“Unfortunately, you are still not my opponent.”

The thirteen emperors shook the shook head, as if they were in the chest.

However, his words just fell.

“Not your opponent? Do you rely on the two empires who are hidden in the dark?”

Qin Yi is holding hands, like a smile yet not a smile.


The emperor’s complexion changed, and suddenly there was some uncertainty.

“come out!”

Qin Yi corner of the mouth showed a sneer and a sigh of relief.

The chaotic god is also lifting a huge giant foot, and slammed down, the vast fluctuations are like the ups and downs of the Xinghai, inciting chaos.


The chaos of the square lili li trembled as he fell, and Space trembled.

The gods are all in the storm, shaking left and right.

Hollow in the air, two silhouettes were forced to come out, and they were embarrassed.

An old man wearing a green robes and carrying a long sword, eyes open, there seems to be an endless Sword Intent overflow.

A whole body is shrouded in the dark old man of the dark demon qi, the demon qi rolling room, the terrifying Strength tumbling among them, and the screams of ghosts and crying are screaming, stuffed with evil Strength!

When the two old men appeared, they were extremely terrifying, and they were like a storm, sweeping all directions, if two ancient mountains were pressed.

It is two quasi-emperors!

‘There are two quasi-emperors, hidden here? ‘

Many gods are stunned.

In addition to the refining of the demon sect, the god of the Wuyuan building, seems to have expectations, the other gods and sons are a bit worried.

Thirteen emperors, actually found two quasi-emperors?

Isn’t there only one emperor, supported by the thirteen emperors?

“This is… the refining sect master, sect master!”

The fourth emperor’s pupil light is a condensation.

The two powerhouses he knows are the ones who support the refining of the thirteen emperors and the powers of the Wuyuan Building. They are also the powerhouses in the imperial dynasty.

However, isn’t it only the sect master of Wuyuan Building that is the emperor?

The sect master of the refining sorcerer also broke through the emperor!

“Is this the 13th brother’s card?”

The fourth emperor’s heart was cold, and finally understood why the thirteen emperors could sit on the Diaoyutai and laugh at him and the big brother.

This is the sigh!

There are two supporters of the emperor, plus the influence of the thirteen emperors themselves, completely fearless of the quasi-emperor that Crown Prince recruited.

If it is not the big brother, but also the breakthrough emperor, I am afraid that the emperor is stable in the early days is the bag of the thirteen emperors.

Do not!

It is not much better now.

He and the big brother compete, the boss suffers, the big brother touches the rules set by the father, and it is inevitable to stop the punishment, and may even be deprived of the opportunity to participate in the position of the emperor.

However, he was defeated by the big brother, and his position in the influence of the imperial family was thousand zhang, and he had basically fallen out of the competition for the emperor.

“Okay, very good!”

The fourth emperor’s face was gray and defeated, and his expression was desolate.

It turned out that whether he could clean up the Crown Prince, he had already lost, and he was played in the palm of the thirteenth Emperor.

Ridiculous, don’t know it!

“How did you find us?”

The two emperors are now behind, and they are somewhat strange and strange. The sect master asks in a hoarse voice.

Although the new sect master has a new breakthrough, he is extremely confident in hiding the aura’s Ability, and even the old-fashioned quasi-emperor may not find it.

Wuyuan Building sect master Needless to say, the old card of the emperor, the whereabouts is even more secret!

How can Qin Yi discover their traces?

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