“big brother, you don’t have to think that you have beaten us, you can be arrogant!

The father is still looking at it, and it’s not until you come to seal the old body for the emperor! ”

The thirteen emperors are also roaring.

At this moment, the two emperors are the real unity!

The threat that Crown Prince brings to them is too great. If they don’t join hands, the position of the emperor is basically the bag of their big brother.

From beginning to end, even the thirteen emperors and the two emperors took the shot, and even laid a great formation, enough to crush one by one.

In the end, it is the Crown Prince who kills the soul sect master like a chicken, and defeats the sect master of the Wuyuan Building. How can the two emperors not be jealous!

At All Heavens and Myriad Realms, everything is based on strength.

Crown Prince’s formidable allowed the two emperors to warm up and fight against Crown Prince.

There is no strength to overwhelm Crown Prince, only to seize the Crown Prince’s fault, to check the Crown Prince, temporarily hold the Crown Prince, supreme talent feast and then find a way to deal with Crown Prince.

At this time, they did not want to take this opportunity to clear the Crown Prince out.

How to maintain the situation is what they should consider now.

What’s more, this book is a gift of Crown Prince!


Qin Yi brow raised , like a smile yet not a smile of the look at the two emperors, such as the same god overlooking the two ants at the foot.

Still not giving up?

You don’t have time, then you can play this game of battle with the two of you.

With this leisure time, it is better to retreat, and upgrade this cultivation base to cope with the future road competition!

In turn, it is possible to pull a wrench wrist with the great emperor.

The purpose of this avatar is to bring the entire Taishi Emperor into his own control.

From beginning to end, there is only one person who can be called an opponent, that is, the great emperor, not the two emperors.


The light light of Qin Yi is 氤氲, the aura of formidable instantly rises and shakes the chaos.

In a blink of an eye, they fell on the bodies of the two emperors, directly smashing the two emperors to the ground.

“Hey, Bai Jing, do you dare to bully me?”

Don’t you be afraid of the sin of the father? ”

The fourth emperor pair of eyes bulging red, moved towards Qin Yi angry.

He has been born to the world since he was born, and he has always been supported by many families in the emperor. Whenever he is a father, he has received such humiliation!

What’s more, it is to give him the big brother who has been looking down.

“White Jing, I want to kill you!”

The thirteen emperors are even more angry and rushing to the crown, and there is deep resentment in the eyes.

He has no way to accept, he actually kneels to his so-called big brother!

This is a humiliation!

Some of the gods who owe their allegiance to the two emperors, looked unscrupulous, could not help but want to speak out to help the two emperors, but was pulled by a friend.

Crown Prince does not dare to kill two emperors, does not mean that Crown Prince does not dare to kill them!

Even the sect masters of the refining sorcerers were killed. If they dare to take the lead, Crown Prince may not dare to kill them.

“Father blame?

All Heavens and Myriad Realms powerhouse is respected, I am more formidable than both of you, shouldn’t I be an emperor? ”

Qin Yi corner of the mouth, Yang, said not to care.


The thirteen emperors were so angry that they could not speak.

Powerhouse is respected, these four words are placed in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Qin Yi is more than their formidable, this is the truth!

If it weren’t for their identity, Qin Yi killed them and they wouldn’t be heard.

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