Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1205: Pass easily

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Punish ten thousand **** coins!

What a **** egg!

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan monks were all crying and laughing.

Now Ning Xiaochuan is certain. The order in front of the golden robe is indeed a group of Ye Chaofan. Otherwise, how could he have issued such a punishment.

Although the **** coin is very useful, Ning Xiaochuan and others are also very scarce at the moment, but this is because they have just arrived in the kingdom of truth. As a genius born and raised in the kingdom of truth, Ye Chaofan wants to get 10,000 pieces, which is an easy task.

Therefore, at this moment, the punishment issued by the man in the golden robe to Ye Chaofan is simply a scoop of water from the sea, not even drizzle.

The Tianjiao people who surrounded the men in the gold robes, at this moment, heard the punishment of Ye Chaofan by the men in the gold robes, and suddenly looked surprised at each other.

They are not stupid, of course, it can be seen that this man in the golden robe is simply covering Ye Chaofan.

The young people around the Kingdom of Truth, laughing and looking at this group of heavenly pride, seemed to ridicule their childishness, and even regarded their people in the Kingdom of Truth as being dependent.

Seeing that those Tianjiao were far away from themselves, and no longer trusted themselves as before, the man in the golden robe didn't care, but turned around and looked at Ning Xiaochuan coldly.

A strong divine power came in an instant, and he would kneel Ning Xiaochuan to the ground almost immediately. When Ning Xiaochuan's face changed greatly, his whole body seemed to be rattled by the oppression.

Staring at the man in the golden robe, a series of data appeared immediately in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

The energy index of the man in the golden robe actually reached as high as ninety-six, and his strength was not at all what Ning Xiaochuan could imagine at the moment.

However, Ning Xiaochuan has even seen the main god. At this moment, although the man of the golden robe is powerful, Ning Xiaochuan can still carry it.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan carrying his own might, the man in the golden robe showed a little surprise and dark.

But he clearly saw that Ning Xiaochuan's energy index at this moment was only three points, and it stands to reason that it is impossible to carry his divine power.

He looked at Ning Xiaochuan with surprise and looked a few times. The man in the golden robe returned to normal, and said coldly to Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, as a member of the Tianjiao Palace, beheaded and killed the disciple Kong Mo. Crime, I will throw you into a blood purgatory for a hundred years and accept punishment. "

"What? One hundred years in blood purgatory."

Hearing the punishment of Ning Xiaochuan by the man in the gold robe, the Tianjiao from Bapin civilization were almost all in shock.

These days they are not here to find nothing. They have a preliminary understanding of everything about the Kingdom of Truth, so they know in their hearts that this blood purgatory is the place where the Kingdom of Truth punishes the most serious crimes.

Ning Xiaochuan did kill Kong Mo without fail, but if he was to be thrown into the blood purgatory for a hundred years, wouldn't Ye Chaofan be driven into the blood purgatory for hundreds of years. Ye Chaofan had killed several people before. Tianjiao, but Ning Xiaochuan killed only Kong Mo.

This man in the golden robe obviously has a big favoritism in punishing Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan.

The heavenly pride around them felt this, and they were farther and farther away from the order. They also began to feel that something was wrong with the order.

"Football, there is such a sentence, even a pig cannot be sentenced like this." At this moment, the monk Tangan drilled out from behind Ning Xiaochuan and screamed loudly before he nodded and smiled at the man in the golden robe. "Order, Lord, I'm not talking about you. Don't get me wrong."

The man in Jinpao was a little ugly by Tangan Monk's face, but at this moment he was obviously too lazy to care about Dangan Monk, but stared at Ning Xiaochuan coldly: "Ning Xiaochuan, come with me, I will personally Send you to Blood Purgatory. "

"Wait." Ning Xiaochuan waved and stopped the man in the golden robe, and then said, "Order makes the lord, I just killed Kong Mo, I will be punished like this, why Ye Chaofan killed so many members of Tianjiao Palace, But just fined 10,000 **** coins? "

Although it is known to ask these questions for nothing, what Ning Xiaochuan wants to do at this moment is to tear up the mask of hypocrisy of this order before he leaves.

The man in the golden robe shrugged and said, "Of course I can punish you for ten thousand **** coins, but the question is, do you have ten thousand **** coins? If not, don't talk nonsense, just follow me."

Ning Xiaochuan and others just came to the Kingdom of Truth a few days ago, and there were five hundred divine coins in their bodies. Naturally, there could not be tens of thousands of divine coins.

At this moment, the man in the golden robe made it clear that he was using this, and was deliberately targeting Ning Xiaochuan.

"Isn't there just 10,000 sacred coins, of course we have them." In the surprised eyes of Ning Xiaochuan, the monk Tangan actually stood up again and turned back to the Tianjiao monks. This time, we ca n’t let them take Ning Xiaochuan like this. It ’s easy to take Ning Xiaochuan away. Although we do n’t have a lot of **** coins, if we put them together, there are a lot of them, enough to keep Ning Xiaochuan. Now, the poor monk suggested, let's put together our **** coins and say 10,000. "

The arrogant people around looked up at the monk Tangan, and some frowned, and then hid directly. Someone hesitated for a while, but in the end still avoided the distance.

These days, these arrogant people have already felt the importance of the **** coin, so of course at this moment do not want to waste the **** coin in their hands on Ning Xiaochuan.

The monk Tangan greeted him for a long time, but he didn't even get a **** coin, and he couldn't help but cursed, "Hey, the poor monk is rare and generous this time, but you guys are so stingy, no wonder It will be bullied into a pig's head, **** it.

"Master, forget it." At this moment Ning Xiaochuan suddenly walked to the monk Tangan with a smile and reached out and patted his shoulder.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan said to the man in front of the Jinpao: "I will go with you."

Even the ghostly place like Jiuyou Land, Ning Xiaochuan came in. He didn't believe that this blood purgatory would be more terrible by Jiuyou Land.

The men in the gold robes, Ye Chaofan, and others, most of them had a bit of ridicule on their faces at the moment, watching the Tangan monk busy for a while, the mockery on their faces became more and more obvious.

"Okay, come with me." Upon hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, the man in the golden robe nodded, and then took Ning Xiaochuan away.

However, just after taking two steps, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly stopped in a strange look: "Order makes the Lord, as you said, as long as I have 10,000 **** coins, I don't have to go to Blood Purgatory, right?"

The man in the gold robe stopped impatiently and turned back to look at Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, it would be useless to delay time like this. If I dragged on like this, I would take the shot myself and throw you into the blood purgatory. . "

"I'm not procrastinating. I just want to ask clearly. Even if I die, I have to die and understand it." Ning Xiaochuan's expression remained unchanged.

The man in the gold robe was a little impatient: "Yes, ten thousand gold coins. As long as you have them, you don't have to be punished again."

Ning Xiaochuan heard a frown and said, "Order makes adults, your punishment seems to be a little wrong. Ye Nantian killed five people before I killed one person. If he was punished for ten thousand **** coins, I Just two thousand.

It ’s not a delay. Everyone in your body now has only five hundred gold coins. No one is willing to help you now. You do n’t have many **** coins at all, so whether it is punishing you 10,000 **** coins or punishing you 2,000, almost It doesn't make any difference.

The man in the golden robe snorted coldly and nodded directly: "Two thousand **** coins, if you have them, you don't have to go to blood purgatory."

"Two thousand **** coins." Ning Xiaochuan sighed.

Two thousand **** coins are a huge sum for these newcomers and it is almost impossible to make up.

The man in the gold robe, Ye Chaofan, and others around him obviously thought so at the moment, so at this moment they looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a sneer, seeming to want to see how Ning Xiaochuan struggled before he died.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't change his look at this moment, and after a moment's silence, he suddenly looked up and said, "Two thousand **** coins, I have passed them to the order lord, now I can go without blood purgatory."


Ning Xiaochuan's words immediately made everyone around him feel comfortable, even the monk Tangan and others, at this moment also looked at Ning Xiaochuan somewhat dumbfounded.

Now that Ning Xiaochuan does not have to pay the price of 10,000 **** coins, but two thousand **** coins, Ning Xiaochuan is still impossible to take out. Moreover, the monk Tangan knew well that Ning Xiaochuan had already spent all of the sacred coins on his body, leaving nothing left.

Ye Chaofan looked at the man in the golden robe and frowned, "What's going on? This kid won't really give you two thousand **** coins."

At this moment, the man in Jinpao had turned into a pig's liver color. His face was ugly. He stared at Ning Xiaochuan for a long time, then nodded slowly, "Yes, this Ning Xiaochuan was just transferred to me. Two thousand **** coins. "

"No way, how could he have two thousand divine coins." Ye Chaofan heard the words and suddenly his face was iron and blue, and he spoke to the man in Jinpao.

The man in Jinpao bowed his face and said, "Yeah, I also feel weird. This kid can't have so many divine coins. I have already investigated in advance. Most of the divine coins on these guys have spent almost. It is unlikely that there are too many **** coins on them, but now the kid really took out two thousand **** coins. "

"Well, what about taking out two thousand divine coins, just now I just wanted to make him play, and now I see if he can continue to play with me." Ye Chaofan snorted, and he was right again. Ning Xiaochuan shot.

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