Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1694 The spread of death (third update)

Even though Juetian Emperor and Dugu Yidao both withstood part of the power, the others died tragically and no one survived.

The Heavenly Swordsman, the Heavenly Swordsman, the Heavenly Fist Saint, the Heavenly King Fei Wuming and other subordinates of the Great Demon King all receive box lunches.

What kind of three bastards in the grass!

What Diya Golden Army!

At this moment, they are all being photographed into a pulp!

But Master Xuanwen did not escape the disaster. He was trapped in the Dragon Bone Sword Qi Array and died!


Only then did the Holy Mountain collapse, setting off huge waves of dust and smoke.

The highest peak of the demon clan?


It was already the first low-lying area at this moment, and I don’t know how many people died in the Holy Mountain. In short, under a small slap, the world was destroyed.

Ji Wushuang's forehead was covered with sweat, and she was trembling inside. Thinking back to the little guy touching her head just now, she felt chills all over.

The corner of Peipei's mouth twitched. She could see what kind of power this was. Just now it was just a slap without any martial arts.

If one uses martial arts, the power will be multiplied many times.

Everyone on the boat was stunned. The guards' feet were trembling with fear, and some even fainted.

Long Yanran quickly went to check on Long Jiani's injuries. The latter's wounds were bleeding all the time and the pain was excruciating! !

Beibei, get the elixir quickly.

Long Yanran looked worried and frightened.

Peipenen flipped her hand, threw an elixir out of her storage ring, and said to Long Yanran: Give her to take this elixir.

Thank you.

Long Yanran did not hesitate and immediately gave it to Long Jiani. The latter's wound was smoking, and Long Jiani was still in pain, with a look of struggle on her face.

Ji Wushuang came back to her senses and said, This elixir cannot heal her wounds.

Hearing this, Peipei also thought that Long Jiani was injured by Tian Zhihen, which could not be treated by ordinary healing medicine.

This is the terrifying thing about Tian Zhihen!

Thinking of Tianzhihen, Peipei and Ji Wushuang's heads were buzzing. Such a powerful ancient magic weapon was gone.

The little guy ran over and muttered, feeling very sad. Then he kept digging in his pocket and took out all the pills in her pocket.

In fact, she didn't have many elixirs in her pocket. Most of them were experimental products of the Sixth Guardian, which were poisonous. The others were ordinary elixirs, and the better ones were all sold.

The little guy had no choice for the time being. She thought of Ling Yun's Holy Light, but she couldn't. The slight frown on her brows made Long Jiani laugh even as she endured severe pain.

Little princess, I'm fine, just bear with it.

Long Jiani forced a smile.

The little guy said in a milky voice: Don't cry!

Everyone: ...

Little Irene and Beibei were no longer on the boat. They didn't know that no one was paying attention to them at this time, and the little guy was the focus.

Long Yanran couldn't bear Long Jiani's pain. She looked at the bottles and jars on the ground and said, Sissi, see if there is anything else.

Ji Wushuang subconsciously said: Unless it is the emperor's supreme elixir, it is useless.


Supreme level?

He himself had heard that there was a Supreme God Lord, and he didn't know if he still existed. After all, the Supreme Alchemist had not yet been born.

The little guy pricked up his ears, and the figure of Ling Yun appeared in his mind.

Supreme level?

Does her father have it?


As she smiled, everyone was stunned. They saw her reaching out into the void, her brows slightly furrowed as if she was looking for something.

After a while!

She took out a very delicate alchemy bottle with an elixir inside.


The little guy threw the pill to Long Yanran like garbage, which made Ji Wushuang couldn't help but vomit blood.

Who is going to tell him that this is not true and that supreme level elixirs can still be produced like this.

Ji Wushuang couldn't believe that this was a real supreme-level elixir, so she watched Long Yanran open the elixir bottle intently.


The moment Ji Wushuang saw the elixir, his heart beat unsatisfactorily. This was really a supreme elixir.

And Long Yanran smiled sweetly: It's this kind of elixir, Qian Qian is awesome.

Pepe: ...

All she could think about was how the supreme elixir could be hidden in the void. She really couldn't figure it out.

The little guy took Ling Yun's pill again, unknowingly cheating on his father again.

After Long Jiani took it, she immediately recovered and seemed to be fine. The supreme level elixir was so awesome.

Thank you, little princess.

You are welcome.

The little guy scratched his head in embarrassment.

Long Yanran breathed a sigh of relief, then looked around.

Where's Beibei...

With this shout, others started to look around and found that they were not on the boat!

over there.

Pepe immediately discovered that two children, Beibei and little Irene, were picking up things at the foot of the Holy Mountain. , moves quickly.

Ji Wushuang and Long Jiani's mouths twitched fiercely. They couldn't believe that the two children were picking up the broken pieces of Tianzhihen.

Beibei curled her lips and said, It's all my sister's fault. The treasure was damaged and all that's left is these scraps of metal.

Long Yanran didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Beibei would not pick up scraps of scrap metal. This action would be like someone robbing her.

Hearing this, the little guy scratched his head in embarrassment and said in a milky voice: I'm sorry, next time... next time I will pat him gently and never forcefully.

next time?

The child wanted to do it one more time. Ji Wushuang shuddered hard and was frightened.

Ji Wushuang was extremely speechless and said with some pain: The Sky Trace fragments are also good materials for refining weapons. They are really small money fans.


Beibei had already returned to the Ark. She had dozens of Sky Trace fragments in her hand, while little Irene had more than a dozen.

The little guy said: Didn't you say it was a treasure? How could it be just rubbish?

Long Jiani: ...

Ji Wushuang: ...

Beibei flicked the little guy's forehead, rolled his eyes and said, It's not because of you.

Long Yanran said with a smile: Qian Qian, please don't touch it, otherwise all these scraps will be wiped out!

After saying this, how could Beibei not understand? He immediately put all the Sky Trace fragments into the storage ring.

The little guy curled his lips and wouldn't touch it if he didn't want to. What's the good of these scraps? He probably wouldn't even take the big gold teeth. Thinking of this, she dismissed them.

Aunt Long, give me a hug!

If you don't hug me, if you slap me with your hand, my life will be dead.

Long Yanran shook her head vigorously, but the little guy had already hugged her legs. The sight of these legs made Ji Wushuang's nose bleed.

Oh, gnat, you're bleeding. Were you injured just now?

Beibei suddenly looked at Ji Wushuang in surprise, who was embarrassed.

Long Yanran's face was rosy, and she had no choice but to pick up the little guy, otherwise everyone would look at her legs.

With this hug, the little guy's body began to squeeze, and when Ji Wushuang followed his gaze, his nosebleed started again.

Damn it, I took too much supplement last night and got angry!

Bad guy, keep an eye on my aunt.

Beibei rolled her eyes and pointed at Long Yanran's heart!

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