Chapter 404, Master of the Divine Artifact Set

“Peng Wang, why don’t we follow, do they really don’t go to 4th-layer?” Both Wang and Xiong Wang looked at Peng Wang, and the eyes of the crab behind them were flashing, watching Peng Wang puzzled. !

“4th-layer?” Peng Wang coldly smiled: “Unless the road dust they are tired, otherwise, with the strength of their three people, still want to enter 4th-layer? Wait for you to see 3rd-layer to What does the 4th-layer entrance look like, you know!”

“Peng Wang, then what do we do now? Is it all around?” The eyes of the king are flashing, but the face of Xiong Wang is a little confused, Peng Wang nodded: “Looking for treasure, this 3rd-layer, space Very big, there are so many babies, can you find something good, just look at yourself!”

“hu!” Peng Wang said, after the golden light flashed, he flew away in the distance, and then disappeared directly after a few flashes, Jinpeng’s speed, it was very terrible, and it was still the level of Peng Wang. Jinpeng!

“Let’s go, each sees luck!” The king whispered a smile, and then left to leave, Xiong Wang saw the crab Yedo, and also left, leaving only one of the crabs to stay in place!

Crab Yedo鈥檚 face was full of iron blue, watching the silhouette of their departure, and there was a trace of very ruthless rays of light in the eyes: 鈥淚 thought that my strength was greatly reduced. Is it a waste? Secret Realm, Secret Realm Hey, I am a crab, how can it be so easy to die like this, in the Secret Realm, I will definitely get the baby!”

Within a dark space, Yun Bufan and the others walked quietly. When they saw a huge open space, they all hid and stopped. On the open space, there were two young scabbard devils. They are fighting each other, and a group of scabbard demons are squatting around!

Yun Bufan discovered that in this space, there are four or five adult devils, but there are nearly a hundred young devils. This young demon is already very difficult, and the number is so much, the most critical Still those adult demons, constantly strong, and extremely difficult!

“How do we do it?” drunk and ruthlessly looked at the scabbard demon around the densely packed, and could not help but whisper!

“Five adult scabbard devils, but their strength is not strong, the most important thing is to be able to block their knives, I am afraid that at least the Imperial Immortal Artifact will do!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “The ruthless big brother, Shui Yuanbo, He Lin, Qian Qiu Xue, Jian Wusheng and I deal with the five adult scabbard devils, other young years, handed over to Jin Lie, how?”

Among them, the five Immortal Artifact Divine Artifacts are not afraid of the erosion of the adult scabbard demon, so they can be said to be the best choice for dealing with the adult scabbard demon!

“Good!” Jin Lie and Jian Wu, and the others looked at each other and then nodded heavily. Yun Bufan was nodded by the drunken four people, flying directly toward each other’s adult scabbard demon, shouted in a deep voice : “Kill, do it quickly!”

“Who?” The reaction of the five adult scabbard demons was not unpleasant. When Yun Bufan and the others were discovered, the five of them were also black light slamming, and numerous black knives were smashed from them. Come out!

“hmph, since I came here, let’s stay!” One of the five scabbard demons was cold with a sneer, and the black light was filled!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” For a moment, Yun Bufan, drunk and ruthless, Shui Yuanbo, He Lin and Qian Qiu Xue simultaneously smashed the scabbard demon on the adult scabbard, and the ray of light on the five people. And five Great Accomplishment years of scabbard demon keep banging back and forth!

“bang!” “bang!” Yun Bufan should be the strongest one, at least the strength of Level 5, but like the previous scabbard demon, the most horrible place of this scabbard demon It is the black knife on it!

“Break the sword!” Yun Bufan whispered, his purple light flashed, broken sword, Divine Sword fiercely, a sword, the other side coldly snorted: “A small level 3 Xiandi also dared to come to provocation, Really courting death !”

The scabbard abyss demons burst out with ten black long knives, and ten black long knives were instantly combined into one, and then smashed directly toward Yun Bufan’s Divine Sword, flashing a strong black rays of light!

“hong long long !” Tu Divine Sword collided with the black blade glow of the other ten black long knife combinations, and a burst of horrible explosions continued to sound, and the scabbard demon’s black long knife suddenly broke. For the black pieces!

The scabbard demon eyes suddenly flashed a stunned color, watching Yun Bufan stand with a smile: “I didn’t expect you to have Divine Artifact, no wonder so bold, even dare to provoke us, but even Divine Artifact, also changed Can’t your fate today, die, Devil’s Blade!”

“weng!” burst into black light, two black scimitars suddenly appeared in his hands, and when they saw the two black scimitars, Yun Bufan was slightly stunned, then complexion greatly changed: “Immortal Artifact, these two machete, is actually the existence of the royal class?”

With the strength of this scabbard demon, with the Imperial Immortal Artifact, Yun Bufan also has a feeling that he is not the opponent of the opponent. Yun Bufan鈥檚 killing intent flashes, and the nine rays of light flashes. The momentum of horror continues to climb!

“This momentum, a good momentum!” Scabbard devil inwardly startedled in one’s heart, Yun Bufan Cold drink: “Five Elements big source of the Five Elements!”

“weng!” “weng!” multicolored rays of light slamming, King Kong Axe, Aoki Shino, Water Emperor, Fireball and Earth Shield appear in front of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan knows, attacking each other Weakness, this fatal blow must not have the slightest mistake, so it is the best policy to start with only the power that costs him!

“What? These Immortal Artifact, the bastard, he also has a Divine Artifact, how he controlled so many Immortal Artifact and Divine Artifact!” The expression of the scabbard demon eyes flashing with fear, three pieces of Immortal Artifact, two pieces The fusion of the Imperial Immortal Artifact has already made him feel threatened, a deadly threat!

The scabbard demon whispered, the black light flashed on his body, “hong long long!” Yun Bufan’s Five Elements rounded fiercely to the other side of the body full of black sharp knife, a strong collision sound continued to sound From this, the adult scabbard demon was suddenly shaken out by fiercely!

Yun Bufan鈥檚 fierce flash in his eyes, the scabbard demon is also angry and roaring: 鈥淒eath!鈥?/p>

“Don’t die? Then you have to see who is dead!” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, and then shouted coldly: “Desperate the world!”

“weng!” bursts of colorful rays of light, Yun Bufan’s Divine Sword with a terrifying matchless tyrant Dao Aura, smashed directly toward the scabbard’s chest fiercely, the scabbard demon seems to be Seeing the flash of the light in the eyes of Yun Bufan, I still tried my best to smash down Yun Bufan with a black lacquer!

“bang!” burst into a loud sound, “clang!” This black air wave directly hit Yun Bufan’s Dragon God, and Yun Bufan was suddenly shaken out, “pu!” A large mouthful of blood sprayed out, Yun Bufan Staring at the scabbard demon, this sword, dominating the world, Yunbu is sure, you can definitely kill this scabbard demon!

The scabbard demon saw the sword under Yun Bufan鈥檚 armpit, and his face showed a dignified expression. A burst of black rays of light began to flash, and a black knife appeared on it. 鈥渂ang!鈥?Divine Sword slammed down, all the black knives of the scabbard demon were actually under this sword, and they were all turned into black pieces!

“weng!” Tu Divine Sword The colorful rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan flashed, the wind and thunder wings shook, and in the adult scabbard demon horrified, incomprehensible eyes, one grabbed it toward its chest, Then the nine rays of light on the arm flashed, “bang!” This scabbard demon was suddenly blown into a crush!

“Ch墨!” The same bead that emits black rays of light is held in the palm of the hand by Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan gasps and looks at the direction of drunkenness and the others. At this moment, the drunken battle is also Already near the end, in the other side’s crazy counterattack, drunk and ruthless sword pierced the other’s chest, and then seized the black energy beads!

“The ruthless big brother!” Yun Bufan couldn’t help but smile up, drunk and ruthless is also laughed: “out of the ordinary brother, it seems to be faster than you and me!”

“Death! No life kills!” The sound of the sword is cold and cold, and the murderous aura rises from the sky. “Ch墨!” Even the sword with the sword, the sword has no direct penetration from the chest of the scabbard demon. At the moment, the black beads are also held in his hands!

Feel the huge energy contained in it, the sword is a happy life, and the battle here, there is left He Lin and Qian Qiu Xue, drunk and ruthless Yun Bufan said with a smile : “Don’t help?”

“No, I believe them, the road is the scabbard demon of the young, the number is too much, but it is not easy to deal with!” Yun Bufan is drunk and ruthless, and the sword has no life to smile, drunk and ruthless, and the sword is lifeless, and then Sparkling toward the group of young scabbard demons swept away!

I don’t know why, He Lin’s cultivation technique seems to have a repressive effect on the scabbard demon, so He Lin’s battle with the other side seems to be easy, but on the other side of the snow, there is a feeling of being unable to stand up!

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the snow, and then coldly snorted, suddenly bursting out of the golden rays of light, golden wings, golden long sword, golden wings, Yun Bufan saw the golden Divine Artifact There was a faint expression on his face, and his eyes were full of incredulity!

This is a three-piece set of Divine Artifact, a three-piece set of Divine Artifact, which he clearly gave to the war mad!

“No wonder, it’s no wonder that the war madness has never been used. It turns out that Divine Artifact’s three-piece suit turned out to be a thousand years of snow!” Yun Bufan looked at the Divine Artifact three-piece suit, and couldn’t help but laugh, the war mad, still Immortal Artifact is the same!

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