
The violent Strength echoed in Hollow’s air, forcibly tearing Hollow out.

Yiyuan Emperor overlooks Qin Yi, and the time is long, Hollow is flowing, taking advantage of the years of aura.

For a moment, the standing body of the standing body seems to be shrouded in an invisible Strength, just a breath of time, like tens of millions of years, dissipated between Heaven and Earth!

Qin Yi stood in front of the Yuan Emperor and did not take a step back.

“hua la la !”

Only, a black robes are hunting under this power.

“brat, you will soon know how stupid it is to be provocative. Don’t think that you have beaten the unborn beast of Qian Yuan.

You can talk to the board! ”

One dollar emperor coldly snorted.


The next moment, one yuan Emperor Hollow empty grip, moved towards Qin Yi is a claw!

In the range covered by one of its claws, the space-time flow rate is as fast as countless times, and Hollow is under this Strength, decaying and collapse!

Flowing claws!

This is the one-piece claw method that the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty learned from the law of time. He was hit by this claw, and the whole body will instantly become the bones of the forest!

Even, turned into decaying fly ash!

“The rule of time, good terrifying!”

Black armor king pupils shrank.

The formidable power of this claw, even he felt extremely shocked, if he slammed this claw, I am afraid it will directly become the bones of the scorpion!

This is the formidable of the one yuan emperor!

A formidable that is juxtaposed with the gods like Cang Yunzi!

‘It’s not wise for Crown Prince to provoke these sons in the beginning! ‘

Black armor sighed in the heart of the king.

And when the black armor king thought that the overall situation had been fixed, he only heard a chuckle: “Oh!”


Then, a residual image was drawn across the sky.

One step thousand zhang!

Qin Yi appeared in front of a Yuan Emperor in a blink of an eye, punched out and beat the face of a Yuan Emperor.


A clear skeletal shattering sound, the Yuan Emperor only felt a striking Strong, slamming on his right face and directly breaking his right face!

In an instant, countless blood splashes and sprinkles the sky, and there are several teeth flying out of the Yuan Emperor!

And the whole person of the Yuan Emperor, this is the punch, flying directly into a mountain on the behind, the bones of the body almost all shattered!

“Should you be qualified, what is your name?”

Qin Yi slowly recovered his right fist and said faintly.

At this time, Qin Yi pair of eyes is still no sorrow and joy. If a Gods, overlooking the sentient beings, will change the look of everyone around you.

Many of the faces of the gods were also shocked and surprised by the strength of Qin Yi.

“interesting !”

Zhao Cheng corner of the mouth outlines a touch of evil laughter, provoked the behind’s Mu Ling fairy, can not help but sway, his face flying two groups of intoxicating blush.

“Sure enough, it’s a body cultivation, and it’s a close body cultivation!”

The fighting intent in the eyes of the ancient gods is even more hot.

He can’t wait to talk to Qin Yi now!

“Ha? One yuan emperor was actually beaten?”

Black armor Wang Hao big eyes, can’t believe a face.

The claw of the Yuan Emperor, he has no confidence to take it, let alone a terrifying one-dimensional emperor, a punch to fly?

And at the moment.

The Cang Yunzi, still reading the Taoist, did not even lift his head.

It seems that Qin Yi’s strength at the moment is still not in his eyes!

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