The 524th chapter of the growth of AO Guang

“Star owner, what should we do? Do you want Qiu Tian to develop under our eyes?” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao are both complexion changed, and then gloomy face, looking at Yun Bufan solemnly asked!

“Development? Hey, Qiu Tian, ​​Qiu Tian, ​​you are against the plot. But you have looked down on Yun Bufan!” Yun Bufan’s killing intent flashed, watching Wang Heng and Dong Haitao said solemnly: “Wang Heng, Dong Haitao, both of you, go ahead and prepare for it, and bring all the Profound Immortal that can be transferred to me, all together!”

“Yes!” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao looked at each other. Both of them were happy. Yun Bufan slowly exhaled: “The essence of Satan’s soul, the devil’s Lord, is also the time for He Lin, this guy, You don’t need to stay in Immortal Mansion. If you go there, you still have to have a master. You can help him!”

“hu!” One flash, Yun Bufan disappeared directly. In the main room of the main house, Yun Bufan sat cross-legged, his body flashed blue, and He Lin of a black robe appeared in front of Yun Bufan with the arrogance of a Tsing Yi. Both of them were slightly stunned, and then they greeted Yun Bufan with respect: “Young Master!” “Young Master!”

“en!” Yun Bufan nodded, and then looked at the past with arrogance: “Aoguang, blame me? Among the people who follow me, you have the longest time with He Lin, but He Lin’s strength is now You are more than a hundred times stronger!”

“Do not hate!” Aoguang smiled and shook the head: “No matter what my strength, I am the Steward of Young Master. They are also very respectful to me. And, if it is not Young Master, I am afraid that I will not be able to cure the dragon for a lifetime. Not to mention the point of reaching the present!”

Yun Bufan smiled nodded: “No hate, in the Immortal Mansion, your cultivation has always been the most diligent, but unfortunately subject to innate limitations, you are only a shackle after all, so the cultivation speed is not fast, but now, it is also considered Peak Xianjun!”

“So arrogant is already very satisfied!” Aung Kuang respectful opening, Yun Bufan shook the head: “I am not satisfied, my steward, how can this strength, arrogance, this time, I will help you to improve Go to the realm of the Emperor, remember, to what extent, to rely on yourself, in the Qingshen style, the longer you persist, the greater your future potential, understand?”

“Qingshen Feng?” Amazingly, then the eyes flashed: “Young Master, I understand, I will not let you down!”

“en!” Yun Bufan nodded, and then azure light slammed, Locking Wind Bead flew out of his eyes, suspended in front of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan said to arrogance calmly said: “Aoguang, Qingshenfeng is God World, not only forformable power, but also for your body, you happen to be Wind Attribute Azure Dragon, you can absorb its power breakdown, how much you can absorb, depending on your creation!”

“Qingshen wind, wrap me!” Yun Bufan whispered, Locking Wind Bead suddenly burst out of a strong azure storm, directly surrounded by arrogance, arrogant body azure light flashed, “ao! “a dragon roar 吟, turned into an azure giant dragon!

“weng!” His emperor Immortal Artifact long stick is also suspended above the head, Yun Bufan could not help but nodded: “This stick is also the Immortal Artifact of Wind Attribute, I don’t know if I can absorb a little blue wind breakthrough!”

“He Lin!” Yun Bufan did not go to see the arrogance in the Qingshen style, looked at He Lin in the past, He Lin also respectfully said: “Young Master!”

“You were originally a God World god, but now I am a servant, but now I have complaints in my heart?” Yun Bufan smiled nodded, He Lin respectfully shook his head: “Before, now there is no!”

“You are very honest!” Yun Bufan suddenly smiled and looked at He Lin slowly sighed: “In the future, God World will fly. When you return to the gods, you can choose to stay. Now, you still follow me. , so, I will give it to you, I will give it to you!”

“Young Master!” He Lin’s excited rays of light are also full of moving colors. Yun Bufan waved his hand and a black energy appeared in front of He Lin: “This thing, you absorbed it, I think, He should have a great effect on your soul, and even improve your strength!”

“Is this?” He Lin trembled at the black energy, the darkness inside, he was too familiar with it. In particular, what is contained in this black energy is actually the soul, this is the power of pure soul. And the power of this soul is so powerful that I am afraid of a terrible situation!

“Do you know Satan of the devil?” Yun Bufan looked at He Lin and smiled slowly. He Lin was shocked: “The devil’s Lord Satan, that is the legendary existence. In the legend, he was by Three Great. Paragons joined forces to destroy, is this the devil’s Lord Satan?”

“No, this is the power of the soul of Satan, the part of the devil. He Lin, you have completely inherited the inheritance of the wizarding family. You should understand how much the power of Satan’s soul is to you as the purest devil. “Yun Bufan looked straight at He Lin, and the expression of He Lin’s face was more excited!”

“This, the soul of the devil’s Lord Satan, is definitely more important to me than a Divine Artifact!” He Lin took a deep breath and then moved to look at Yun Bufan: “Young Master, you really let I absorbed the soul of Satan, the demon Lord?”

“Do not give you absorption, what do I take out in front of you, take it quickly!” Yun Bufan shook the head, the soul of the demon Lord lost to He Lin, He Lin excitedly took over, deep I took a deep breath and then walked aside and sat down on the knees!

“Weng!” He Lin’s black rays of light flashed, and the power of the black soul was suddenly sucked into his nostrils. He Lin suddenly broke out of the black rays of light, horror The dark breath emanated from him!

“hu!” “hu!” The dark soul of a group was constantly inhaled by him, and He Lin was suddenly covered in a black mist. At this time, Yun Bufan suddenly stood up, one flicked and flew out. !

At the door of the wing, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao, who are preparing to knock on the door, were shocked. They took a few steps back and then said with a bitter smile: “Star Lord, you are scared to death!”

“What are you doing here?” Yun Bufan looked at Wang Heng and Dong Haitao calmly asking!

“Star Lord, we are here to tell you that all the people are ready, and can go to attack Qiu Tian at any time!” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao looked respectfully at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan, nodded: “You must first prepare I still have something to do. When my work here is over, it will pass!”

“hong long long!” A burst of roaring came from the wing, Yun Bufan complexion changed, and the next one, once again entered the wing, a roar screaming, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao Look at each other in dismay !

“This is what the star owner is doing inside?” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao looked at each other. Wang Heng looked at Dong Haitao and looked shocked. Dong Haitao also smiled and shook the head: “I know, but look at this scene, we are still away. Stay away!”

“Let’s go, let’s get ready to attack Qiu Tian!” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao hurried away!

“peng!” “peng!” “roar!” “roar!” arrogant in the blue wind, screaming in pain, frantically hitting the surroundings, but surrounded by Yun Bufan, so he Nothing is destroyed at all!

“bang!” “bang!” burst into a mad bombing, Yun Bufan’s room suddenly trembled, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, watching the painful arrogance, no expression on his face!

“weng!” “weng!” Even if it is very painful, the eyes of arrogant are still full of firmness, and there is a burning of azure energy into the body of the arrogant, the whole body suddenly azure light slamming, a powerful Wind strength broke out from it!

“en?” Yun Bufan frowned, he found that Aoguang has almost reached the limit, Yun Bufan’s Locking Wind Bead floated out, ready to receive this Qingshen style, and Aoguang saw Locking Wind Bead, and his eyes flashed a bit. Anxious: “Male… son! I can!”

“en?” Yun Bufan looked at the stubborn look of arrogant, and then sighed: “This is your choice, I hope you really can!”

“weng!” azure light flashed, Locking Wind Bead was again picked up by him, “roar!” proudly screamed, screaming, azure light slamming, the blue wind, all of a sudden He inhaled with the the body, and the arrogant body suddenly cyan ray slammed up!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” a path of blood marks appearing on the body of arrogant, arrogant eyes are full of perseverance: “If you persist, you must stick to it. Otherwise, you will lose all your efforts. Everyone is improving. I can’t Be the one who drags your legs, you must upgrade and stick to it!”

“Chī!” Countless blood flew, arrogant groaned, a trace of confusion in the eyes, Yun Bufan heart movement, but seeing the unyielding and perseverance in the eyes of the arrogant, Yun Bufan once again sighed!

“I don’t believe, I can’t!” Aoguang insisted that Cyan ray was hidden in his body, and then slowly fell into his body. The proud body fiercely fell into the air. , pick up a piece of dust!

“weng!” cyan ray Mang slowly was arrogant income within the body, the scar on the arrogant body slowly healed, Yun Bufan eyes immediately brightened: “Oh, past, Qingshenfeng, he turned out to be really all Absorbed!”

Yun Bufan also has a surprise color in his eyes. The proud light has passed. It shows that the strength of AO Guang will definitely have a huge improvement. As for the promotion, it depends on how much Qing Shenfeng himself absorbed. Power!

“hu!” arrogantly stood up and felt the power of with the body. He couldn’t help but scream, Yun Bufan smiled and looked at arrogance, and arrogant suddenly slammed down on Yun Bufan, excitedly said : “Young Master, thank you!”

“You are now counting a few levels of Emperor?”

“Level 5 !”

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