“You overstep the law of the beginning, contrary to the will of the father, even if you are stronger than me?”

You are the first to disrupt the order of the supreme talent feast. This is a sin.

You killed the sacred minister of the emperor’s dynasty. This is sin 2.

You are self-proclaimed as an emperor, ignoring the will of the father, this is sin three.

A few major crimes are combined with punishment. Do you think that the father will not blame you for this? ”

The fourth emperor was angry.

“Oh? What crimes do I have?”

Qin Yi is unmoved and looks indifferent.

“This sect master wants to murdering to seize the treasures, this Crown Prince kills it, why not?”

Qin Yi is free.

“As for the fact that this Crown Prince disturbs the order of the supreme talent banquet, this is even more nonsense. Are you saying yes?”

Said, Qin Yi’s deep scorpion, fell on the side of many gods.


“His Crown Prince is right!”

“It’s nonsense to say that the Crown Prince Hall disturbs the order of the supreme talent banquet.”

Xia Xuanlong should be the first to be harmonious.

In the eyes of Qin Yi, many of the gods also trembled, and quickly smiled to start to talk.

If this time, these gods can not see the situation, it will become the supreme talent of the major influence.

Even if someone is not worried, it can only be hidden in the heart.

“you guys!”

The thirteen emperors were sighed with anger.

This group of grasses!

Really can’t stand it!

“You don’t want to be proud, the father will not sit and watch!”

The fourth emperor was awkward, and at this time they both only hoped for their own father.


Just as the fourth emperor was barely fell, a aura just rose from the depths of the Great World.

The sturdy aura instantly ran through the heavy Hollow space, vibrating the entire Great World, and the endless light of the light spread out, as if to illuminate the whole piece of chaos.

The vastness of Kamui vibrates chaos, and the pressure of hiding the sky and covering the earth makes all the creatures in the Great World in the early days, involuntarily fall to the ground!

Thousands of colors, the light of the fairy, a tall and majestic silhouette, gradually condensed in chaos, like a god to the world.

This is a supreme and powerful existence of Myriad Realms!

“We saw the Emperor!”

Someone in the place suddenly recognized the person and immediately decapitated.

This silhouette is the leader of the early imperial court, the great emperor!

The fourth emperor and the two were bright, as if they saw the savior.

The father came, and the father must come to be the master of both of them!

Big brother, even if you are trying to make a mistake, you can’t cross the father!

“Also ask the father to be the master, the big brother violates the law of the beginning, and ignores your will.

Not only disturbed the order of the supreme talent feast, but also claimed to be self-proclaimed as the emperor, but also asked the father to lower the punishment! ”

The voice of the fourth emperor was sorrowful and angry, and he couldn’t wait to say that there was no disguise in the words.

Although the thirteen emperors did not start to talk, they were the sights at Qin Yi of gnashing teeth.

However, the great emperor just looked at the two people and let the two emperors have a cold heart, like being poured into the head by a cold water, from the head to the heel.

From the eyes of the father, they actually read the meaning of hating iron and not forming steel.

The next moment, the words of the great emperor at the beginning, let the two emperors be like the cold prison.

“This thing will stop here. You don’t have to talk about it. In addition, you both went to the nine flames to think about it for a hundred years.

Playing with the authority, but not thinking about it, what is the use of the emperor? ”

As soon as this sentence came out, the two emperors looked pale.

The meaning of the great emperor in the beginning is already obvious. He is favoring the Crown Prince!

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