Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1661 Take the initiative to jump (third update)

Long Jiani would not give Emperor Liang Wu a good look, with a look of anger in her eyes.

Girl, this is...

You'll find out later. Now take out all your spirit stones.

Long Jiani is now in her private room and can do whatever she wants.

Beibei's eyes lit up, and she shouted in a sweet voice: If you are robbing, take out all the valuables quickly, or I will kill you.

Yes, yes, haha.

The little guy didn't expect that she was more excited than anyone else at this moment.

I...I don't have spirit stones. The spirit stones are all at my grandfather's place.

Long Jiani frowned slightly and said bluntly: You can't do this.

It is not good to fail to learn well at a young age, and Long Jiani does not allow it.

Hearing this, the little guy lowered his head and said to Emperor Liang Wu: I'm sorry, we won't rob anymore.

Beibei and little Irene looked stunned, and they couldn't understand why they stopped robbing again.

But the little guy thought of another option, which was to sell the God and Demon Ax to Emperor Liang Wu. The latter didn't have the spirit stone?

It was a lie to the children. She saw through it at a glance. Emperor Wu of Liang had several storage rings.

Emperor Liang Wu cleared his throat and said with an indifferent expression: It's okay. I don't have any advantages. The only advantage is that I am generous and not so stingy. Seeing how sincere you are, I will forgive you.

Yeah, thank you, grandpa.


Emperor Wu of Liang was vomiting blood in his heart, he was the youngest! Aren’t there just a few white hairs…

Call uncle.

Yeah, grandpa.

Emperor Wu of Liang: ...

Long Jiani snickered secretly.

Sister, my daddy gave me this, help me hold it, it's so heavy.

The little guy said, and with a touch of his hand, there was a heavy god and demon ax on the ground.



Emperor Wu of Liang came here for the God and Demon Ax. When he saw it, he was excited and full of questions.

Shouldn't this god-demonic ax, one of the top ten ancient artifacts, be at the Golden Age Auction?

But Long Jiani was the most shocked. How could this be taken out by the way? If others saw it, huge waves would be caused in the Lion City.

Beibei's eyes flashed, and she immediately knew what the little guy was going to do.

Sister, put it away quickly. This is what Shuai Shu stole from inside. You can't take it out casually.

Hearing this, the little guy curled his lips and said in a milky voice: It's not worth anything. It's scrap copper and iron, and it's useless.

Emperor Wu of Liang heard clearly that it was stolen!

He was convinced because he didn't understand the little guy, nor did he understand that his grandfather had pitted the latter's stone, and her father was the Supreme Lord, so he had this ability.

Don't be afraid. The little guy shook his head gently, not worried at all.

Emperor Liang Wu also saw Long Jiani's expression, and found that the latter was equally shocked, and became even more convinced of the authenticity of the God and Demon Ax.

Beibei muttered and said in a milky voice: No, take it back quickly, others will find it.

Little Eileen looked at them back and forth and said, Yeah, yeah.

Emperor Wu of Liang coughed twice: This is an axe.

It's not an axe, it's a machete. It's all rubbish. It's a liar. No one wants it.

The little guy looked disgusted.

Long Jiani: ...

Treat artifacts as trash?

It’s just her.

It's so heavy. It can be sold for a lot of money. Beibei said.

If you can't move it, let's sell it while Daddy is away.

Do you think they mean to sell it?

When Emperor Wu of Liang heard this, his eyes flashed.

Is this really an ordinary axe?

Emperor Liang Wu squatted down and flicked the fake god and demon ax. He found that there was something he couldn't understand, and he felt even more excited.

Yeah, yeah.

The little guy answered affirmatively that this was just an ordinary axe, and she didn’t add anything to it!

Long Jiani frowned. She thought it was true and urged the little guy to take it in quickly.

Little princess, this is not garbage, take it back quickly.

This is rubbish, I didn't lie to you.

Beibei, I promise, my sister didn't lie. Beibei nodded.

Be good, put it away quickly.

Long Jiani smiled and touched their little heads, hoping that they would be obedient.

Emperor Liang Wu's expression suddenly changed. This should be the best time to get the God and Demon Ax.

Gray-haired uncle, if you want it, I'll give you this piece of scrap metal.

so good!

Emperor Wu of Liang could hardly believe his ears.


Long Jiani and the little guy almost said the same thing.

The little guy said that this magic ax belongs to her father and needs to be sold. Even if it is garbage, it still needs to be sold for some money!

Emperor Liang Wu breathed a sigh of relief. If he didn't sell it, he would be in trouble. Fortunately, this kid is not very smart!

White-haired squid, you must show sincerity, after all, it belongs to my daddy.

How much does this piece of junk scrap metal cost?

Emperor Liang Wu began to suppress his excitement and asked calmly.

Two hundred thousand!


Emperor Liang Wu's lips twitched. This is too much. Are these three children serious? Didn't they say rubbish?

Long Jiani said: No, absolutely can't sell it, get out of here!!

Long Jiani, who had no way to stop the sale, began to drive Emperor Liang Wu away.

Girl, talk nicely, why can't you sell it? This is a piece of scrap metal. It will only have value if you sell it. If you leave it alone, it will be worthless.

The little guy nodded and said coquettishly to Long Jiani: The white-haired squid is right, it is just scrap metal. It would be a pity not to sell it.

Her little eyes are full of longing, and they are all in her true colors.

That's great, right girl, I guess this ax is fake, so I'll sell it. I just want to be a good person.

Emperor Liang Wu repeatedly said that the God and Demon Ax was fake, just to get the little guy to sell it to him at a lower price.

Long Jiani didn't know what to say, she didn't agree anyway.

And Emperor Wu of Liang said that he would come back later and he would go to Old Man Liang to get the spirit stone!

After a while!

Emperor Liang Wu returned to his private room and was very excited.

Where have you been? I have been at peace for a year recently. I heard that I am wanted.

Old Man Liang said with some worry.

Grandpa, my grandson is careful. Please give me the storage ring. My grandson will give you a surprise.

Do you want spiritual stones?

Old Man Liang frowned and looked at Emperor Liang Wu involuntarily.


What a surprise. I tell you, there will be a lot of things in this auction. Don't spend money randomly. Don't be lavish like usual.

Old Man Liang received more inside information. This grand auction was unprecedented. In addition to hearing about the God and Demon Axe, there were also two peerless magic weapons.

My grandson understands.

Taking the storage ring from Old Man Liang's hand, Emperor Liang Wu's heart beat unsatisfactorily.

But he didn't know that as he was entering the little guy's trap step by step, he jumped in on his own initiative.

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