
Great blood, across the sky.

This punch accommodates Qin Yi’s fighting intent, blood, mana, and even the “strength” of the “Bottom Card”, which is the strongest punch that can be played by this avatar!

This punch.

Draw the heavens, Myriad Realms is the minister!

A punch can smash the heavens!


Heaven and Earth were shattered.

Qin Yi people walked with the boxing, and the whole person burst into the glory of the gods, like a True Dragon swimming in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

A strand of terrifying blood, madly spreading in the Hollow space, set off a terrifying storm, breaking the chaotic Hollow empty in absolute.

The light of the sun is like a waterfall, and the aura of Myriad Realms collapses.

This fist strength, like a split of years, runs through time and space, wrapped in an eternal aura, moved towards the clouds.

“I drop a mom!”

The black armor screamed, and the emperor fled backwards.

Such a collision, it is said that the emperor can not be overjoyed, and only the emperor to fight has such an amazing terrifying power!

A little careless, by this aftermath, he is in danger of falling!

Not only him, the ancient gods, the Muring Fairy, and even the Ferncious Beast of the 9th layer World of this Emperor Road, did not dare to wait, constantly moving towards the place away from the emperor mountain.

“weng! ”

The formation law on Chengdi Mountain creaked, the gods appeared, and swallowed countless Nine Heavens immortal qi, which did not collapse!


Under the gaze of everyone.

Qin Yi’s two people’s fists collide.

True Dragon collides with the vast Milky Way.


At the moment of the collision, the two strengths were stagnant for a while, then Qin Yi’s right fist was like a glare of Hollow.

The stars of the river that traversed the sky suddenly burst open.

“You can’t beat me!”

Cang Yunzi’s pupils swelled and snorted.

This punch has already threatened his life, so how can he not be surprised?

How to be afraid?

All this is totally different from what he expected.

Qin Yi was not beaten by him, and even he did not suppress Qin Yi, but he fell into the wind!


No matter how he urges the movement technique, he can’t change his defeat!

Under the fist strength of Qin Yi, like tofu, it is easily split into two, drawn in two!

The mighty fist strength swept across the invincible, breaking the Milky Way, forcibly tearing the fist strength of the Cang Yunzi, from beginning to end, by Qin Yi.

The next moment, the fist of Qin Yi, was printed on the chest of Cang Yunzi.

As before, Cang Yunzi did, this fist hit the Cang Yunzi’s chest!


Cang Yunzi swears, the whole person is smashed by this fist, and it is like a meteor in a moment!

Cang Yunzi, defeated!

“This is impossible, it is impossible!”

While flying, Cang Yunzi spit blood on his mouth, and the incredible rays of light appeared in the pair of eyes.

He is actually defeated!

He, above Nine Heavens, is known as the god of the Nine Heavens, and he lost to the ants in this area.

This makes him acceptable!


Cangyun Ziqi rushed to the heart, a blood essence is squirting, the whole person aura wilted to the extreme!


At this moment, Qin Yi slowly fell.

The whole body is bathed in a burning silver flame, like an invincible god of war, stepping into the world!

Lost all the best!

Win the secret!

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