Emperor Road 6th Layer World.

Broken World.

The power of the violent Space, stirring in the air of Hollow, from time to time, the power of Space leaked out, and the vast cracks were shattered.

The aftermath of the battle, even with the repair of the Empire Road World, can not repair the Space crack in a short time.

In this World, a group of people are hiding in the world.

Of course, the Frost White Mountain is more cautious than the green earth.

“This person class is not just just about to dismantle this side of the world? Why is he still in a bad mood?”

Ben is still careful, don’t touch the guy’s brow. ”

Frost White looked at Qin Yi, who was frowning, and whispered in her heart.

Thinking, Frost White Mountain is more cautious, it does not want to be picked up by Qin Yi.

“100 Mega Slaughtering Experience is impossible to get together in a short time…

Not to mention, can I kill the entire emperor’s massacre in the eastern borders, and then I am not so mad, I have to kill these quasi-emperors. ”

“Maybe, can I try to kill a man?”

“From the past experience, the Slaughtering Experience obtained by killing an emperor should be ten times, or even a hundred times, or a thousand times more than killing a quasi-emperor?”

Qin Yi talks to himself.

These words, fell into the ears of Frost White Mountain, but also let the frost white mountain scared.

‘this person class mad, afraid not crazy! ‘

How imitable is the fordable, and the myriad Realms is invincible. In all major races, it is called Gods, and all the power is attributed to itself!

This person class actually wants to kill the emperor?

“A Titan, even a pseudo-Emperor, is not so good.

The matter is postponed and said. ”

Soon, Qin Yi dismissed this dangerous thought.

This avatar is not the deity, Heavenly Dao avatar, and has the power to rival the emperor.

If he rushes to find an emperor, even if he has a card, he will not be able to get the benefit.

“However, System, I bought a lot of products in the System store, how can I say that it is a valued customer of System?

This will open up the Slaughtering Experience of the time cultivation institution, can’t it be less? ”

Qin Yi suddenly flashes in the bottom of the heart to the System channel.

Hey, System Host, System’s valued customer!



System only answered two words.

The two words of conciseness express the instinct of Qin Yi, full of disdain.

“cough cough !”

Qin Yi’s expression suddenly lags.

What does this break the System?

If you don’t discount, don’t discount it. Is it necessary to ridicule it?

“System, you wait, others find opportunities, you must pack them!”

Qin Yi couldn’t help but swear.

He is the emperor of the other party, the emperor of aloof and remote, don’t you face it?

System Do you want to mock and ridicule?

“Ding! This System reminds Host that in theory, System and Host soul are twin, that is, System is Host and Host is System.

In other words, if Host wants to clean up the System, he is packing himself up. ”

System is not cold and not a patch.


This time, it is the turn of Qin Yi.

In essence, System and Qin Yi soul are twins, which means that Qin Yi can be said to be System, and System can be said to be Qin Yi.

Qin Yi wants to pack up the system, it is equivalent to packing himself.

Really, I beat myself!

“Ding! If Host doesn’t mind, this System is awkward…”

If the System has not finished, it will be interrupted by Qin Yi.

Qin Yi is not angry: “Okay, I don’t have time to talk to you.”

In another confrontation between System and Host, the emperor once again lost…

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