the poison beads and say!”

“hong long long!” The sound of the roaring sounded, the wind and thunder wings behind it suddenly appeared, that is, fighting the black bear king, Yun Bufan did not use the wind and thunder wings!

“hu!” Yun Bufan’s silhouette slammed directly into the Black Forest, and He Lin followed closely behind him, although the speed was slower, but not at all.

“Bastard, Yun Bufan, are you dare?” The angry roar of Black Bear King also sounded, and the entire Black Forest!

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