The fifth hundred twenty three chapters Qiu Tian’s action

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and the white jade was picked up by him. Little Wei hurriedly asked, “Out of the ordinary, is there something wrong?”

“It’s a problem, but it’s a good thing!” Yun Bufan slightly smiled: “The white jade’s magical effect is more extensive than before. I didn’t expect it, the increase is even more horrible, now in the Immortal Mansion for sixty years. It’s only been a year outside!”

“What?” Little Wei looked shocked: “That’s not to say that if they stayed in Immortal Mansion for 20 years, it would be equivalent to practicing for a whole 1200 years?”

“Yes!” Yun Bufan was also exhaled, and there was an incredible expression on his face: “It’s incredible. This white jade is round. If you continue to evolve, you don’t know how much it will work. It’s no wonder that the ink girl said the flow of time seems to be like changed!”

“Then let’s talk to her quickly, so they have a number in their hearts!” Little Wei smiled at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan nodded, and the immortality poured into Immortal Mansion, and then told Mo Qilin about the situation. Mo Qilin is more shocked at the same time, but more joy!

Thinking of Mo Qilin’s delightful appearance, Yun Bufan couldn’t help but smile, toward Little Wei nodded: “Only Wei, let’s go, let’s go back to the East Star!”

Immortal World East Star, among the star houses, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao are leisurely playing Go. At this moment, Yun Bufan they all entered the Secret Realm, in the midst of this East Star, they The strength of the two hands can be said to be the most powerful, so it has become the real governor of today!

“Dong brother, you said that the star owner will be in the market, Secret Realm, what kind of baby will you get? Will there be any breakthrough in strength?” Once the child settles, Wang Heng is slightly smiled, and the eyes are shining!

“Secret Realm, it is said that each time it is opened for only ten years, the ancient divine object inside is even more numerous. The power brought by the star owner is enough to get huge benefits in it!” Dong Haitao also responded with a smile. !

“Fortunately, we chose the right!” Wang Heng could not help but sigh, said with a smile: “I thought, at the beginning, I was still thinking about whether my choice was wrong, after all, the star owner can always be Millenium Peak. Hunting, it looks like a dead man!”

“So, we are fortunate, luck can often be regarded as part of the strength. Now you Wang Family, and my Dong Family, not to mention in the northwestern star field, I am afraid that the entire Immortal World is also a small name. This is because of the star owner!” Dong Haitao is also a sigh, the eyes are excited!

“I only hope that the star owner can come back from the property after the Secret Realm. In this case, my Wang Family, your Dong Family, can follow the star master again, and then develop the power of our two families!” Wang Heng’s eyes Flashing, every time the war, how many people they die, will receive double compensation, this force is also growing!

“Come on, rest assured, the star master will not let go of the cold light!” Dong Haitao slightly smiled, still want to say anything, there is a spy who flew in, respectfully opened the mouth and said: “Two adults, Dongpu foreign domain Discovering the trace of the star owner, the star owner is flying towards here!”

“What? Star owner?” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao both stood up in shock, Wang Heng complexion sank: “The idiot, the star owner must be in the market at this time Secret Realm, how could it appear in the East, you are sure No mistakes?”

“The subordinates are willing to guarantee by the head, there is absolutely no mistake, and the star owner is still followed by Mrs. Little Wei, there will be no mistake!” The spit suddenly screamed, very sure!

“en?” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao are both frowned, Wang Heng whispered muttered: “Impossible, impossible, this only lasted for a year, how the star owner came out from the market, Secret Realm, no, someone Knowing that the star owner is going to the market, Secret Realm, so pretend to be the star owner, have to deal with my East comet?”

“There is this possibility!” Dong Haitao also looked gloomy, nodded, and then sole solemnly: “Brother Wang, whether it is true or not, we must also have to arrange it. If it is a true star owner, it is just a greeting. Star owner, if it is fake, then this person, you do not need to survive!”

“Good! I will go get ready!” Wang Heng complied, then turned and left, Dong Haitao also turned and left, and at the same time said the sole said: “The order is passed down, all the soldiers of the East Comet, all give me out of town, welcome City Lord driving!”

“Yes!” The spy suddenly retreated, and Dong Haitao finished the whole shirt and slowly left!

“Out of the ordinary, you said Wang Heng and Dong Haitao, should they know that we are here?” In the midair, Little Wei looked at Yun Bufan and whispered, at the bottom of the East Star city gate, but appeared east. A large squad of the comet, respectful and standing!

Yun Bufan also looked down and shook his head with a smile: “I am so blatant. If Wang Heng and Dong Haitao don’t know, then they don’t deserve to manage this East Comet. Fortunately, they don at all let me Disappointed, but hopefully don’t be smart!”

“Oh! It turns out that you deliberately tried to test their ability, but what does it mean to be smart?” Little Wei looked at Yun Bufan inexplicably, and Yun Bufan whispered: “You think they will believe that we are real.” I guess they thought we were fake, so we sent so many soldiers!”

“If it is true, then it should be greeted. If it is fake, I am afraid that it will be caught immediately. Wang Heng and Dong Haitao are really a bit of a brain. Indeed, this is undoubtedly the best way!” Yun Bufan whispers, shook the head!

“Oh? So, they are not sure if we are real or not?” Little Wei is also a smile, Yun Bufan laughed: “Secret Realm, whoever goes in, is only 10 years later, this is only After a year, how can they believe that I am true!”

“Walk, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao came out, I will go to the meeting for a while!” Yun Bufan laughed, picked up Little Wei, flew directly toward the bottom of the East Star, and his body azure light flashed!

“hu!” Yun Bufan took Little Wei and hurried down to the direction of Wang Heng and Dong Haitao.

“Adult, above!” East comet, outside the city gate, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao are looking around, where is Yun Bufan, a spy on his side can not help but point out, said!

Wang Heng and Dong Haitao looked up at the same time, just to see the subduction, Yun Bufan and Little Wei, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao looked at each other, the eyes of the two flashed, and the heart secretly secretly thought: “This breath, is the star Lord, nothing wrong!”

“Under Wang Heng, Dong Haitao, pay respects to the star owner, welcome the return of the star!” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao squatted on one knee at the same time, and behind them and behind them, everyone squatted on one knee, shouting Earthquake!

“hu!” Yun Bufan and Little Wei slowly fell, watching the nodded that Wang Heng and Dong Haitao were satisfied, and then faintly opened the mouth and said: “Get up, I am not in the year, it’s hard work, have you? What happened?”

“Star owners, it is better to go back to the government and then say?” Wang Hengchao looked around all around, and then smiled at Yun Bufan opened the mouth and said!

“Good! Go back to the government and say!” Yun Bufan shook his head and walked in the forefront. Both Wang Heng and Dong Haitao were respectful behind them!

In the East Comet, in the main house of the star, Yun Bufan sat in the middle of the great hall and looked at Wang Heng and Dong Haitao. Slightly smiled: “What’s the matter now, can you tell me? Just watch your words and stop, see It’s really something that happened!”

Wang Heng and Dong Haitao looked at each other in dismay, and Wang Heng then stood up and said with a deep voice: “The star owner, during this year, we have a lot of things happening in the northwestern star field. First, the sword has no life for them. The astrological field has been attacked by unknown people. Although it has been repelled in the future, there are still many mysterious forces in the course of the year that are constantly attacking!”

“South of the East Comet, southwestern region, Qiu Tianxing’s star master Qiu Tian suddenly led a large number of government soldiers and men, began to fight the Quartet, that is to say, our southwestern part, is already Qiu Tianxing’s family, under the control of the hands Dozens of stars!” Dong Haitao also stood up at this time, the interface said!

“Oh? South of the East Comet, isn’t it going to the cold spot?” Yun Bufan was slightly indulged, and then sole solemnly: “Take me the interstellar map!”

“hua!” Interstellar map unfolds, Yun Bufan stands up and looks at each and everyone on the interstellar map, then bows down and meditates, then said solemnly: “This Qiu Tian, ​​it’s an old fox!”

“We and Lieyang the Great can be regarded as alliances, but their forces are not developing in the direction of the northwest, but they are afraid that we will join forces with Tianyangxing to destroy them from the Secret Realm. Development in the southwest!” Yun Bufan looked at the interstellar map and was slightly indulged!

“Star owners, but this southwest direction, the south side, but the land of cold light, are they not afraid of the cold light will be shot?” Wang Heng looked at the interstellar map, could not help but feel incredible!

“hehe, if I guess it is right, the so-called mysterious forces that attack the innocent star field should be just a team of Qiu Tian. The purpose is to harass the inanimate star field and check his overall strength!”

Yun Bufan slightly nodded, looking at the interstellar map said with a smile: “As for the cold light you said, will he deal with Qiu Tian? He does not dare, Qiu Tian is counting this point, dare to be so bold!”

“My Heaven Destroying star field and the cold light cold light star field are facing each other. They all have the determination to destroy each other. It can be said that it is a real irreconcilable. If the cold light goes to destroy Qiu Tian, ​​it will definitely lose a lot. So, Qiu Tian is I can’t move him with cold light, he is a development in the crack, a good Qiu Tian, ​​there is courage!”

Yun Bufan has a cold expression in his eyes, killing intent. This Qiu Tian is obviously provoking and challenging Yun Bufan’s Heaven Destroying!

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