Yang Jian’s limited time summon opportunity.

The emergence of this summon opportunity, all of a sudden to make up for Bulo Dynasty, the vacancy of the great power!

Yang Jian is the supreme existence of the same series of Sun Wukong.

Also, there is no pressure to kill the Emperor!

With this background, Bulo Dynasty faces the great emperor, but still can’t be afraid!

The existence of this hole is enough to win the growth time of Bulo Dynasty’s many supreme talents, ensuring that the Emperor can no longer make troubles in Heavenly Shining Continent!

In addition, System once again re-entered 10 million Slaughtering Point, allowing Qin Yi to consume most of Slaughtering Point and rise to 200 million Slaughtering Point.

Of course, in addition to System’s reward, this time the spoils can be more than that.

The great formation described by Sun Wukong does not say that the battle armor and fighters left by the demon race are also good income.

Most of these fighters are demon race forged from the source stone of the mysterious night, and the material is out of the ordinary.

Bulo Dynasty’s Martial Artist can be re-used as a weapon of its own by simply forging it.

Moreover, for some Demon Path Martial Artists, it can be used directly.

Similarly, the warriors of the several devils were also earned by Qin Yi, and they were forged by Lu Dongbin with pure fire True Fire to remove demon qi.

These fighters are all enshrined by Qin Yi.

All the courtiers of Bulo Dynasty can be exchanged for military power.

“Unfortunately, the Emperor of Xuan Night Emperor was broken by a stick of Sun Wukong, and only some fragments of the Emperor were obtained.”

Qin Yi said with some regrets.

Before, Sun Wukong’s stick killed the stick of Xuan Night Emperor, and together with the Emperor of the Night Emperor, it was broken into pieces.

Otherwise, in this harvest, there will be more than one emperor.

Of course, Qin Yi hasn’t been entangled for a long time. Although he didn’t get the Emperor of Xuan Night, he harvested the bodies of four magical handsome guys!

In addition to the three devils who were sucked into the dry bodies by the marmots, Lu Dongbin killed the sinister demon, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki smashed the two devils, and the giant Buddha and the others defeated the devil.

These few devils, not only left their own weapons.

Even their fleshy body is also included in Qin Yi.

The body of the four magical handsomes may not be as good as the body of the Xuan Night Emperor, which can enhance the personality of the entire Heavenly Shining Continent.

But the body of these four magical handsomes is used to raise the spiritual qi of the seven heavens and the sin world. The problem is not big.

Just in time, Qin Yi’s idea of ​​turning the Tianmeng seven sects and sin circles into a training ground can also be implemented perfectly.

After the end of this war, Bulo Dynasty’s harvest is so much.

But in the end, the harvest this time is not rich!

Qin Yi is not only emotional, but the war is the fastest way to get rich.

Murder and arson are accompanied by wealth !

As long as, Bulo Dynasty will completely digest this harvest, the background must at least increase the number of budgets!

It was just the great formation left by Sun Wukong, which worked with the mountain river and the Eight Diagrams array. Only one day, Qin Yi could find the degree of spiritual qi and rose a glimmer.

For Bart Dynasty’s Martial Artist, the current Heavenly Shining Continent is really suitable for practice. One day, painfultaking cultivation is equivalent to the pasting and tens of days of painstaking cultivation.

The breakthrough of cultivation base is more like where water flows, a canal is formed, breaking the bottleneck!

Every moment, Bulo Dynasty has countless Martial Artists, complete the breakthrough.

Every day, there are earth-shaking changes!

Bulo Dynasty is taking off without interruption!

Bulo Tamron!

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