“Cang Yunzi!”

Zhao Cheng looks at the Cang Yunzi who is still reading the Tao, and his eyes are full of taboos.

Cang Yunzi.

The first person in the Eastern Territory’s list of emperors, occupying this position for 10 million years!

10 For millions of years, no one has challenged this celestial cloud, but it has been defeated by Cang Yunzi. The position of the first place in the waiting list has never wavered.

It can even be called the first person in the Eastern Frontier, under the Great!

This is not a slogan of casual shouting, but the fact that many prospective emperors admit it, and is known as the most promising son of the East Frontier!

Regarding the combat power, whether it is the practice of the old man who is far beyond Cang Yunzi, or the freshman’s supreme talent, he bows in front of him!

Even Zhao Cheng has to admit this.

Before the arrival of Qin Yi, it was even more faint and united with the Emperor and the ancient gods.

“Do you want to think that you can kill a guy, you can despise me?”

The opportunity to become the emperor of the emperor, do you think that I will give it to him?

Two, are you saying yes? ”

Zhao Cheng is sneered.

Qin Yi may be strength formidable, but if they want to let them reluctantly retreat, how can they be willing?

There is only one chance in an era. Can they not fight?

It’s just Qin Yi, who hasn’t let them fear!

When I want to come, Cang Yunzi and the ancient gods will surely cater to Him, and I want to clear this crazy Prince of the Prince.


Zhao Cheng is full of confidence, but it is an absolute silence.

“Name can be named…”

Cang Yunzi is still reading the scriptures and immersed himself in the Tao.

Even Qin Yi will kill from the Yuan Emperor, and he has never let Cang Yunzi have any action.

The ancient gods did not start to talk, but staring at Qin Yi with a gaze, and the fighting intent in the eyes quickly overflowed and turned into Raging Flames.


Zhao Cheng smiled and snorted.

These two people are ignoring Him!

If Qin Yi is the current enemy, he has long been furious. Perhaps he is not sure about Cang Yunzi’s shot, but he is sure to learn the so-called ancient gods!

A despicable indigenous!

“Your deity is outstanding, this son of God has come to teach you the best!”

The ancient gods can ignore Zhao Cheng and look directly at Qin Yi.


The blood of the cockroaches emerged from the sacred gods, as if there was a big dragon in its with the body, screaming the strength of the informable.

The next moment, the ancient gods suddenly stepped forward, such as stepping down the foot of this thousand thousand thousand zhang high.


If the ancient dragons breathe, the mighty blood is spit out by the ancient gods.


The ancient gods jumped up, and for a moment, the acupoints of the ancient gods appeared in the rays of light like the sun.

Released Nine Heavens, the next glory!

The ancient emperor law!

This is the emperor of the ancient gods practice, will open up a secret technique to reach the extreme, and in the end can prove the emperor!

Breathing, countless spiritual qi wrapped in Nine Heavens immortal qi, swallowed by the wild son, like this side of the World is for the gods of the ancient gods!

Take a bite of spiritual qi billion, in the middle of the sky, a boxing!

“hōng lòng Long!”

Just like a thousand-footed Taikoo Mountain, it was picked up and immediately fell.

Countless like the roar of World’s collapse, the tremors are tens of thousands of miles, and the entire Hollow space has a feeling of being crushed, and it is fierce.

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