Net sky mirror.

On the vast mirror surface, a shimmer, looking at it, you can see the scene behind it.

The mirror is dust-free, reflecting the big thousand!

Through the net mirror, everyone on the scene can see anything happening in the Hollow Mountains.

In the net mirror, the treasurer and the others are too Hollow, and the Thunder mirror is shot down.

The king of the kingdom of Wanfo forced the Huo Qubing to fall, and countless Bulo would fight with each other.

“Senior Brother Wan’s cultivation base is getting deeper and deeper, I’m afraid there is a cultivation base for the semi-Saint 4th Layer.”

Yao Yi, a Zen master, can see at a glance the cultivation base of the king of the kingdom.

In the same way as realm such as feathering, in order to show the gap between the semi-Saint Martial Artists, everyone also divides the semi-real realm into 9th layer days.

On the half-sacred 9th layer day, you can be promoted to the sage!

The first generation of the kingdom of Wanfo is the realm that has stepped into the semi-Saint 4th Layer, which is not weak.

Countless Bulo soldiers, no better than their ants under their hands!

“Sure enough, Bulo Dynasty is just a big Dynasty, although there are some strengths, how can it be the opponent of Senior Brother Wan and the others.”

The Zen masters smiled.

As for the fall of countless Bulo soldiers, they have long been ignored by the Zen masters.

The so-called Bodhisattva’s heart is a joke for the Zen Masters.

Buddha is a good person.

These Bulo soldiers who dare to resist 10,000 Buddhism are obviously not the fated person of Buddhism.

However, the smile on the faces of the Zen Masters did not last long. In the net mirror, Qin Yi was already shot!

The mountain river spreads and spreads over 90,000 miles!

Even with the clear sky mirror, the Zen masters can feel the vast power of the mountain river map, which makes people feel guilty!

“Bulo Dynasty, actually there is a Sacred Item?”

The Zen Master is just surprised.

In the hands of the treasure teacher, it is also carrying the Buddha’s Sacred Item, which is necessary to compete with the mountains and rivers.

However, what happened next made the Zen Master look changed!

First of all, the king of the kingdom of Wanfo was killed by Qin Yi and killed by the mountain river.

Subsequently, in the confrontation between Xu Jinshan and the mountain river map, Xu Jinshan was defeated, and the mountain river was hurt and the source!

The eleventh and the half sacred, such as the treasure sage, joined forces to spur Jinshan and still lost!

“Babao Senior Brother has not yet shot, I have not lost yet!”

Yao Yi, a Zen master, stood up and stared straight at the net.

Sure enough, when Qin Yi was preparing to kill the treasurer and the others, Babao Luohan took out Qin Yi.

“Fortunately, the Eight Brothers Senior Brother also followed, or the treasure like the Senior Brother, they are difficult!”

Seeing the eight treasures of Luo Han shot, Yao Yi Zen master this relieved a sigh of relief.

“The Eight Treasure Senior Brother will avenge the Senior Brother Wan!”

Yao Yi Zen stared at the net mirror, the silhouette of the hill that was too Hollow, hate.

“Babao Senior Brother shot, this Bulo King Jun, I have the strength to resist!

Even if there is a Sacred Item, he will be defeated! ”

Yao Yi, the Zen master, sneered and sat down again.

Even in the end, Yao Yi Zen Master has already planned to drop his eyes and not look at the scene inside the net mirror!

After that, Yao Yi’s Zen master did not need to look at it.

Everything is already doomed at the time of Babao Luohan’s shot!

The sage is angry, Heaven and Earth are overturned!

A sage shot, without the same Martial Artist to resist, just relying on a Sacred Item, it is also an ant!

Sage, even within All Heavens and Myriad Realms, can be called power!

The Martial Artist under the saint faces the saint, just like the child facing the adult robot man. The difference between the two is like a scorpio!

With the insights of Yao Yi’s Zen master, I have never heard of defeating saints with feathers!

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