Refining heaven great formation.

Qin Yi sits in the center.

In his behind, the Nine-party Hollowized World lost its original luster, and the gloom has nothing to do with it.

Within World.

The sky is falling, the sun and the moon are falling, just like entering the end of World.

Outside of World.

The thunder of countless silvers is like a dragon, which is accelerating the destruction of World!

At this time.

“hōng lòng !”

The nine-party World finally couldn’t hold on and suddenly burst open.

The fragments of countless Worlds are splashed. By this backlash, Qin Yi’s body is even more trembled, and almost a mouthful is a big mouth of blood.


Qin Yi forcibly swallowed the blood in his mouth, furiously shouted.

Not broken!

Jiufang Xiaoqian World is not broken, how can you re-consolidate one of the thousands of World?

Originally, the place where the nine-party Xiaoqian World bursts, with a more massive World Hollow shadow, gradually emerges from Qin Yi’s behind, just like the embryo of a World.

The World Fragment, World origin, which was originally formed by the bursting of the Nine-party Xiaoqian World, seems to be drawn by the Invisible Strength, like a little bit of flesh and blood stuffing the fleshy body, re-establishing a thousand world!

“weng! ”

A glimpse of silver, with the ancient sky, the eternal rhyme, the architecture of this world.

Yin and Yang Two Qis Circulating, escaping the aura of creation and destruction, it is like a world from nothing, gradually waking up from death!

The next moment.

Yin and Yang Two Qis Shatter, the origin of the evolution of World.

Then, World Source builds everything that World needs to make up, big day and moon, mountains and rivers, wind and rain Lightning, etc., one by one emerges.

A breath is like walking through countless years!


A vaguely ambiguous sound, like this side World is beating.

Within World, a round of sun rises high, and Scatter (chire)’s own brilliance shines the world’s bright light and pleats!

World is born, the sun is waiting for you!

When this side of World was formed, a loud sound came from this world, such as the heart of the Freshman baby’s heartbeat.

But, how does Freshman Baby’s Heart beat, and how can one compare to Freshman World?

“咚dong dong! ”

A roar, if the gods and drums, shake the heavens!

If the original 6th Layer World still exists, I am afraid that it will be shattered by this roar, which is the beating of one of the thousands of World.

Even if it is only one of Hollow’s magical thousand worlds, is it the strength that this road 6th Layer World can withstand?

Even the great formation of the refining sky was shaken by this roar, and it continued to vibrate.

I don’t know how long it took, and the beating sound gradually weakened.


After a few hours, the roaring sound subsided, and Qin Yi slowly opened the pair of eyes, and a mouthful of vomiting.


This turbidity is like a sly ray of light, the blade of the gods in the hands of the gods, instantly penetrates the great formation of the sky, and Hollow is empty in the Tremor 100.

Even one World Road, which is very close to Qin Yi, was worn by this aura!

“Zhong Qian World, Cheng!”

Qin Yi pair of eyes is dark, like a vast river of stars, very deep.

When he sinks his mind, he can find the initial rule of the body, shining with the rays of light, with the strength of the informable.

Among them, there is also a faint, horizontal pressure on the aura.

This is the aura of the emperor!

Only half a step, this is the beginning of the road can be brokenthrough for the Supreme Emperor, at the same time, this avatar can also use this breakthrough through the extremes!

At this point, Qin Yi has finally broken through the 9th layer realm!

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