Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1204: punishment

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Order is the man in charge of punishment in the kingdom of truth.

In fact, the original Kingdom of Truth did not need order to make it exist. Everything in the Kingdom of Truth was controlled by the artifact. Even the punishment was the most fair decision of the artifact.

But now that there is a problem with the Kingdom of Truth, the original order of the Kingdom of Truth has been completely disrupted. Therefore, the Kingdom of Truth has set up an order for this post to maintain the normal operation of the Kingdom of Truth.

Hearing the three words of order, Ye Chaofan's face showed a bit of jealousy.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan stood on the other side and helped the monk Dangan. Although the monk Tangan was injured by Kong Mo, the injury was not too serious. At this moment, staring at Ye Chaofan, the monk Tangan looked sad and low. He murmured: "It's over, Ning Xiaochuan, this guy is even more brutal than the devil in hell. We can't escape this disaster this time."

Ning Xiaochuan frowned and didn't say much.

At this moment he was also thinking about how to get out of the immediate predicament.

Just now his energy index will soar so much at once, and even he was subdued by Kong Mo attentively. In fact, it was the secret that the power of the five elements that had just been exchanged was secretly absorbed, and then the godhead in the body evolved.

As long as there is the power of the five elements, coupled with the laws of the soul ball, Ning Xiaochuan's personality can continue to evolve almost immediately.

At this moment, the virtual godhead in his body has more than a thousand slices, reaching a total of 1,088 slices.

The godhead has evolved so much at once, naturally the energy index of Ning Xiaochuan jumped to three points.

But even so, Ning Xiaochuan's energy index is still much worse than the little prince Ye Chaofan in front of him. If it is by force, Ning Xiaochuan will not be able to break through the predicament in front of him. I am afraid that it will end up like the Tianjiao around him. Ye Chaofan and others in front of her step insulted.

No matter where the strength is fundamental, Ning Xiaochuan felt this again deeply at this moment.

Even in a place like the Kingdom of Truth, strength is still respected. Without strength, one can only be bullied.

The existence of orderly order seems to make Ye Chaofan a bit frightened, so at this moment, the openness of his face slightly converges, and he turns to look at Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan monk: "Ning Xiaochuan, hand over the godhead in your hand, In addition, give me a kneel on the ground and make three noises, and today I will spare you. "

For a warrior, especially a Tianjiao-level warrior, killing them is actually nothing. If they can break down the pride in their hearts, that will really destroy them.

At this moment Ye Chaofan is like this, wanting to make Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan monk completely bow their heads.

Ye Chaochao didn't have any sense of accomplishment to kill the Tianjiao around him, because those Tianjiao had been beaten by him badly, and he had almost no courage to fight him.

But Ning Xiaochuan and Dangan monk are different. Even facing Ye Chaofan's group, they know they are not opponents, but they still have the courage to shoot. It is really refreshing to let such two hard-hearted people kneel in front of themselves.

Let's kneel!

At the same time, the monks of Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan showed some disdain.

They have come along this way, who has ever kneeled before anyone, let alone Ye Chaofan who is standing in front of them, even if they are a real deity standing in front of them at the moment, they will not kneel.

"If you don't kneel, you'll have to die." Ye Chaofan said aggravatedly.

A smirk expression appeared on the monk Tangan's face, "This donor, let's not just open and close our mouths to kill and kill, okay, I think you are so murderous, it is better to sit down and listen to the poor monk reading a scripture , Purify the murderous spirit in your heart. "

Hearing the almost ridiculous words of the monk Tangan, Ye Chaofan frowned suddenly, his voice was cold: "You are looking for death."

As soon as the figure flashed, Ye Chaofan would catch the monk Dangan.

At that moment, a crisp, rattling sound suddenly appeared in this Tianjiao Palace.

Ye Chaofan's movement stopped for a moment and he turned to look at Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan held Kong Mo's virtual godhead in his hands and crushed it without expression. The crisp voice just now was the sound of Ning Xiaochuan crushing Kong Mo's virtual godhead.

One of these young people from the Kingdom of Truth has officially died.

Such a scene not only left Ye Chaofan full of murderous spirits, but even the young people standing by the side watching the lively truth kingdom of heaven, were all very angry at this moment.

"The little prince is going to teach them soon. They even dare to speak wildly and provoked the little prince."

"This guy actually killed Kong Mo. What did he think he was? Really thought that entering our Kingdom of Truth is a citizen of the Kingdom of Truth. Are these foreigners always inferior to us before we wait? Order brought him to see how he would be punished. "

"The little prince just killed a lot of people just now. If order comes, I'm afraid the little prince will also be implicated."

"What are you afraid of? As a little prince, even if you are punished, you will be punished at most for a few days. But this kid is miserable. If you dare to kill the people of the Kingdom of Truth, I will see that the Order will direct him Throw in Blood Purgatory. "

"Let's talk about blood purgatory later, he must pass the little prince first."


Although all these young people were angry around them, they just stood aside and mumbled, and no one shot directly, because at this moment, the cold-faced Ye Chaofan had stepped towards Ning Xiaochuan step by step.

"You dare to kill Kong Mo in front of me. It seems that I can't spare you anyway today." Ye Chaofan's palm opened, and the whole arm seemed to become a rule, and I didn't know how What kind of secret method was directly directed towards the monks Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan.

A throbbing feeling suddenly appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's heart.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that he might not be able to follow Ye Chaofan's move at this moment, and he might even be killed directly. However, Ning Xiaochuan crushed Kong Mo's virtual godhead, so now, he directly irritated Ye Chaofan and shot it out.

Because only in this way can Ning Xiaochuan feel a deadly threat. With this sense of lethal threat, the white bone beads in Ning Xiaochuan's godhead can rotate again and exert super power.

By that time, Ning Xiaochuan may not be able to fight Ye Chaofan in front of him. This is also the only way Ning Xiaochuan can think of at this moment. He can only plug his hope on the white bone beads in his body.

So at this moment, after tackling the monk Tangan behind him, Ning Xiaochuan not only did not take a step back, but held his chest straight and greeted Ye Chaofan directly.

"This guy is going to commit suicide!"

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's actions, such thoughts popped into his mind immediately. They couldn't guess Ning Xiaochuan's thoughts at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan watched Ye Chaofan getting closer and closer, and his whole body's blood seemed to start to boil. Under this condition, the white bone beads in his body also seemed to start to touch, and there was a tendency to immediately rotate.

At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly stopped Ye Chaofan.

A mighty man wearing a golden robe with a golden sword hanging around his waist turned into a thunder, blocking Ye Chaofan.

On the body of this mighty man, a divine power was continuously released, clearly showing his identity as a god.

The man in the gold robe appeared, stopped Ye Chaofan, and then glanced around, he immediately looked awe-inspiring. "Little prince, you have done too much today and must accept severe punishment."

This man in golden robes is one of the thousands of Orders in the Kingdom of Truth. With his deity-level strength, he should have been able to clearly understand everything that happened in the Tianjiao Palace. He just appeared at this moment without knowing why. it's here.

The arrogant people who looked embarrassed and lay on the ground, at this moment saw the appearance of the order, and directly spoke to punish Ye Nantian. They jumped excitedly one by one, rushed to the side of the order, and accused Ye Nantian repeatedly. Domineering and bloodthirsty.

These Tianjiao people were insulted by Ye Chaofan before. It was a bit too much. At this moment, I think of the humiliation just suffered, and many of them even left tears on their cheeks.

"Okay, okay, I'm wrong today. If it wasn't for the moment, and I didn't stop the fight between you in time, things would not be like today. But you can rest assured that the order controls the truth I will definitely deal with all matters in the kingdom of heaven in a fair and fair manner, punishing Ye Chaofan severely. "The man in the golden robe stood with sorrow and indignation among these heavenly pride, and even put down his frame as a deity, and calmed them with joy Tianjiao.

Such a scene naturally reassures the growing arrogance of the heavenly pride around him, and almost regards the man in the golden robe as his dependence at this moment.

Only Ning Xiaochuan, who was standing aside, unexpectedly saw a bit of sneer and sneer on the face of the soaking man at this moment. However, the man in the golden robe covered up well, and this look disappeared immediately after only a moment.

"Nothing! Isn't even the man in the golden robe with Ye Chaofan at the moment." Ning Xiaochuan secretly watched for a moment.

Although the man in the golden robe is an order maker, he is also an individual, and he has his own thoughts. It is not surprising that he will become an associate of Ye Chaofan.

From the title of Ye Chaofan's little prince, we can see that his status in the Kingdom of Truth is not ordinary. It seems that it is not difficult for such a person to buy an order from a lower god.

The man in the golden robe calmed those Tianjiao words and immediately looked at Ye Chaofan coldly: "Ye Chaofan, you brought people to Tianjiao Palace and killed several members of Tianjiao Palace. Now I officially punish you 10,000 gods. Currency, if such a thing happens again in the future, the punishment will be doubled again. You need to pay attention. "

"I see." Ye Chaofan promised lazily, but stared at Ning Xiaochuan, with a slight disdain smile on the corner of his mouth.

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