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After his breath, Xing Yinshang arrived in the teleportation formation with Feng Shaoyuan and Feng Nongying.

Xing Yinshang immediately triggered the teleportation formation, and at this time, Ye Xing fired a black flame arrow, shuttling through the void 1000, and killed instantly.


Xing Yinshang took out the Divine Item knife, split the black flame arrows, and a rays of light rose into the sky instantly, covering 3 people.

teleportation formation has been launched.

The silhouettes of Xing Yinshang, Feng Shaoyuan, and Feng Nongying immediately changed from reality to imagination, and gradually disappeared.

Xuan Yuan who failed to escape was naturally attacked by Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue. He was severely wounded and soon died under the attack of 2 Middle Grade Divine Armaments.

The battle was over and all around was quiet.

However, the continuous ground gully of 2 1000 li or so is witnessing the fierce battle just now, even if it does not last for a long time, but the collision of the quasi-Divine Level ’s battle strength is frightening, and the ground is unknown. How many peaks, how many canyons.

In addition, the flesh and blood of three Quasi-Gods splashed on this land.

In Star Moon Continent, a nirvana Quasi-God is standing on the peak, 2 nirvana Quasi-God, it is difficult to produce one in 10000 years, and even 2 nirvana Quasi-God, want to kill a nirvana Quasi- God is also very difficult, so the fall of 3 Quasi-Gods at the same time is extremely rare in the history of Star Moon Continent.

Looking at the ravaged land, Feng Hanqiu’s face was full of smiling expression, saying: “This time, they fell 3 digits of Quasi-God, but their strength is greatly diminished, and they can no longer compete with us. From then on, they can only Turtle in the inner city of the capital, with the Dragon Destiny struggling on whilst at death’s door, dying, haha ​​…! “

Feng Junyue said unfortunately: “Unfortunately, I ran away three. They even built a teleportation formation in this barren mountain and ridge, which is really thoughtful.”

Feng Hanqiu said: “They are also afraid that Lu Zhenghong and Qiu Minjun will come and join us. There is a teleportation formation and they have a retreat, but they are afraid that it is unexpected. Lu Zhenghong and Yue Minjun did not come, but they are Junior Brother Ye Xing. To kill them scared witless. “

Feng Junyue said with a smile: “Yeah, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe that the strength of Junior Brother Ye Xing had reached such a point. The lethality of the Divine Item bow was too frightening, if not for this teleportation formation , They all have to fall here. “

Ye Xing looked at the teleportation formation and said, “Their escape is only temporary. As long as they have no way to leave Star Moon Continent, their lives will always be in my hands. One day, they will die.”

Feng Hanqiu touched his beard, said with a slight smile: “Yes, now they can only compete with the Dragon Destiny. If the cultivation base of Junior Brother Ye Xing breaks a little further, and the strength goes further, it will reach me Star Moon Continent has never been reached. At that time, I am afraid that Dragon Destiny will not be able to stop the Archery Technique of Junior Brother Ye Xing. “

Ye Xing nodded, his cultivation base still has a lot of room for improvement. Now he wants to forcibly break the dynasty Dragon Destiny, but he can’t do it, but when he breaks through the Star Ocean Boundary Eighth Layer?

At that time, his strength will be another grade, and he can break through the Star Ocean Boundary Eighth Layer, Wei Qingxuan will certainly be able to, then, breaking the dynasty Dragon Destiny will not be difficult.

Ye Xing’s corner of the mouth raised, saying: “Then give them some breathing time, wait for me and Qingxuan Breakthrough Star Ocean Boundary Eighth Layer, and then find them the general ledger.”

Feng Junyue said, “Why give them breathing time, Junior Brother Ye Xing, you and Qingxuan Junior Sister. Although the cultivation and cultivation bases have not broken through, don’t worry about these things.

Hanqiu Senior Brother and I made an appointment with Lu Zhenghong and Qiu Minjun, and first broke the Golden Lion Sect and Mystic Yin Palace. These two sects did not have Quasi-God. They could not stand for long without the instinct of Dragon Destiny.

Then we split up 2 lanes, attacking Astrology Palace all the way, and attacking Sealing Devil Valley all the way, leaving them no time to breathe. “

Speaking of Lu Zhenghong and Qiu Minjun, it didn’t take long for 2 people to come.

Quasi-God is the Martial Dao peak at Star Moon Continent. It is very sensitive to the breath fluctuations of Star Moon Continent. For example, the battle between Quasi-God is extremely strong and the distance is very far away. Other Quasi-Gods will also Somehow.

Lu Zhenghong and Qiu Minjun sensed the Quasi-God battle and rushed over here. They learned that the three Quasi-Gods of Xing Chengji, Jin Hongcheng and Xuanyuan had fallen, and both were startled. .

Regarding Feng Junyue’s proposal, Lu Zhenghong and Qiu Minjun had no opinion. Both parties decided that Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue would attack Mystic Yin Palace, while Lu Zhenghong and Qiu Minjun would attack Golden Lion Sect.

After breaking these two sects, Mystic Yin Palace’s site belongs to Big Dipper Sword Sect, while the Golden Lion Sect site is divided equally between Great Spirit Sect and Moonslash Sect.

Afterwards, Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue continued to attack the Astrology Palace, while Lu Zhenghong and Qiu Minjun went to attack the Sealing Devil Valley. The site allocation was the same as that of Mystic Yin Palace and Golden Lion Sect.

Ye Xing and Wei Qingxuan naturally did not participate in these matters, and the two returned to Big Dipper Sword Sect, living under a quiet mountain peak, and living a comfortable life for two.

In a hurry, one year later, Mystic Yin Palace and Golden Lion Sect were successively breached. Dragon Destiny could not fully exert strength without the control of Quasi-God. Feng Hanqiu, Feng Junyue, Lu Zhenghong, and Qiu Minjun all had Middle Grade Divine Armament, the attack power has reached 4 Nirvana Divine Level, the speed of breaking is of course fast.

Afterwards, Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue rushed to the Astrology Palace, and Lu Zhenghong and Qiu Minjun rushed to the Sealing Devil Valley, and another war began.

Of these two sects, Sealing Devil Valley has 3 Quasi-Gods and Astrology Palace has Xing Yinshang. Although they are unable to counterattack, Feng Hanqiu and Lu Zhenghong are also difficult to break through quickly, and the battle is deadlocked.

Although the effect is not great, Feng Hanqiu, Lu Zhenghong and the others did not at all. The two sides each had 2 Quasi-Gods. One was Quasi-God to rest, and the other Quasi-God attacked. Keep keeping attacking.

So month after month, year after year.


It’s summer in 5 years.

Big Dipper Sword Sect, the sky is high and the sky is broad, a breath of frightening, sweeping from somewhere in the mountains behind.

Between heaven and earth, the Power of Stars in the 8 squares of the void were all sensed and surged towards the source of the breath fluctuation.

Masses of Power of Stars converge to form a huge layer of star clouds, floating in the sky like a funnel.

Below, it seems that there is a rare beast that devours Star Power, devouring Power of Stars frantically.

Of course, there is no rare beast below, but Ye Xing from cultivation base breakthrough to Star Ocean Boundary Eighth Layer.

His cultivation base breakthrough caused too much movement and caused the star energy between heaven and earth. At this moment, he is devouring and absorbing these star energy, within the body Star Astral is greatly strengthened, and his strength is similar to that of King Seven Stars. In comparison, there has been a leap forward.

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