
“This group of grinning goblins!”

Qin Yi smiled and licked his sour body.

Qin Yi couldn’t help but smile at the thought of a few women’s previous refusal.

Because, the previous experience, let a few women have been entangled in Qin Yi, just like the feeding of the little goblin.

Early in the morning, wind and rain was not enough overnight. When Qin Yi got down early, he dragged Qin Yi into the palace, stopping wind and rain.

Beautiful name, purchase Qin Yi!

“These little girls, don’t look at who you are, and also puniment.”

Stumbled to see, these few little girls in these days can still get a bed! ”

Qin Yi corner of the mouth smirked and smiled.

As the saying goes, ‘evil’ has a ‘bad’ newspaper, good and good.

Liu Yiyi A few women squatting in the room from Su Shi’s own school. I want to practise Qin Yi, so that he can’t get up early.

But they know that Qin Yi has entered the sage realm.

True Dragon Bloodline is also more and more intense, this body is qi energy, it is male to terrifying, Stamina is not like ordinary people!

In addition, Qin Yi is skilled, how can a few women be opponents.

Only sorrowful!

In desperation, a few women had to drive Qin Yi out of the Yongqing Hall.

Qin Yi didn’t care too much. After meeting Yandan and Imperial Concubine Mei, they went back to the study and sorted out the harvest!

“Open the System panel!”

Qin Yi drinks at the bottom of the heart.


The familiar System prompt sounds and the System panel pops up instantly.

A series of System prompts appear on the System panel.

“Ding! Congratulations Host completes System mission and kills Xuan Night Emperor.”

“Mission: Killing the Night Emperor: Hell-level mission;

Explanation: Tian Yao is a minister, and he will return to Host.

Heavenly Shining Continent is the territory of Host. Xuan Night Emperor wants to invade Heavenly Shining Continent. Host is the master of Tian Yao and should be killed.

Reward: Erlang Xian Shengjun Yang Jian, limited time summon an hour. ”

“Ding! Congratulations Host defeated the mysterious night demon race, killing the mysterious night emperor.

Bringing the name of Bulo Dynasty to Myriad Realms and embarking on the road to conquer the heavens.

System Here, reward 10 million Slaughtering Point. ”

“Ding! Host has embarked on the first step in conquering the heavens, and hopes that Host Making an all-out effort will bring All Heavens and Myriad Realms to your knees.”


Qin Yi flipped through the System prompts and couldn’t help but overjoyed.

Sun Wukong’s avatar was exhausted in the battle with Xuan Night Emperor.

This means that Qin Yi can no longer summon Sun Wukong!

Although Sun Wukong has killed Xuan Night Emperor, he actually put Heavenly Shining Continent and Bulo Dynasty on the table of All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

Qin Yi is very clear that no one has the influence to dare to ignore an influence that can kill the great emperor. It must be from the spies of All Heavens and Myriad Realms. It is estimated that it is already on the road.

Even, there may be a big emperor!

If Qin Yi has already released Sun Wukong summon, it is completely fearless, how much can be killed!

However, Sun Wukong’s avatar has been exhausted.

At this time, the limited time summon opportunity of Erlang God Yang Jian is very precious!

Yang Jian, Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, the first battle of heaven!

This is a peerless figure at the same level as Sun Wukong!

Even when Sun Wukong was in the middle of the Tiangong Temple, with the help of Laojun, Sun Wukong was defeated in one fell swoop!

Even under the combined efforts of many people, Sun Wukong was defeated.

However, it is undeniable that Yang Jian is a character of Sun Wukong!

Fleshy body sanctification, clear Hollow wonderful road Erlang true!

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