
Inside Dantian World.

At the beginning of the road, it turned into a giant dragon, constantly absorbing the potency in Dantian.

Qin Yi behind One of the thousand worlds is gradually condensing.

However, there are too many drugs in Dantian World. If this is the case, Qin Yi will be able to break through, but it will not be known for a long time.

“According to this speed, if you want to breakthrough, it will take two or three years. By that time, the battle for the emperor’s secret is over.”

Qin Yi is silent.

If it is outside, Qin Yi will naturally not care about the time of breakthrough. Instead, he will hammer the own body with the cultivation technique to capture the foundation of this avatar.

But, don’t wait.

In the world of Emperor Road, if the remaining time is counted, only the less than three years will be left, and the road will be completely closed.

Needless to say, Qin Yi has been in 6th Layer World for nearly three months, and only less than nine months left, he will enter 8th Layer World.

“Then, with the strength of the great formation of the sky, forcibly swallowing the power of the second turn to Spirit Pill!”

Qin Yi pupil light flashed.


Qin Yi screamed.

“hōng lòng !”

A roar, enveloped the great formation of this world, and suddenly began to rotate.

An ancient sky, as if from the ancient aura, stuffed the whole furnace, at the same time, the huge engulfing force is on the body of Qin Yi.


A hole piercing the sky, a singer, a singer, a singer, and a singer, the singer of the sky, the wings of the sky, the wings of the sky.


The enchanting devour of the divine beast, although not as good as the devour of the divine, but also the Divine Beast.

Adult enchanting, one can swallow a party in the thousand world!

The great formation is the majestic great formation of the enchanting family. No matter what ethnicity exists, using the great formation of the genius, you can borrow the devastating divine ability of the enchanting family.


Get the reinforcement of the great formation of the sky, the giant dragon of the beginning of the road, a huge number of two turns of Spirit Pill’s potency, suddenly gathered.

Even, a huge vortex is formed and poured into the mouth of the giant dragon.


As time goes on, the vortex speed is getting faster and faster. In the end, countless drugs are like a star river, slowly entering the beginning of the road.

At that moment, Qin Yi was shrouded in the silver light of the whole person.

Its with the body’s speed of the emperor’s operation is also getting faster and faster, swallowing the pure energy in the Spirit Pill.

This two-turned Spirit Pill combines all the strengths of a mana that has been built into a mana, and all the origins of one of the world’s worlds. There are even countless sorrows and spirits.

Its potent strength is simply horrifying!

Even with the empowerment of the great formation, Qin Yi takes a very long time to refining the power of Spirit Pill.


Qin Yi is sitting in the great formation center of the refining sky, and constantly practicing.

A slap of medicine, swallowed by Qin Yi.

One day, two days… January, two months, if the time is astounding, it will pass silently.

In a blink of an eye, the eight-month period has ended.

On this day, Qin Yi is in the world of this Emperor Road, waiting for the last day.

“hōng lòng !”

Suddenly, Qin Yi’s body trembled and made a world-shaking roar.

In his behind, the nine-party Hollow illusion of World, surrounded by his body, crumbling, as if it could break at any time.

at last.

The nine-party World collapsed instantly, and the world, which is bigger, is rising!

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