Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1405 Stunned

The little puppy thought that there was no pressure at all, it was so easy to get ice cream, and his face was filled with extreme joy.

The little guy was standing nearby, and Manager Chen was so worried that his heart almost jumped out of his chest. If the little princess was in danger, he wouldn't be able to lose a hundred heads.

The owner of the tiger had a sneer on his face. He just stuffed another piece of raw meat into the tiger's mouth and warned: Fight it well.

Wait a minute, if your puppy is eaten, you can go and stop crying. He continued to sarcastically say.

The little guy glanced at him coldly, ignored him, and turned his mouth aside.

In the Colosseum, other people were not very interested in this competition. The result was already expected, and they were even more looking forward to the next competition.

The person in charge of the competition looked at the huge disparity in combat power between the two sides and felt extremely anxious. This was Manager Chen's order and he had no choice but to do so.

The gong of the competition suddenly sounded, and the crisp and harsh sound cut through the sky!

The tiger paced and walked around the ring, its slightly raised tail as hard as an iron rod.

After experiencing several battles and eating raw meat with blood, the animal nature in its body was greatly stimulated, and a lot of exercise made it hungry.

Those few pieces of meat couldn't satisfy its needs at all, and its hunger revealed its hunting instinct!

The tiger's sharp claws stepped heavily on the ring, making a dull sound, and its ferocious eyes stared at the plump prey in front of him.

Walking towards the little milk dog step by step.

Manager Chen, who was standing by, saw the tiger approaching, and his heart couldn't help but feel in his throat. He was really afraid that the little puppy would be swallowed and the little princess would cry.

Looking at the little puppy that was only the size of its own head, the tiger licked the corner of its mouth. The hunger and the smell of blood stimulated it, and it devoured the prey in front of it as quickly as possible!


It suddenly opened its huge mouth and let out a powerful roar that only a ferocious beast could have!

The sound was so loud that those sitting close to the ring felt their eardrums sting.

As for his master, the smile on his face became even more proud at this time.

Manager Chen was also speechless. He couldn't figure out what Pluto and the little princess were thinking. He just hoped that the tiger master would be more sensible.


How many times had he winked to the side, but the tiger owner didn't even look at it? He was so angry.

The little puppy stood there blankly, looking at the kitten that was spitting at him. He felt that the kitten had such a strong tone, and a strong look of disgust appeared on his face.

When the little milk dog was thinking about how to beat the smelly and crazy kitten in front of it to death, it suddenly thought of Ling Yun's previous instructions to it.

Ling Yun said, keep a low profile...

In the little milk dog's consciousness, there are only two solutions to other monsters: swallow them up or kill them. And what is the reason for being so low-key? It's really hard to understand.

It could only tilt its head and look at the ferocious tiger.

If you swallow it, it doesn't seem like a beating, right?

The little puppy is so distressed. He scratches his head with his little paws, almost like a monkey.

Everyone saw that under the roar of the tiger, the round little puppy was stunned and froze in place without daring to move. They felt that this competition would soon end in the baptism of blood. .

Finally, the little milk dog finally figured out a way, that is, to scare it with its momentum.

Ever since, the little puppy imitated the tiger's behavior, opened its small mouth, and let out a powerful sound...


The sound was almost inaudible in the Colosseum. Just as everyone was laughing, a strange situation was unfolding in front of their eyes!

I saw the soft and waxy barking of the little puppy.

The originally majestic and domineering tiger monster seemed to have been struck by lightning. Its entire body froze in place, and its tiger eyes widened as it stared at the little puppy.

Just when everyone thought it would pounce and tear the little puppy's body to pieces, it suddenly turned around, held its tail between its legs, peeed, rolled and crawled... and ran away...


The tiger ran like crazy, its entire face was full of fear, and that look of frenzied suffering was nowhere to be found as majestic and domineering as before.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

No one thought that such a thing would happen!

The tiger's owner's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide as he watched his own tiger jump out of the ring desperately, and directly threw him to the ground, who was stunned on the spot!

What's happening here?

There was a deathly silence in the entire Colosseum.

What people expected didn't happen at all, everything seemed to be turned upside down.

The tiger that was supposed to crush the opponent and show its strength with blood hid in its master's arms like a frightened quail, almost killing its master.

But that little puppy that was supposed to be the tiger's safe little dog was standing on the ring safe and sound, looking silly and cute.

All this is really unbelievable and even harder to accept.

No one knows how to face such an ending...

Who can tell them what happened?

Manager Chen, who had his heart in his throat, was also stunned. Not only was the little princess's pet not swallowed by the tiger.

Instead, with that soft barking of a dog, it scared the shit out of a tiger that was several times its size! !

The development of things really made everyone confused.

The little puppy stood on the ring, watching the tiger shivering in fear as it cowered on its master. Foam could still be seen faintly at the corner of the mouth, and the tiger's eyes had turned slightly white. It was obviously frightened. Lightly, I drew it directly!

Due to the size of the tiger, its owner was almost crushed by it and his ribs were broken.

The little puppy waggled its tail and walked to the edge of the ring with its four little paws. A little tail swayed happily, and it raised its head and looked at the little guy happily.

That look seemed to say that dealing with a low-level monster was trivial, and ice cream was too easy to get.

Seeing the little puppy's expression of begging for praise and praise, Ling Yun couldn't help but laugh, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

The little puppy barks...

Don't say that the tiger monster is just a low-level monster. Even if it is a holy beast, I am afraid that it will be scared out of its wits at the sound of the sacred beast Fiery Tiger.

Not to mention confronting the little puppy, I didn't even have the courage to take another look.

Not being frightened to death on the spot was considered a sign of the tiger's psychological quality!

Others didn't know these things about the little milk dog. In the eyes of other people in the Colosseum, this scene was really weird.

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