“No problem!”

Qin Yi got rid of it.

“This is this small official’s fault, forgetting to remind your Majesty that Heavenly Venerate is the power crystal of Heavenly Venerate, with Heavenly Venerate’s essence.

If the creatures under the giant skeletons are exposed, they are likely to be assimilated by Heavenly Venerate. ”

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: (www.zhaishuyuan.com) the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

Heavenly Venerate is the symbolization of Heavenly Venerate, and it’s contaminated with a fairy Heavenly Venerate Avenue.

And this silk lane, too far, is not enough for cultivation base, even for Heavenly Venerate, to be used randomly.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!

In the central area, Emperor was fortunate to receive Heavenly Venerate dollars, but was not aware of these secrets.

As a result, Heavenly Venerate was eventually assimilated, so it collapsed!

Qin Yi Divine Soul is strong, and there’s a permanent fairy stove, system, keeping his Divine Soul safe.

Otherwise, it’s probably possible to take these Emperor’s dust!

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (www.zhaishuyuan.com).

After all, the Temple of Dili Road kneels on its knees and touches.

k Insecurity in the heart of the Emperor, who has been in such a dangerous situation at a time, is punished by this punishment!

If something happens to the Emperor, k can’t blame it.

With the constant influence of the road vows, k has completely acknowledged allegiance in Qin Yi and has seen Qin Yi’s safety as much as it is itself.

“Get up, it’s not your fault!”

Qin Yi shook the head, did not punish the Temple of Divine Road.

It’s not about the Temple of Dili. He’s too desperate to warn him.

Besides, he didn’t do anything at all to blame the Temple of Divine Road.

“Back off!”

Qin Yi took his hand, suggesting Demon Ox King and the others withdrew, and pupil light fell again on Heavenly Venerate Channel.

divine sense, stab into Heavenly Venerate.


One faintly discernable light sound, the images in Heavenly Venerate, are once again visible in Qin Yi’s eyes.

A ‘old man’, walking on the long river, standing there.

“Is this the Seven Prisons Heavenly Venerate?”

Qin Yi takes a good look at the ‘old man’ in front of the eyes, and it’s covered in divine splendor, and it’s hard to see.

But as long as it’s the first sight of ‘old man’, it’s like seeing all Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Numerous laws have resonated with them, audio waves, deaf, like God and Demon are talking about Heaven and Earth’s mystery!

However, Qin Yi clearly felt that ‘old man’ aura was clearly not in Peak, even a sense of stagnation.

Think a little, too.

These Heavenly Venerates are the centuries left behind by Heavenly Venerate, seven prisons, in the hands of the Temple of Divine.

Heavenly Venerate, after the departure of Heavenly Venerate, is no longer water.

Together with such a long time, there is power, or more or less, in circulation.

That is also why the Temple of Dili Road inspired own body in Heavenly Venerate and did not allow its body to recover completely.

Even by Demon Ox King alone!

“Great Dao of Thunder, Ghost Avenue…?”

Qin Yi eyebrows.

From Heavenly Venerate, Seven Prisons, he felt the shadow of two different avenues.


That’s not true.

“And, Light Avenue?”

Qin Yi’s eyes are more alarmed, and these three avenues coexist and do not interfere with each other in Heavenly Venerate ‘in the body in seven prisons.

Speaking of aura intensity, these three avenues are different.

That makes Qin Yi unconscious!

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