Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1662 Taking the bait (first update)

When Emperor Liang Wu returned to Long Jiani's private room again, there was a sound of iron banging inside.

When he entered, his jaw was stunned. A table was cut in half, and the cuts were made in one go, cleanly.

Drawing on his many years of single experience, this is the masterpiece of God and Demon Ax.

The little guy gently touched the God and Demon Ax on the ground and said in a sweet voice: It doesn't seem to be garbage, it's quite awesome.

No, no, no, this is superficial. Children, listen to me. This ax is only useful for cutting some wood. If it hits some good weapons, it will break immediately.


The little guy blinked, as if he didn't believe what Emperor Liang Wu said, and the latter also knew that it was difficult for her to believe his words.

How could someone like me lie to you?

Oh well.

The little guy nodded his head after thinking about it, it seemed a bit far-fetched.

Emperor Wu of Liang didn't find anything, and bluntly said that he wanted to buy this fake axe.

This is fake, white-haired stubble, you have to think clearly. If you regret it, you can't blame us.

The little guy's tone was very serious.

I think very clearly, and to be honest, I also have a grandfather who is not going to die soon. He just wants to see the God and Demon Ax once in his life.

But you also know that it is so easy to see the God and Demon Ax. I can't bear it, and I can't bear his death in depression.

So I can only buy this fake one for him to fulfill his wish. This also fulfills my filial piety.

Emperor Wu of Liang wiped his wet eyes, and the little guy followed suit.

Your grandpa is so pitiful.

Then let's sell it to you. You also know that this ax was stolen by Handsome Shu after all the hard work.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

The little guy and Beibei said each other and looked at Emperor Liang Wu.

You tell me, how many spiritual stones, no matter how many, I will fulfill my filial piety, I hope you will fulfill it.

Sister, take him 300,000 yuan. He is a filial child.

Damn it!

Three hundred thousand?

Was there a mistake in the plot? Emperor Wu of Liang almost thought he had heard it wrong.

Well, we are not unreasonable. For the sake of filial piety, this is all.

Beibei looked reluctant, as if she didn't want to sell.

this point?

Three hundred thousand, Long Jiani's eyes widened. One of the top ten ancient artifacts, the God-Demon Ax, was so little money. It wasn't worth it.

Emperor Liang Wu wanted to say something more and wanted to lower the price, but he ignored the unsuspecting Long Jiani, who disagreed!

This is the God and Demon Ax. If you want to sell it, you can only sell it to me.

Long Jiani had to say this, she understood that the wealth should not go to outsiders.

Beibei's eyes were round and round: Auntie, what do you want this piece of scrap metal for? We want to sell it to the white-haired uncle.

Emperor Wu of Liang pinched his own people, seemingly numb to the title, he was the youngest... At this moment, he wanted to shout to the sky.


Emperor Wu of Liang!

Not old at all!

Little princesses, my aunt also needs this scrap metal. Can you sell it to me?

Long Jiani also looked expectant and eager!

Emperor Liang Wu's heart was in his throat, and when he saw the little guy shaking his head vigorously, he exhaled again.

Auntie, we have to be honest as people. If we agree to sell 300,000 yuan to this white-haired man, we have to be trustworthy.

Hahaha, girl, did you hear that? A gentleman has the beauty of adulthood. Why don't you listen to this child and tell me to be honest and let me fulfill my filial piety.

Emperor Liang Wu laughed heartily and liked the little guy a little bit.

Long Jiani didn't expect the little guy to say these words, and she was immediately ashamed. She had just taught them not to rob other people's good virtues casually.

The next moment I want to teach them to violate morality, which is really impulsive.

However, in order to prevent the ax from falling into the hands of others, she became the sinner.

I can still buy it without paying any money.

Long Jiani said calmly.

Emperor Wu of Liang's heart felt cold again!

Beibei seemed to have seen through everything, and she said: Auntie, if I don't sell it to you, you have to be filial, and can you come up with 300,000 yuan?

Hahaha, yes,...the one who pays the price gets it. Does the girl have 300,000?

Long Jiani's eyes were dim. She really didn't have 300,000 yuan. She gritted her teeth and said, I don't have it, but wait here, little princess. I will get my brother back right away. Just wait for me.

After saying that, she actually left the three little guys behind and ran out quite quickly.

The moment Long Jiani went out, Emperor Liang Wu made a deal with the little guy, and the latter got a storage ring filled with 300,000 top-quality spiritual stones.

You are all good boys, stay honest in the future.

Emperor Wu of Liang pretended to be very pleased, but then he didn't dare to stay any longer and walked out immediately!

Ha ha!

That girl is really stupid.

Needless to say, Emperor Wu of Liang's mood after receiving the God-Demon Axe.

Those three children are probably stupid. If one of them doesn't speak, it's like he has no IQ, and the other two are stupid.

I have to leave here first, otherwise the Shengshi Auction will find out that the God and Demon Ax is missing and will conduct a large-scale investigation. It's best for grandpa not to know about it and give him a surprise later.

I wonder what their expressions will be like when they know that the God-Demon Ax falls into my hands.

Emperor Wu of Liang did not hesitate and immediately left the Shengshi Auction and was temporarily in the Lion City.

And in the private room!

The little guy laughed loudly: Ah ha... I'm so excited.

This was the first time she was so excited. She didn't expect that the fake god and demon ax would be sold like this, but she was still willing to do so.

Is that uncle stupid?

Beibei muttered, his little head almost shaking like a rattle, he really couldn't figure it out, he was so happy.

The little one was sleeping on the sofa, dancing and humming. Her little feet were so flexible that she could take pictures of her own face.

Sister, I found an acquaintance.

Yeah, yeah, I discovered it too. He was beaten so badly, who could it be?

The two little guys were shrouded in consciousness, and the entire Shengshi Auction was clearly visible. There was an aura that they were familiar with, and they were imprisoned.

Since they didn't know, they couldn't control it, and then they became quiet. In fact, the little guy was thinking, how to spend the 300,000 spirit stones?

Should they all be placed between the eyebrows?

If Ling Yun knew about it, he would definitely be furious. Why would he give it to the Blood Dragon Yuan? The latter was there to protect the little guy's consciousness. He only came out for a walk at the moment of death. It was usually of no use.

Long Jiani came back gasping for breath. She didn't find Zhao Xin and didn't know where the latter had gone.

Where is he... others!

There were only three little guys in the room, and Emperor Liang Wu was nowhere to be found. At this moment, she realized something was wrong, and her face suddenly turned pale and absent-minded.

That big fool is gone, he is so happy.

Beibei smiled and narrowed her eyes.

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