The highway is high.

Every avenue is immense and unrecognizable, and a soul will never be able to reflect on one side of it for life.

Whether Emperor or Heavenly Venerate, likewise.

Generally speaking, Heavenly Venerate has only one main avenue.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

If Heavenly Venerate is to be testified, it is generally only in one way or another that Heavenly Venerate can be accessed.

Every Heavenly Venerate runs one of all Heavens and Myriad Realms, which is the Heavenly Venerate avenue.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

And before Qin Yi testified, someone took the emperor’s avenue, and Qin Yi would not be able to testify against Heavenly Venerate.

Qin Yi has the potential to testify unless that Heavenly Venerate meteor falls, or if he takes the initiative to get out of the street.


is why the road is more controversial than heaven!

Qin Yi, however, learned from Heavenly Venerate, Seven Prisons, three kinds of mighty avenues!

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Not illusory, without foundation, but not the end of the avenue, but really rooted in the evidence of Heavenly Venerate in the body in seven prisons.

So, ‘Seven Prisons Heavenly Venerate’ runs three avenues?

“This is impossible, and if Heavenly Venerate is in charge of three avenues in seven prisons, k will not fall so easily.”

Qin Yi frowned.

Qin Yi was also probably aware of how Heavenly Venerate’s strength was divided during previous leisure talks with the Temple of Dili.

Heavenly Venerate, who has just appeared in the Virtual Immortal Realm, and even Heavenly Venerate, who has long testified, has only one side of the road.

And if you take the bipartisan road, it’s powerhouse in Heavenly Venerate, and there’s little in all Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Not to mention, Heavenly Venerate on Tripartite Avenue!


could Heavenly Venerate be forced into East Frontier, even a meteor, if there were such powers?

“Then why is there three avenues on Heavenly Venerate in seven prisons, aura?”

Qin Yi is confused.

“No, not three avenues, but one!


Suddenly, Qin Yi pupil light was cloaking and saw some dots.

‘Seven Prisons Heavenly Venerate’ called ‘Three Avenues’, intertwined, as if one were one, or Ben was one.

Ultimately, ‘Seven Prisons Heavenly Venerate’ has only one avenue!

“Great Dao of Yin-Yang!”

Qin Yi was determined that the Heavenly Venerate ‘cultivation avenue in Seven Prisons was one of three thousand avenues, Great Dao of Yin-Yang.

Great Dao of Yin-Yang is very special on 3,000 Avenues, bleeding with the sun, living with light and darkness.

The sun is born, the light coexists!

one can only learn about Great Dao of Yin-Yang if he comprehend the Light Avenue and the Ghost Avenue to a certain extent.

It’s enough to get into the top of 3,000 avenues!

That’s why the Seven Prisons, Heavenly Venerate, come to aura on the Light Avenue, the Ghost Avenue.

As for Great Dao of Thunder.

The shadow collision, the collision of two extreme forces, will generate destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, thunderbolt breeding.

Divine Thunder in Heavenly Tribulation was born from Great Dao of Yin-Yang.

‘Seven Prisons Heavenly Venerate’ have Great Dao of Thunder aura, not surprising.

“If Great Dao of Yin-Yang is the opposite of the use.”

Qin Yi shook the head.

He cultivation the Emperor’s Avenue, with a crush on it.

If ‘Seven Prisons Heavenly Venerate’ Street, their knowledge of Emperor’s Avenue would be of great use to Qin Yi.

He didn’t try to borrow Heavenly Venerate from Heavenly Venerate, Seven Prisons, comprehend Royal Avenue.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Or, it doesn’t work!

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