
Qin Yi faintly smiled, these two emperors had already discovered when he stepped into the attic.

The two thought they were hiding very well, and how they knew it was already exposed to his eyes.

Qin Yi’s avatar, the soul of the soul has opened the star, the power of the gods soared, the two people they called the hidden, in the eyes of Qin Yi as the palm of the line as clear.

“big brother, it’s the thirteenth brother who has stunned you. For hundreds of years, your strength is really making me look good!”

The look of the thirteen emperors also dignified, and the expression of arrogance gradually converges.

Qin Yi’s cultivation base, let him converge a little arrogance.

Although he doesn’t think Crown Prince can make a comeback, it doesn’t prevent him from paying attention to Crown Prince. Of course, that’s it.

“Unfortunately, if you can bring the big brother to the big brother, I really can’t take you down.”

However, I did not think that you did not bring the emperor, you are confident in your own cultivation base, and misjudged my background.

Are you strong enough to grab two quasi-emperors? ”

The thirteen emperors talked and talked.

As long as he grabs the big brother and handed it over to the criminal department, not only can the big brother’s crime be fixed, but at the same time, he can also leave the impression that the fourth brother is not working in the heart of the father.

One move, two gains !

In this way, you can eliminate the fourth brother and big brother from the roots, and then compete with him for the possibility of the emperor!

“Well, big brother, don’t blame the thirteen brothers for not giving you a chance.

You are now shackled, and you can admit your mistakes. I can’t use force against you. It is also the thirteenth brother who gives you a big brother. ”

The thirteen emperors said slowly, as if to let Qin Yi kneel down, like a gift.

Killing people.

He not only wants to clear his big brother out of the battle, but also to break the heart of his big brother!

He, my big brother, has not seen for centuries, showing the innate talent, which makes him a bit shocking and completely hopeful of the Emperor.

How can he stay with such a threat?

“Jokes, what are you doing, dare to let me kneel?”

Qin Yi held his hands and did not change his face.


The thirteen emperor’s eyes flashed a hint of twilight, lightly snorted.

“big brother, I don’t know where you are confident, dare to yell with me here, don’t you see the situation.

Tell you the truth, even if your prospective emperor is here, I can kill you with him! ”

The thirteen emperors drank.


The two quasi-emperors were simultaneously stepping forward, their own aura bursting in an instant, stirring the whole chaos and inciting the sun and the moon.

Many of the gods are complexion changed, and they have to go back thousands of miles, which is better.

“With two quasi-emperors against a quasi-emperor, this battle for the battle, I am afraid that the thirteen emperors are the final winners.”

Many gods have made a decision on this battle.

In their view, Qin Yi’s current move is tantamount to the struggle before dying, which can no longer affect the overall situation.

The battle for the most tens of thousands of years of battle is about to come to an end!

“How can this be good?”

Xia Xuanlong, two people, is even more anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

In the current situation, it is not that two people can intervene.

“Do you think that you can hold me firmly by relying on two quasi-emperors?

Or, do you want to suppress me by relying on the great formation at this foot? ”

Qin Yi smiled and laughed at the thirteen emperors.

It’s too late for the thirteen emperors to just say something.


Qin Yi behind takes a nine Hollow illusion of Xiao Qian World, a cohesive chaotic god, the general law, a sudden move, stepping out of a palm.

God is in the air!

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