
Xiao Chi Yang Tianming, very fierce.

To relieve the bloodline suppression is to break the law chain with the body, which can be an extremely painful process.

However, it does not break.

Xiao Chi wants to fade away and regain the dragon-horse bloodline. This step is inevitable!


The small red mouth is sucking, and the spiritual qi in the secret area is rolling and moving. It is forced to gather by the terrifying suction.

Immediately, it was swallowed by Xiao Chi, forming a huge spiral qi tide.

With the infinite spiritual qi, the Hollow has no fire, and it is getting hotter and hotter!

Of course, such a huge sound also alerted many monster beasts in the secret, and they rushed over.

Qin Yi arbitrarily waved his hand, and the five poles of God and God will help to kill these monster beasts.

“The law chain of Xiao Chi’s body, but the Heavenly Shining Continent’s plane Heavenly Dao left, or the emperor… or the existence of the emperor, set the imprisonment?”

Qin Yi looked at the law chain of Xiao Chi’s constant burning, thinking silently.

It is impossible to make a judgment based on the law chain of Xiao Chi.

Heavenly Dao Needless to say, for factors that may threaten their own safety, it is possible to reduce the punishment and stifle the unstable factors.

The existence of the Great Emperor or the Great, with the understanding of the Law, Heavenly Dao, is also a rule of law!

Not to mention the other, the penalty spell that Qin Yi has seen has evolved to the extreme, not the rule chain.

The rule chain of light from Xiao Chi is not enough for Qin Yi to make a judgment, but Qin Yi is more inclined to be the law chain set by the powerhouse!

After all, Qin Yi found that the place of Xiaochi is a crime.

The sin world is close to Heavenly Shining Continent, but it is not part of Heavenly Shining Continent. Heavenly Shining Continent’s plane Heavenly Dao does not necessarily interfere with the existence of Xiao Chi.

“Is it the law chain set by the enemy of the dragon-horse family?”

Qin Yi eyes is awkward, and the thoughts of the road pass through my mind.

In the end, it will only end in vain.

He took the first step into All Heavens and Myriad Realms and learned too little about the ethnic groups in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

How can I make a judgment in the absence of intelligence?

When Qin Yi thought about it, Xiao Chi’s bloodline suppression was gradually being broken.


The chain of laws that bound the little red, the more hot Hollow fire, burned in one fell swoop, turned into a little bit of broken.

Then, it penetrated into the body of the dragon-horse and was absorbed by the little red.

The law chain is also considered to be a kind of energy, which can be absorbed by Xiao Chi, even more than most medicine!

The power of the law is condensed, no worse than the so-called god medicine!

Xiao Chi’s body has become more and more crystal-clear, and the brilliance of the scales is like the gods enshrined in the same temple!

“hua la la !”

Like the sound of raging waves, from the dragon-horse within the body, shaking the entire ancient drug secrets, shaking the sun and the moon!

Numerous Jinxia and Shenhong are spread on the sky!

The dragon-horse’s body is undergoing a qualitative transformation, from the powerful Strength in the bloodline, constantly transforming his body.

In his within the body originally, the red blood gradually turns into golden, and the deep blood of the gods replaces the blood of the past!

A root bristles also bloom endless brilliance, and the flaming fairy light shrouds the dragon-horse!

Numerous spiritual qi, chaotic aura, were gathered around the body for the continuous absorption of the small red, even Qin Yi also shot, for the small red to take spiritual qi.

Xiao Chi gradually lost his mind, sleeping in the endless spiritual qi, and his realm is growing rapidly in his sleep.

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