Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1695 Eastern God of War (first update)

Ji Wushuang wants to cry but has no tears!

Even if he sees it, don't say it out loud, how embarrassing!

Ahem... Well, let me go down and see what's going on inside.

In order to divert her attention, Ji Wushuang had to enter the holy mountain.

Pepe said: Be careful, it's too quiet inside, it's a bit scary.

Ji Wushuang nodded and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

Peipei looked around, frowning, and then his figure flashed a few times, and there were screams all around, and it turned out to be a creature coming out of the Holy Mountain.

This damn creature is not from the Holy Mountain. It came out of nowhere.

Pepe is very troubled by this thing and can't kill it all.


Open the sky!

A voice resounded through the sky!

The shadow of the huge ax stretched across the sky, and the demonic flames surged, as if it could burn out the stars and split the sky.

Split the ground!

The light of the god-demon ax turned into a curved arc, as if cutting through the moon, and drew out the sky.

It seemed to be the most terrifying light in the world, enough to blind everyone's eyes.

The wind swept thousands of miles of wolf smoke, one ax caused thunder in the sky, and two axes swept out, splitting the sky and clouds, and cracking the earth!

The entire Holy Mountain was already in a mess by the little guy, as if it had been trampled by countless ferocious beasts. At this moment, it was once again being mercilessly destroyed.

The power of an ax changes the color of heaven and earth, which can be described as shaking the world and making ghosts and gods cry.

The little guy opened his mouth wide. This is the real treasure. He opened the sky with an axe, and a hole was cut in the sky of the Demon Realm.

Pepe was shocked and said: Go and inform the people, gather the demon army and prepare to fight.

When the barrier of the Demon Realm is broken, some people who hate the Demon Clan will take advantage of it. Pepe must leave here and stop those people in person.


The guards also knew the seriousness of the matter, so there was no need to be mistaken, and they immediately rushed towards Dadu. They saw many curious demons along the way, and they did not dare to approach the holy mountain.

You are not allowed to go in, stay on the ark.

Pepe said to the three little guys in a big sister's tone, and then disappeared.


She just wanted Peipei to let her in, but she wasn't allowed in.

Auntie, do you want to go in?

Aunt Long, shall we go in?

What are you two thinking? You are not allowed in.

Long Yanran gave each of them a slap. The pain was so painful that they covered their heads. The two children were so spoiled that they couldn't do it without the beating.

Aunt Long, why did you hit me?

The little guy pouted his mouth and looked at Long Yanran with his little eyes. The latter turned his head and didn't look at it. The kid straightened it with his hands and looked directly at her again.

My sister told me to go in. Why did you hit me?

The little guy looked angry and a little aggrieved in his eyes.

Bo... I hit you wrong. Does it hurt?

Long Yanran was quite funny.

It's all spit.

The little guy made a milky sound and rolled his eyes.

Since they were not allowed to go in, they simply sat on the plywood of the ark and looked at the Holy Mountain to pass the boring time.


In the cracks on the ground, blood surged, sweeping away the dust and rising into the sky, making the light cast by the sun dim a lot, as if it was covered with a layer of dust.

The Holy Mountain seemed to be awakened by an ancient giant and stepped on the earth. At this moment, it vibrated wildly like a drum head.

At this time, Long Jiani and the others saw a scene they would never forget.

Endless dark red blood surged out from the collapsed holy mountain.

What followed was a dark, bloody city that broke out of the ground, tearing apart the land, sinking and floating in endless blood.

The blood energy that could swallow everything spread out in all directions.

call out! call out! call out!

One after another, figures burst out of the blood city.

The skin of those figures was deathly gray, without any vitality, but they could move, as if they were being pulled by blood.

Zhao Xin and Ji Wushuang ran out wildly, their faces as blank as stone.

Huh... is a monster about to appear?

The little guy looked excited.

Uncle Chicken is too timid. He must have been scared to death in there.

Beibei was lying on Fang Zhou's head, her eyes round and round. Seeing Zhao Xin and Ji Wushuang in such a mess, she was not worried at all.

Hearing this, Long Yanran smiled and said nothing.

Zhao Xin and Ji Wushuang suddenly retreated, but the bloody corpses pouring out of the sky discovered their traces.

Quickly retreat!

The two of them were so frightened that they lost their souls.

Ji Wushuang ran and cursed: You kid, have you poked a hornet's nest? Release all these things.

Xin Zhao was panting and confused: Why did I let it go? I never went in. I was also confused when this bloody city appeared.

In short, the two of them were running away at the moment, and the bloody corpses behind them were almost catching up.

A demon from all eternity, the one who defies heaven. I am the God of War in the East. You group of ants cannot trap me, hahaha!

Tsk tsk, thanks to you, otherwise I might not be able to look forward to the day when I can go out.

Terrifying sounds came from the Blood City, like a demon awakening from a deep sleep.

The person he was most grateful to was probably the little guy. A slap made a crack in the seal, and the people who died entering the holy mountain continued to destroy it, which gave him an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Haha... I will bring chaos to the world, are you ready to die?

The Eastern God of War let out a long roar, and his extremely powerful soul power surged out.

Although he is still in the state of Yuan Shen, the fluctuations are impacting in all directions, shocking everyone.

It is unimaginable that this Eastern God of War, after being sealed in the Blood City for such a long time, still has formidable strength.

Zhao Xin and Ji Wushuang, who were the closest, shed a mouthful of blood.

But at this moment.

In the void, the light shines brightly, and powerful fluctuations appear again.

A starry river appeared above the sky, accompanied by a projection.

God of War from the East, if you were in your prime, no one would dare to provoke you, but it would be too presumptuous for you to be so ruthless in your Yuan Shen body!

This old man was the old man guarding the Sea of ​​Demon Gods, the Po-Army Emperor God. His figure wrapped in endless stars stepped out of the air.

He couldn't help but become angry when he saw the miserable state of the Holy Mountain.

Who are you? Why do you have a familiar aura about you and why do you know my title?

The Eastern God of War used an incredible tone. He could feel that this world was different from the past, but he didn't know how many years it had been sealed.

Take a closer look, who am I? If you still want chaos, I'll slap you to death, believe it or not.

You... you are Po Jun! Damn it... why have you become such a loser?

The Eastern God of War looked surprised and couldn't help but curse. The former Pojun Emperor God came to mind. He was a once-in-a-million-year-old handsome man, and he couldn't compare to the old man in front of him.

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