Chengdi Mountain.

A great formation shrouds the mountains, which seems to contain a huge red dust!

Even this great formation seems to be life-like, greedily stripping Nine Heavens immortal qi from Hollow’s air from the spiky spiritual qi.

Immediately, swallowed in an instant.

Just like in great formation, there is a life of formidable!

Before the great formation, a respectful and strong presence stood proudly before the great formation, waiting for the birth of the emperor.

The arrival of Qin Yi directly broke the quietness of this place.

“Hey, Er, etc. Is this waiting for the deity, to come to the emperor’s secret?”

Qin Yi smiles.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was all at a glance.

For a time, everyone did not seem to think that Qin Yi would speak out!

“what did you say?”

One Yuan Emperor stared at Qin Yi and sighed.

A group of gods, except for the Cang Yunzi who is still reading the Tao, also the people are looked towards Qin Yi.

If they have not misunderstood, this person is provoking them!

“Why, is the deity’s words difficult to understand?

Er and so on are also the gods of the major Holy Lands. The cultivation base is also on the quasi-prefecture. Can you even hear the words of the deity? 鈥?/p>

Qin Yi bounced his fingers and said freely.


“act recklessly !”

“You know what you are talking about?”

that moment.

Many gods are angry, and aura bursts out instantly.


The square is Hollow empty and suddenly blows up.

For a time, I don’t know how many peaks burst, and even Hollow was torn apart.

There is a lot of enthusiasm for the emperor, and there are many cultivations to the eternal anger of the emperor. This is a kind of terrifying scene, even if it is 9th layer World, it is also somewhat unbearable!


In the distance, some of the nearby Ferocious Beast are directly shaken into pieces.

Countless creatures have escaped from this place in a madness. This area will later be transformed into an Ashura purgatory. How dare they stay here?

“What is this at the beginning of the Crown Prince, afraid that it is not crazy?”

The black armor is secretly snarling.

Although the Cang Yunzi did not take care of Qin Yi, except for Cang Yunzi, the rest of the gods and the quasi-emperors were so angry.

Even if Qin Yi can kill the Yuan, it is not necessarily the three opponents at the same level!

“brat, I don’t know where you are coming from, I dare to provoke me, if you just kill the cultivation base of Qianyuan, it is still not enough!”

I don’t care what abacus you are playing, but if you provoke you to squat, you will be quirky! 鈥?/p>

One yuan emperor slanted Chen Fan.

He no longer hides himself, stepping forward, with the body mana rolling, terrifying impering manner instantly emanating from its with the body, shaking the sun and the moon!

It’s like a pretty dragon from Great Desolate, wake up from sleep!

The terrifying pressure, let the black armor king and the Muring fairy, just stupid, only feel that the body is cold, can not resist!

“How can this one-dollar emperor be terrifying so that he is not yet cultivation into a quasi-Emperor?”

The black armor Wang looked blank.

He did not expect that among the few gods, only one by one did not cultivate to become the emperor of the emperor, and would actually be terrifying formidable?

‘If this one-yuan emperor has been soformable, then what is the formidable of the Cang Yunzi who is the first in the crowd? ‘

Black armor Wang Xin has a lingering, looked towards the Cang Yunzi in front of him.

You know, he is in the hands of Cang Yunzi, and he has lived for a year!

At this moment, it is such a lucky thing!

And how unfortunate is this Crown Prince who dared to provoke the Son of God?

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