The 505th chapter of the diamond axe breakthrough

“weng! ” “weng!” A golden light 璀璨 on Qian Qiu Xue’s body, like a strong golden sun, golden light shrouded in the sky For an arc, directly to the other adult scabbard demon stabbed in the past!

“weng!” “weng!” ignoring the opponent’s attack, the golden wing behind it is slightly shaken, the other’s knife fiercely on the body of the snow, the golden long sword of Qianqiu also penetrates the other’s chest, from which fatal The red dot is worn by!

“Chī!” golden light flashed, golden Divine Artifact long sword penetrated directly from the chest of the adult scabbard demon, the black knives of the adult scabbard demon stopped at a meter away from the snow. Stared wide-eyed, the eyes are full of expressions that I can’t believe!

“bang!” The adult scabbard demon blasted open, and a burst of black fog continued to spread. When the snow fell, the black beads were caught in the hands. Yun Bufan shook the head: “Divine Artifact three-piece suit, unfortunately However, Qianqiu Snow is practicing the power of ice and can’t play the full formidable power of Divine Artifact three-piece suit!”

The Angel family, like the Warrior God, is very passionate about fighting, so their Divine Artifact, and only the True Martial War Scripture or the talents who have cultivated the power of gold can fully exert their magical and formidable power. Is the strength of the ice of cultivation, in the sharpness of the attack, or a little less!

Now, the only thing that has not ended the battle is the war madness. The battle is over here. Qian Qiu Xue also said nothing, and turned directly into the battle to kill the young scabbard demon!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” He Lin and the adult scabbard demon are also black light 璀璨, it is weird that the black fog on the scabbard demon can be absorbed by He Lin, thus enhancing He Lin’s Strength, even He Lin himself, is also unknown!

In the eyes of the adult scabbard demon, there was a hint of horror. The death of his four brothers, He Lin’s special, made him feel what is fear, He Lin’s eyes flashed cold, said coldy: “Your four brothers have already Dead, what are you still alive? Let’s die!”

“Weng!” Death God’s Scythe suddenly burst into a smashing black rays of light, “hu!” A black mist flashed, and the god of death appeared beside the sickle, grasping the sickle and flying directly toward the adult scabbard demon. past!

The adult scabbard demon eyes glanced, his eyes filled with horror, watching the death tremble: “Death… God? The death of the wizarding family? Legendary death?”

He Lin brows, “Chī!” Very weird, Death held Death God’s Scythe, it was easy to scratch the other side of the black knife, directly attacked the other party’s fatal weakness, “bang!” Adulthood The scabbard demon suddenly exploded and turned into a crush!

“black beads!” He Lin eyes shined, grabbed the black beads and felt the huge energy. He Lin’s face suddenly showed a surprise color. For him, the difference is now this power!

“Chī!” swallowed the black energy bead, and He Lin suddenly slammed the black light, and a burst of powerful force continued to emerge from his with the body. “weng!” black light flashed, He Lin spirit A shock, then a huge momentum suddenly broke out from him!

Yun Bufan’s face suddenly appeared a little surprised: “Breakthrough?”

“bang!” black light is hidden, He Lin looks at Yun Bufan with excitement, and Yun Bufan smiles at the head and throws the black beads in his hand: “Get it, this thing for you, maybe It is the most useful!”

He Lin took it and gratefully glanced at Yun Bufan: “many thanks Young Master !”

This adult scabbard demon’s bead can be said to be the treasure that anyone wants. It must be known that it contains pure power. There is no attribute difference. Anyone who cultivates any attribute cultivation technique can absorb it. Yun Bufan can also In improving the strength, it is only faster and more obvious!

He Lin swallowed the black beads that Yun Bufan gave him. The black light flashed, and He Lin’s momentum increased. There was no breakthrough cultivation base, but the strength was indeed enhanced!

“He Lin, this one, I will give it to you, I am useless!” drunk and ruthless, and the black beads in his hand were also thrown over He Lin, He Lin grasped, drunk and ruthlessly nodded, heavy : “many thanks !”

“weng!” black light flashed, He Lin swallowed one again, and then he turned to Yun Bufan nodded: “Young Master, these young scabbard demons, give it to me, like my strength, have them Like suppression, I should be a lot easier to deal with them!”

“hu!” turned into a black mist, He Lin directly broke into it, a piece of blade glow flashed, took away the life of each and everyone scabbard demon, these young scabbard demon, with the body simply did not The kind of black beads with powerful energy just added some trouble to them!

“Endless slaughter, hentai slaughter, is this layer, is there really only a slaughter?” Yun Bufan whispered to himself, less than half an hour, dozens of young scabbard demons destroyed, no one left under!

Yun Bufan took a deep breath, and everyone said with a smile : “The space here is not small, there must be some treasure, which can be obtained, depending on their chances, let’s find it together!”

“Good!” Everyone was scattered around and rummaging around, and Yun Bufan felt a bit weird. Since entering this 3rd-layer, he feels like he was in Culture World. Stock summon, very strong summon!

This summon is actually from the mysterious white jade bottle. Yun Bufan doesn’t know how the Culture World, Immortal World and God World’s Secret Realm have any connection, but he knows that 6th of Secret Realm is here. Floor , there is probably another baby in summon myself, or that summon owns the mysterious white jade bottle with the body!

Yun Bufan took a deep breath and pressed the inner part of the instigation. He also looked for all around. Suddenly, a red light flashed and Yun Bufan turned and looked at it. A fire red flower, emitting red rays of light, a strong hot breath!

“Supreme Treasure of Fire Attribute Cultivation Technique!” The crowd couldn’t help but sigh, and the war madness really found out the treasure, and they and everyone worked harder to find it!

“That is?” Yun Bufan eyes shined, a ray of light on the body, a direct punch to one of the dark mountain walls, “bang!” Black stone collapsed, countless black stones rolling down, one A small pothole appeared in front of you!

In the pothole, there was a small black iron box. Yun Bufan took the black iron box and opened the box. A golden rays of light burst out, and the whole space was illuminated. It’s up!

“Is this?” A full of old atmosphere emerged from above, a piece of golden iron appeared in the black iron and among them, the drunk and ruthless look on the side, the voice muttered: “Ancient divine object, this is The breath of the ancient divine object, there is an ancient divine object!”

“Ancient divine object?” Everyone was shocked to see the iron in the box, Yun Bufan took it in his hand and found that the iron was extremely heavy, and then a burst of brilliance in the eyes: “The ruthless big brother, you said I took it In the fusion of the diamond axe, can the diamond axe break through to Divine Artifact?”

At this time, the talents recovered from the shock, drunk and ruthlessly slightly: “The ancient divine object, the magical use, we are also difficult to predict, you put out the memory of your Immortal Artifact summon, ask it on the line, It predicts that it should be more accurate than ours!”

“Well, you can continue to find out if you can find other things. I ask the soul of Immortal Artifact!” Yun Bufan nodded, the diamond axe flew out from his with the body, the golden light flashed, and the gold arm War God appeared. In front of him, look at Yun Bufan respectfully: “Master!”

“Gold armor, look at what is this?” Yun Bufan took the black iron box over, the gold arm War God stopped, then the eyes filled with fanaticism, trembling the black iron box, looking at the box Golden iron trembling asked: “Master, this iron, this iron, where did you get it?”

“Do you know what this iron piece is?” Yun Bufan asked as he asked, and the gold nail shook the head, but it was a look of excitement: “But I am sure that this is an ancient divine object, an ancient divine object, The material of Divine Artifact, and the material of the refining Divine Artifact, should be an extremely expensive ancient divine object!”

“If you let this iron block, what can you achieve?” Yun Bufan watched the gold armor slowly open, the golden armor trembled, then looked at Yun Bufan unbelievably, and then ecstasy: “Minimally The Immortal Artifact may even reach Divine Artifact directly, even if it does not reach the level of Divine Artifact, it will definitely advance to Divine Artifact in the future!”

“The lowest emperor Immortal Artifact!” Yun Bufan was secretly relaxed, and then looked at the gold armor War God whispered with a smile: “Get it, absorb it now, in this market, Secret Realm, there will be no Immortal Artifact, you can directly promote to the Imperial Immortal Artifact, even the Divine Artifact!”

“Yes, thank you Master, thank you Thank You Master!” Golden God War God ecstasy, took the black iron box, and then excitedly walked aside, during this time, a burst of different rays of light, Yun Bufan knows that this is someone else who has found some treasures too!

“weng!” bursts of golden rays of light, because there is no Immortal Artifact robbery in the Secret Realm, so the speed of the iron arm War God is very fast!

The golden iron piece is constantly integrated into the diamond axe. The momentum of the diamond axe is constantly rising. Everyone is shocked to see it. The speed of the diamond axe is so amazing that they feel a shock!

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