“This is the powerhouse of the influence of the East Frontier. The two peaks of the ancient holy, only the emperor level 1’s influence can be obtained?”

The star of the star is frowning.

Bulo Dynasty suffered losses in the loss of intelligence. After all, it was just connected to the outside world, and the information on the eastern borders was extremely lacking!

Even if the wind guards tried to send people and went to other Worlds to inquire, the Intelligence System could not be built for a while.

If it weren’t from the news of the Crown Prince in the early days, and the intelligence brought by the Mulings who joined the Bulo Dynasty, Bulo Dynasty was also black on both sides of the East Frontier!

“It seems that it is not the powerhouse of the Emperor, it should come from other emperors!”

Wood Spirit Race patriarch swept his eyes and sighed in relief.

As the patriarch of the Muling family, there are countless existences of the original Emperor, and there are countless powerhouses in the middle of the emperor.

He thought it was a powerhouse from the Emperor of the Heavens, and came to trace the things that the Mulings had betrayed the Emperor.

However, it is clear that these two people are not the powerhouse of the Emperor.

“Two peaks of ancient St. to Lu Daren shot, but also invited the adults to shoot, the two powerhouse suppression!”

The comet sword owner quickly asked for the wooden Spirit Race patriarch and the others.

Lu Dongbin is also peak ancient, two siege powerhouses siege, can not help but fall into the wind, they can not sit and watch!

“No need, Lu Daren is enough!”

Wood Spirit Race patriarch, but casually shook the head.

Hear this, comet sword and the others, not to look toward towards Wood Spirit Race patriarch.

“Lv Daren has already broken through the realm of the emperor, and he is afraid that he has already surpassed the old man. The two peaks are not afraid of his opponent!”

In the eyes of everyone, the wooden Spirit Race patriarch touched the three-footed green whisker, said with a smile.

“Lv Daren breakthrough?”

The main character of the comet sword is overjoyed, and the eyes are flashing through the ardent worship.

He is the Paragon Lord of Sword Dao, often in contact with Lu Dongbin, and is convinced by Lu Dongbin’s Sword Dao cultivation base, deeply admiring Lu Dongbin.

Lu Dongbin This breakthrough is also exciting for him!

Aside from everyone, there was a faint glimpse in the eyes.

If Lu Dongbin has already broken through the emperor, there is no fear of two peaks, and Lu Dongbin’s means, together with the order of the emperor, can also be suppressed, not to mention two peaks!


On the scorpio, countless spiritual qi and sword light hang down and shake World.

Fist strength raging, sword light

Hollow in the air, you can see a touch of sword light shining billions of miles and time, as if the Heavenly Palace opened the sword, no Immortal fell to the sword!

Yang Li’s fist just hit the sword light on his face, and his face suddenly changed. The so-called Gu Yue body that can compete against the three powerhouses of the same order suddenly broke apart.

“You still don’t deserve to be my opponent!”

Lu Dongbin sneered, a sword sweeping.

This sword almost completely shattered Yang Li’s ancient Yue god body, and instantly burst like a broken porcelain.

Just like the exquisite porcelain that is barely spliced ​​together, the sword wound on the chest is even more shocking!


Yang Li’s face was ugly and whispered.

The short-lived fight also gave him a preliminary understanding of Lu Dongbin’s strength, not the peak ancient holy, but a quasi-emperor!


Yang Li is dark.

He thought that if it was in Bulo Dynasty, the great emperor who dared to call the Great Sage Equal of Heaven existed.

That pure sword immortal, should also be as stated in the intelligence, just a peak ancient holy, the result is actually a quasi-emperor!

Moreover, it is still a strong emperor who is not weak!

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