Ancient mirror high hanging.

The sky is shining through the ages, and the vast Kamui sweeps the mountains and rivers!

The silky aura, shrouded the clouds, the pair of eyes indifferent, floating like a fairy!

“This Son of God has to look at it, how many times can you break out just that way!”

Yi浜戝瓙鐫ㄧ潹 Qin Yi, coldly smiled.

He determined that Qin Yi could break out of the Empire’s Strength, but by relying on the secret technique of damage to its foundation, it was not a means of getting a counter.

How can the so-called secret technique compare with the emperor?

Even if it is only a avatar of the emperor, it also has the power of 1%, which is enough to suppress everything.

Qin Yi has no breakthrough through the Emperor, and he is fearless!

Qin Yi eyes Wei Wei, deep scorpion looks at ‘10,000 mirror’.

‘Different avatar? ‘

It is not a good means to take out the avatar of the emperor and condense it into a avatar of the emperor.

Perhaps, you can also condense a Emperor’s true Dragon Sword’s emperor, and give Xiaoya, and the soon-to-be-born kid, prepare one?


This idea is good.

Xiao Ya Ya is a hilarious person who likes to tease others, and keeps a scorpion, but also protects the safety of this little girl.

Hancock’s little guy in the stomach has to be prepared for the little one in advance, in case this little guy also likes to play with his elder sister, this is not a good thing.

In case, if you can’t see it in time, this little guy has some problems, but it’s not good. He said that he has to prepare for this little guy.

“Hahaha, Bai Jing, this time you continue to be mad! I have to see how many ways you can compete with this god’s million mirror!”

Cang Yunzi laughed heartily.

The silence of Qin Yi is not true, and falling into his eyes is the default.

As expected, the original means of Qin Yi can not be used too much, and He has a ‘10,000 mirror’ in hand, Qin Yi is an opponent?

“In the beginning, the Crown Prince is going to be defeated!”

“The separation of an emperor is enough to reverse the situation of this war.”

“If there is no corresponding Strength to counter, the end of this battle has already been set!”

The black armor sighed.

One party has an emperor, and one has no emperor. The result of this war seems to be clear at a glance!

鈥淗ow can this be good?鈥?/p>

The ancient gods are anxious and want to help Qin Yi.

But he was seriously injured, and even the ‘a million mirror’ aura could not break through, how to help Qin Yi?

“is it?”

Qin Yi was awakened by the words of Cang Yunzi, waking up from his thoughts, like a smile yet not a smile of the look at the ancient god.


Where did you see it, and there is no emperor?

“Is it impossible for you to come up with the sword that you were too early to teach?”

Cang Yunzi top ‘10,000 mirror’, the corner of the mouth reveals a sly smile.

Too early sword.

It is precisely, the emperor of the early Taidi, the power can not be inferior to the 10,000-yuan mirror of the Taoism.

However, the extraction of the source of the emperor, the founder of the most ruined instrument, especially the emperor that was cast in the near future, generally did not dare to extract the source of the emperor.

With a little carelessness, there is a great possibility that the fighter will fall off the emperor!

At the beginning of the sword, although the power is forformable, but the time when the great emperor cast this emperor, no more than 10 million years, Cang Yunzi will be so sure that Qin Yi is not too early swordsman.

How does Qin Yi be his opponent without the martial arts of the sword?


Qin Yi smiled.

The next moment, step by step, moved towards Cang Yunzi, as if the ‘10,000 mirror’ on the top does not exist!

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