“Oh, I think you are crazy. I ignore the good intentions of my early imperial dynasty and offend me to the early imperial dynasty. In the future, you will not be able to walk in the borders of East China!”

Yang Li’s eyes are full of anger.

The people of the dynasty who died in the district also dared to speak up!

It is necessary to know that in the border area of ​​East Xinjiang, it is the home of his early imperial dynasty, it has already fallen, and I don’t know how to keep it!

“Hello, I am just presenting a gift to me on my behalf. You, are you sure to refuse the good intentions of my dynasty?”

Please also ask for your attention and the consequences of my sin! ”

Yang Li said the word stopped, pair of eyes staring at Lu Dongbin.

“How about offending, not only to offend, but also to hand over your majesty to listen to the guards!”

Lu Dongbin sneered, stepping into the air, and the blue leaves are out of the sheath!

“weng! ”

The sky sword broke through, illuminating the entire Heavenly Shining Continent’s sword light, such as the golden rainbow that runs through the sun and the moon.

A pure sword, cross Nine Heavens!

In a flash, I crossed the distance of countless Spaces, and I was so shocked that I moved to Yang Li and both of them had passed.

The swords of the sky, like the smashing of the general trend, like Nine Heavens Shenshui from Nine Heavens, caged to the world!


Yang Li startedled, I did not expect Lu Dongbin to suddenly start, can only furiously shouted under the rush, the whole body has a luster of blue golden.

At this moment, Yang Li is like a plated Level 1 Qingjin Shenhui, dazzling!

In Yang Li behind, a giant sacred law of the support of the sky suddenly revealed, up to several tens of thousands, suppress all directions!

“The ancient god body!”

Yu Tianhua, a side of the sky, condensed.

This Yang Li is the top minister of the Prime Minister, and it is precisely because of this ancient god body, a famous god in the Great World.

It is said that in the early Tai dynasty, a refining body was created by the emperor, and it was taken from the supreme gods supporting the All Heavens and Myriad Realms in the ancient times, claiming to be unbeaten after the completion of the same!

It is rumored that the quasi-emperor relied on this door to resist the Attack of the three emperors, without a trace of damage.

Muir, Yang Li punched out, the overbearing strength of the fiercely cast, was beaten out by one of them!


When the swords and swords meet, Yang Li meets the unspeakable sword light.

Hollow air, terrifying qi energy scattered, swaying the heavens and the universe, the afterglow passed to the big Dingcheng under the foot, suddenly stirred up a thousand waves!

“what happened?”

“Who dares to fight in the sky over Dading City, ignoring Bulo’s law!”

“Look, it’s Lu Daren and two powerhouses that I don’t know!”

A scream of anger from the city of Dading, a powerhouse shot of the Ding Ding City, holding the Dingcheng.

Of course, there are many powerhouses in Dading City at the moment, and at most it is the saint 6th Layer.

I want to resist the aftermath of the powerhouse fight against the next three peaks.

“weng! ”

A path of gold golden light, rising from the bottom of the earth, with the power of great formation to protect the Ten Thousand Li Mountains and Rivers.

“Who, dare to come to my impudent in Bulo Dynasty!”

“The two peaks are in the hands of Lu Daren, and go to support quickly!”

“The two peaks have not been seen before, and they must be outside the domain, from the powerhouse of the extra-currency influence, and support Lu Daren!”

At this same time, a path of Twilight rises from Heavenly Shining Continent, moving toward the Dingcheng quickly flew away.

The ancient saints of Bulo Dynasty shredded Space and descended directly to Dading City.

The five poles of God of War, the Buddha of Putian, the snakes, the star of the singer, and so on, are all present.

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