Bloodline suppression.

When Qin Yi found Xiao Chi in the sin circle, Xiao Chi had a bloodline suppression, which made Xiao Xiao’s bloodline power unable to work.

A Divine Beast, only the feathered 9th layer!

The dragon-horse family, at birth, although not comparable to the True Dragon family, only the celestial realm, but after the dragon-horse enters into childhood, it is at least a feathered sage realm!

In adulthood, the dragon-horse family can enter the realm of the Great!

Xiao Chi is already years old and has millions of years of age. Although he is not an adult, he does not have such a cultivation base.

The reason for this is the bloodline suppression from the small red bloodline.

In System, only 100 million Slaughtering Point can solve the bloodline suppression in the small red bloodline.

However, with the System method, after solving the small red bloodline suppression, it will not let Xiao Chi’s cultivation base rise.

Years of bloodline suppression, has already hurt the foundation of Xiao Chi!

With the Spirit Pill, you can not only relieve the bloodline pressure of Xiaochi, but also motivate Xiaobai’s bloodline to push Xiaochi to a deep realm!

Qin Yi did not use Slaughtering Point to relieve Xiao Chi’s bloodline suppression, because Qin Yi did not want to damage Xiao’s foundation.

Also, Qin Yi has 200 million Slaughtering Point, which is enough to redeem the Spirit Pill.

However, it is always necessary to leave some Slaughtering Point for emergency use, and to lift the small red bloodline to suppress this matter.

Fortunately, in this ancient medicine mystery, I found a behemoth, Spirit Pill.

“呲 !!”

Under the gaze of Xiao Chi, Qin Yi sent the Spirit Pill to his mouth.

As the saying goes.

A golden dragon swallows the belly, my fate follows me and not the heavens !

The Golden Dan here is worth a grain of Grain Rank Nothing Immortal Pill!

If it is the ordinary Martial Artist, it is not impossible to get a growth cultivation base of the Immortal Pill, breaking into the emperor and going straight to the emperor!

This sentence was circulated in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Whenever an Immortal Pill is passed down from the fairy world, it will inevitably cause great turmoil in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Spirit Pill is not the supreme Immortal Pill, Grade Rank is just a quasi-small product, but for Xiao Chi, it is the uncompromising ‘Immortal Pill’!

“weng! ”

蜕Spirit Pill, the dragon-horse belly appears as a scorching sun.

The mighty potion is surging in the body, and the body is shining, it seems to be turned into a bright and transparent glass!


The red scales are more dazzling, and the hairs fluttering, from the shackles of the bloodline, are broken in the invisible!

A stock seems to come from the aura of the ancient times, revealed from the little red body.

Formidable’s bloodline is suppressed, acting on Mu Qing Cang, so that it can only humiliate and fall to the ground, the whole body shivering!

This is the sense of surrender from the bloodline, belonging to the majesty of Divine Beast!

The little red is a dragon-horse family, diignified Divine Beast, far from the so-called wooden Spirit Race, the two are not the same!

A sky above, an underground, a cloud of mud!


The sound of a slamming gold and iron, several chains emerged out of thin air, appearing in the dragon-horse body all around.

The chain is black, and the Heavenly Dao symbol is transferred by the force of the invisible law.

It is also the chain of these rules that imprisons the small red bloodline!

After the law chain emerged, no wind ignited, and a formidable red-red Flame emerged from the little red within the body.

From the power of the Spirit Pill, the bloodline strength of the deep red within the body is turned into a fire without Hollow, and the burning rule chain!

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