Under the sky.

The glory of the glory of Huang Huang is filled with Heaven and Earth, and the rays of light shine on the heavens.

A sly silhouette, dressed in True Dragon robes, with twelve rows of glass enamel on the head, Hollow stepping on the sky, and stepping on All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

All the creatures in 9th layer World of Emperor Road, if you look up, you can see the silhouette of this figure and the balance.

Compared with this silhouette, the sacred Chengdi Mountain seems to have become small.

Not to mention the aloof and remote before.


Cang Yunzi constantly coughs up blood, and the violent fist strength is raging in his within the body.

Originally an indestructible body, breaking a path of long and narrow cracks, numerous bloods constantly flowing from the body, falling on the earth, splitting the sky.

The blood of the mighty, weak and weak!

A blood of a quasi-emperor, whose weight is more than a million baht, a drop of fallen, smashed a small world without any problems.

“Damn cock, you damn it!”

Cang Yunzi roared low and his voice was ruined.

He did his full power, and it was astrology that broke out for millions of years. This blow is enough to compete with the emperor, and it can knock down the Nine Heavens!

As a result, his attack still failed to help Qin Yi.

On the contrary, he suffered such a heavy injury, and the body is almost Shatter, leaving an indelible injury!

What is a road injury?

The injury on his foundation Great Dao is a trauma.

If a cultivation person is injured, not only will his own strength be greatly reduced, but it will also hinder his ability to continue practicing!

In general, unless it is to repair its own trauma, otherwise, this cultivator is simply not likely to continue cultivation!

On the way to martial arts practice, the road injury, Heart Demon, and cultivation are on the way, the biggest obstacles for the cultivation!

Even the emperor can’t avoid it!

For example, the emperor was invaded by Heart Demon, and he would fall into the abyss of Jiuyin and become the nine gods in Wanlingkou.

If the emperor is suffering from a road injury, the fighting power will not be one!


Cang Yunzi did not dare to neglect, immediately took out a piece of Healing Medicine Pill with a rich fragrance of medicine from the storage ring, and looked up.

“weng! ”

Cang Yunzi rises up and sighs, and uses the Strength of the god medicine to suppress his own trauma.

Compared with the Emperor, the road injury on the emperor is easier to solve. The road wound on the emperor can only be repaired by Divine Pill.

The road wounds on the emperor’s body can be treated only by the lower-grade Divine Pill.

As the generation of Daoism, Cang Yunzi is the most promising to break through the gods of the emperor, and he does not lack Divine Pill.

“weng! ”

A faint glow of light spurted from Cang Yunzi within the body.

His cockroaches constantly repaired his wounds, and at the same time he repaired his wounds.



Qin Yi, like a round of stunning sunsets, the body of Aura gradually quieted down.

Everyone looked toward towards Qin Yi’s eyes, all with an incredible look.

Cang Yunzi actually lost!

Cang Yunzi broke out all his fighting power, and he did not take much advantage in Qin Yi’s hands. He himself was injured by Qin Yi!

“Win… win?”

Even the ancient gods are stunned.

He had thought that Qin Yi could resist the 30% force of Cang Yunzi at most, and escaped from the hands of the ancient gods.

I couldn’t think of it, Qin Yi actually defeated Cang Yunzi!


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