
The ancient gods leaped high.

The fists of the hands burst into the ray of light, the five fingers are arrogant, and countless channels like the chaotic color flow between the five fingers, containing unimaginable terrifying power!

There is also a fist to open the overbearing of the boxing, stuffing all around!

Heaven and death prisoner!

A royal product Martial Arts!


Wherever the fist strength passed, Hollow collapsed.

Miles Hollow was shattered in an instant, revealing the deep chaotic Hollow space.


Black armor king sucked in a breath of cold air.

In the light of the impering manner, this sacred god is stronger than the former one.

Even Zhao Cheng’s face was changed. He only felt that this old man was stunned.

In His view, this ancient god is stronger, and he is at the same level as the one-member emperor, and is under Him. The cultivation base is not as powerful as He.

Just let him avoid that’s all.

However, he never imagined that the ancient gods would be formidable to this extent!

Compared with him, it is not bad!

This old god is able to stand on the top of many emperors in the emperor’s world, including the countless practice of countless old Monster’s head, and become the first person in the emperor.

How could it be a good role?

Although the rule of the emperor’s world is incomplete, but after all, there are more than a dozen emperors, and each emperor is condescending, which is enough to thoroughly analyze many laws.

The emperor of the ancient gods practice is the most advanced emperor in the emperor’s world, enough to fill the gap between it and the cultivation of the eastern boundary.

In addition, together with the refining body, there are not many comprehend rules, and the influence of the incompleteness of the law on the fighting power of the ancient gods is not too great.

The ancient gods can naturally stabilize one yuan.


The wild son of black hair flies, pair of eyes burning, like a slap in the two lightning.

He at the same time motivates all of his blood qi, ignites the Strength in countless acupoints, and then punches it out, hitting Qin Yi with an imposing manner that blows everything.

“it is good!”

Qin Yi stunned.

This ancient god is the purest body cultivation, only self-cultivation, no cultivation, the body has long broken to the most perfect realm of the body, can break the freshy body.

I am only practicing a boxing method, in order to develop this kind of punch out, there is my invincible imposing manner!

This is the real body cultivation!

Body cultivation.

One fist pressures eternal !

Only with the blood and the Heaven and Earth, just rely on the fleshy body!

In contrast, Qin Yi is not so pure, neither the deity nor the avatar, has not gone purely refining.

Although Qin Yi is not pure body cultivation, it does not prevent Qin Yi from admiring this pure body cultivation!

And the best way to appreciate style is that it is a battle!


Qin Yi exhaled.

The foot moves, squatting on Hollow, squatting, and the right fist is slightly retracted, such as a long bow full of string moon.

The bow is full, punch out!

A pair of golden and silver rays of light are intertwined in their bodies, and a vast World rises and falls in it, making this strong punch.

This punch.

Thousands of breaths, cover the world!

“weng! ”

Qin Yi people walked with the boxing, and the eyes of the whole person were slightly picked up.

I don’t know when it started. In his eyes, only the old gods were left, and in the eyes of the ancient gods, only Qin Yi was left.

Between each other, only each other!

This is not a love, nor a friendship, but a burning intent that burns to the extreme, the most hot fighting intent after agreeing to the opposite side.

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