Yao Yi Chan sneered, slowly hanging down the eyes, no longer to see the scene in the net mirror.

In the field, the Zen master is also a shook head with a slight smile on his face.

“I am compassionate!”

The 10,000 Buddhist lords are also the hands of the hands of the ten.

But it is in the thousands of Buddhists, thinking that the overall situation has been fixed.

The situation in the net sky mirror changed again. Qin Yi took down the eight treasures of Luohan with the mountain river map, knocked down the dust and blasted it into the ground!

Eight treasures Luohan, defeated!


The eyes of Yao Yi’s half-shouldered, slamming, like a brass bell, a look of horror!

And the Buddhist Zen masters, the smile on his face, frozen for a moment, revealing a rather interesting expression.

At the moment when Babao Luohan was shot down, the Zen masters were stupid and completely unable to accept this scene.

“Impossible, impossible!”

The sorrowful look at the stunned shot at the Eight Treasure Lohan, who was shot down in the mirror, could not accept this cruel fact.

The Eight Treasures of Lohan, the 10,000-day Buddhist jasmine jade pillar, was defeated by a Martial Artist under a saintly person with a Sacred Item!

A blow broke the iron rule of the Zen masters!

Feathering the sage, it is also possible to slash the sky and defeat the saints!

“No, no, it must be the eight treasures of the Senior Brother.

With the strength of the Babao Senior Brother, the Martial Artist is crushed and dead, like a reptile.

How can I beat the Babao Senior Brother in a district where the Martial Artist of the 1st Layer is feathered! ”

Yao Yi Zen Master is even denying it, and does not want to admit it.

In the celestial mirror, the eight treasures of Luohan seem to be in harmony with the words of Yao Yi, to display four eight-armed divine ability, and then fight Qin Yi.

“Rohan four phases, this is the eight treasures Senior Brother is serious, will be able to degenerate this person!”

Yao Yi Zen master is staring at the net mirror.


Even the net mirror can’t stop the muffled sound, and the Babao Zen master is defeated again!

“The Eight Treasure Senior Brother also has a divine ability, the Buddha in the earth, you can marry the saint!”

Yao Yi Zen master.


The earth is broken, the eight treasures are dead!

When all this happened, the Tianyin Temple was silent, and no one even said anything!

Yao Yi’s face is awful, like a mourning test, he can’t wake up from his loss for a long time.

“Babao Senior Brother, dead?”

There are Zen masters who whisper to themselves and lose their souls.

Even the 10,000 Buddhist lords are equally angry and angry.

Anyway, the saints are the background of one party!

Among the great teachings, the most formidable Strength is not comparable to other existences in sect, and it cannot be lost.

Even if the tens of thousands of Buddhist strengths, the loss of a saint, it is also a major event, enough to shake the foundation of 10,000 Buddhism!

Wan Buddhist masters even want to let Wan Buddhism come out, just to step out of Bulo Dynasty and kill Qin Yi.

However, when this idea rises, it is forcibly annihilated by thousands of Buddhist teachers!

Wan Buddhism can be more than an enemy of Bulo Dynasty. The strength that Qin Yi shows, even if Wan Buddhism can win, it is just a victory over that’s all!

At that time, Wanbian’s opponents don’t mind coming back!

Even now, a saint is degraded, and the 10,000 Buddhist lords are also prepared to guard against provocations such as the ancient demon!

Where, I still have a hand, and I will shoot Bulo Dynasty!

“From now on, constrain the Disciple, don’t provoke Bulo Dynasty.

The matter of the land of Qingzhou, postponed again! ”

The 10,000 Buddhist lords directly issued a ban.

this moment.

The Zen Buddhism Zen Master discovered that the Senior Brother, who has been in charge of tens of thousands of years of Buddhism, is particularly unsettled and unwilling!

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