“Time and space cultivation court: a place of cultivation;

Explanation: Time and space are reversed, and Heaven and Earth are made!

Time is a plaything, and Space is a must.

Opening conditions: first-order time and space cultivation court (1 billion Slaughtering Experience development, time flow rate of a quarter);

Second-order space-time cultivation court (10 billion Slaughtering Point development, one-eighth of the time flow rate);


Note: The concentration of spiritual qi in the time-space cultivation institution is equivalent to the concentration of the palace’s spiritual qi.

Every time you open a time culture cultivation, you need 100 Million Slaughtering Experience.

Every time you open the time and space cultivation court, you can accommodate thousands of people! ”


Qin Yi eyes in the pupil light.

The time flow rate of the first-order space-time cultivation pavilion is only half. For him, it is useful, but not too big.

But if it is a high-level time and space cultivation court, it will be of great use to him.

For example, the ninth time space cultivation cabinet, the time and space flow rate is one quarter of the outside 1000 zero 20!

That is to say, All Heavens and Myriad Realms. The past time, the time culture cultivation cabinet has passed 1000 zero 20 four hours.

1000 zero 20 four times the cultivation time, enough for Qin Yi’s cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds !

Needless to say, the higher-order time-space cultivation institutions are more terrifying, and the addition to the cultivation is even greater.

Moreover, the concentration of spiritual qi in the cultivation cabinet is equivalent to the palace of Bulo Dynasty, which means that the higher the concentration of spiritual qi in the Bulo Dynasty Palace, the higher the concentration of spiritual qi in the cultivation cabinet.

“Every time the cultivation club opens, it can accommodate more than a thousand people. This is a good thing to shorten the gap between Bulo Dynasty and many emperors!”

Qin Yi is uplifting.

If this thing is used well, can the background of Bulo Dynasty not skyrocket?

In a short time, it is enough to make Bulo Dynasty’s background comparable to many emperors!

“However, the higher the time and space cultivation institution, the more demanding conditions are opened.

The first-order time and space cultivation institution needs 1 billion Slaughtering Experience, and the second-order time and space cultivation institution needs tens of billions of Slaughtering Experience… The nine-order time and space cultivation institution needs 100 Mega Slaughtering Experience, which is an astronomical number! ”

Qin Yi frowned.

100 Mega’s Slaughtering Experience, in other words, requires Qin Yi to kill 1 billion to gain enough of the Slaughtering Experience.

Where did he find so many prospective emperors to kill?

Unless Qin Yi has killed all the emperors in the entire eastern boundary, it is possible to make so many Slaughtering Experiences!

“And, every time you open the time and space cultivation, you need the 100 Millaughtering Experience.”

Qin Yi is frowning.

If the Slaughtering Experience is not useful, he wouldn’t care too much.

But the Slaughtering Experience, which can open up the time and culture cultivation, is of different value in the eyes of Qin Yi.

This is a weapon that can shorten the Qin Yi growth speed. Bulo Dynasty has been in existence for more than a decade.

Compared with the emperor’s dynasty, which was built for thousands of years, the time of Bulo Dynasty’s establishment was too short.

If it is a cultivation club, Bulo Dynasty can catch up with many emperors!

Even if it is only a first-order time and space cultivation, you can shorten the growth time of Bulo Dynasty to a quarter!

However, the Slaughtering Experience needed to open up the time and space cultivation cabinet is too much, and Qin Yi is somewhat scared.

He has accumulated the Slaughtering Experience for several years, also known as 1 billion Slaughtering Point.

If you want to get rid of the Slaughtering Experience of the ninth-order time and space, I don’t know what year and month to go.

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