Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1406 Shock

A mighty and majestic tiger monster was foaming at the mouth and fell to the ground convulsed by the soft barking of a little puppy the size of its head.

This is really...,

An unprecedented and bizarre event!

In the silence, Ling Yun looked at the person in charge standing under the ring. The man's jaw had already dropped in shock. Looking at the tiger lying on his master, foaming at the mouth and his eyes turning white, he obviously hadn't looked back yet. God comes.

The results can be announced. Ling Yun said coldly.

The man came back to his senses after being reminded by Ling Yun. According to the rules of the Colosseum, once the monster is knocked out of the ring, it loses the competition. Now that the tiger is outside the ring, the result is obvious.

Manager Chen wiped his sweat and said with a smile: Let me announce...that this very cute little dog has won, congratulations!!

After he made the announcement, he was the first to clap his hands and applauded. He had a smile on his face and was a total flatterer.

The little guy laughed happily: Aha, daddy... we won, yeah, yeah, yeah...

This child's head was covered with sweat when he was excited. Ling Yun was helpless.

This result was beyond everyone's expectation.

Even though all this happened in front of their eyes, they still had a very illusory feeling.

After Manager Chen made the announcement, there was an uproar in the entire Colosseum. Everyone was talking about the result, and no one could give a reasonable answer to explain everything.

Amid the commotion, Manager Chen looked at Ling Yun and hesitated for a moment before saying, Sir, do you want the little princess's dog to continue to participate?

Ling Yun asked the little guy, who blinked and then nodded his little head.


Yes, sir, I will arrange it right away.

Elder Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded in response, and then continued to arrange the next confrontation for the little milk dog in a daze.

As for the fact that the little milk dog will continue to participate in the competition, other people in the Colosseum are also talking about it.

They really don't think that the previous victory has anything to do with the little milk dog itself. They all think that the blind cat encountered a dead mouse. Maybe there is something wrong with the tiger itself, he is sick or something else, which caused such a result.

People with such thoughts in their hearts quickly came up with reasonable explanations for things they couldn't understand.

They believe that good luck will not always accompany a person.

That little girl insisted on continuing to let her monsters participate in the competition, maybe she was blinded by the good luck in the first game!

The onlookers, who finally recovered their emotions, sat down and prepared to continue watching the next competition. They believed that such a weird competition would definitely not be possible.

Will appear a second time!


It didn't take long for those confident people to know what it meant - a slap in the face!

The little puppy stood in the ring for three consecutive games!


No matter what form of monster it is on the battlefield, no matter how powerful and domineering those monsters are when they play.

But as soon as the gong sounded to start the competition, and the seemingly cute little puppy looked at the opponent, the monsters were helpless and ran away with their tails between their legs as soon as possible...

What's more, he fainted and died on the ring, frothing at the sight of tears and rolling his eyes... exactly like the original tiger monster!

At this time, those who tried to find excuses to cover up this strange situation completely shut up.

One monster behaves like this, they can say it is an accident, two monster beast behaves like this, they can also say it is a coincidence, but when the third one... people have understood that this is not an accident, nor a coincidence, but... that stupid cute one Caused by the little puppy!

Watching helplessly a group of tall and powerful monsters, scared to the ground in front of a cute little milk dog, causing incontinence of urine and feces... The sour feeling... not to mention it makes people collapse!

There was no blood, no biting, and no entanglement in the three consecutive competitions. From the beginning to the end of the competition, it was unprecedentedly fast.

As long as the little naughty dog ​​opens his mouth, all the monsters will kneel down and beg for mercy!

People who participate in competitions in the Colosseum are basically people who do not have beast control bracelets, and they are trying to win the competition.

But the little puppy didn't even lift its paws. It only opened its mouth three times and barked three times before killing all its opponents instantly. It was really easy to win...

People who are used to seeing fierce fights between monsters and beasts are always in a state of confusion regarding today's three competitions.

They could no longer describe their mood at this moment in any words.

The only thing they want to say is...

What the hell is that little milk dog?

There are actually low-level spiritual beasts in this world that can scare the crap out of other monsters just by talking?

I’m afraid this is impossible!

I doubt that little puppy is definitely not low-level.

I suspect it too, but I have no evidence.

Everyone in the audience began to whisper among each other.

The little guy hid on the stage and gently stroked the little puppy, while the latter lay quietly and didn't take it all seriously.

Manager Chen quickly arranged the next scene, arranging the fight between the number one monster in the Colosseum, the six-armed white ape, and the little milk dog! !

The six-armed white ape was imprisoned in a huge iron cage and dragged to the ring by a small trailer. As soon as it appeared, it was irritated by the ubiquitous smell of blood in the Colosseum.

Yesterday, its owner Zhang Zijie cut off its rations, and now it came to the competition hungry. The animal nature that was already stimulated by the smell of blood, coupled with the feeling of hunger, made it extremely restless.

The little guy curled his lips and said in a sweet voice: What's the use of growing so big? It's's not as cute as my little tiger, and it's not as powerful.

Ho! Roar!

Hearing this, the six-armed white ape in the cage kept hitting the cage restlessly, making a dull sound. It was like a hill, and every collision seemed to be able to cause a tremor in the Colosseum.

So fierce, my little tiger is not afraid of you!!

The little guy started mumbling again, his gray eyes turning around.


The six-armed white ape noticed the small figure on the ring. The snow-white figure was very much like the lamb it used to devour every day.

The moment it saw the little puppy, it felt like every cell in its body was roaring to swallow it up!

The deafening roar stung people's eardrums, and everyone looked at the manic six-armed black ape with excitement, and their emotions kept rising and falling with the six-armed white ape's rage!

It is the strongest six-armed white ape among the monsters in the Colosseum, which is really shocking!

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