
The mighty powers rumored the whole world.

The creatures in 9th layer World of Emperor Road only feel that the whole body is shaking, and the spirits seem to be crushed!

The colorful pillars pass through the sky, and the ancient mirror rises and falls.

“weng! ”

The tens of thousands of mirrors are shrouded in colorful radiance, slightly twitching, and spur the laws of the heavens.

Numerous spiritual qis are forming a huge storm, pouring into the ‘10,000 mirror’.

A glimpse of the aura, even the souls of countless creatures, freezes instantly, letting the light a glimpse aura makes them unable to resist!


The gold-winged great peng bird seems to be irritated, rising into the sky, and if the wings are like the clouds of the sky, the wings will be shaken up to 90,000 miles!


The Divine Beast is also a golden glow, stirring anime spiritual qi.

These two Ferocious Beasts regard the imposing manner of ‘10,000 mirrors’ as a provocation.

These two Ferocious Beasts are going to be shot!

Just as the two Ferocious Beast wanted to make a shot, suddenly the two Ferocious Beast’s figure was stagnant, as if they were imprisoned. The next moment, the two Ferocious Beast disappeared into this World.

There are no two Ferocious Beasts in the world, and many souls in the World of Emperor are even worse.

Only under this aura, shivering, can’t do it with half a minute.

“The teaching of Daoism is really decisive, and even the source of the emperor is willing to come up.”

“This is a source of the Emperor.”

“Sure enough, there are no people who are not worried about the major event!”

The black armor whispered.

Although the origin of the emperor is more precious than the non-God device itself, if the origin of the emperor is used, it will have a certain influence on the emperor itself.

Even, it will make the emperor itself lose its original power!

And at the moment.

Cangyunzi top ‘10,000 mirror’, ‘10,000 mirror’ hangs down a stream of light, lingering around the Cang Yunzi’s body, the clouds are like Immortal Ling Chen!

The ancient mirror is warm and crystal-clear, revealing the light that shines through the ages!

a path of the road pattern flashes from the mirror surface, jumping around the mirror all around, containing the energy of the heavens, extinguish the earth.

Even if there are several Baili, the ancient gods and the others can feel the terrifying formidable strength in the ‘10,000 mirror’.


As soon as the aura escaped from the ‘10,000 mirror’, it instantly collapsed the mountains and turned them into pieces of empty and ridiculous areas!

Ten Thousand Li Mountains and Rivers are all shocking, and the winds and waves are rewinding!

The power of the ‘10,000 mirror’ is terrifying to the extreme. It is estimated that even an emperor may not be able to withstand the ‘10,000 mirror’ of Strength.

“I am a devotee of the gods to the eastern boundary of the East. I have taught the world a few eras. The depth of the background is the same as that of the early imperial court.”

If you want to compete with the Son of God, will the Son of God be afraid of you? ”

Under the ‘10,000 mirror’, Cang Yunzi restored the calm and calm posture.

He did not know what Qin Yi used to break out of the Empire, but he believes that Qin Yi’s Strength is comparable to the ‘10,000 mirror’!

You must know that in order to condense this ‘10,000 mirror’, his Master, the Daoism of God, teaches the supreme, forcibly extracts the source of the 10,000 mirror, and uses the three pieces of the Emperor to be condensed. !

Among them, the strength of Strength, which has the power of 1% of 10,000 mirrors!

“This is the treasure of the Taoism of my Taoism, the million mirrors, this God of God wants to see what other means you can resist the million mirror!”

‘10,000 mirror’ in hand, Cang Yunzi’s bottom gas rose.

Ancient mirror is in the hand, the spirit is good!

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