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Also killing Jin Hongcheng was Feng Junyue.

Zhentian Shenwei sword with the voice of Long Xiao, sword light hundred zhang cut Jin Hongcheng into 2 pieces.

Immediately, the 2 broken bodies of Jin Hongcheng were cut to pieces by the sweeping sword light, separated from the flesh and blood, and spilled on all sides.

Jin Hongcheng’s flesh was squirming, but the speed of flesh and blood rebirth was not as fast as the sweeping speed of sword light, and it finally turned into fragments. Life Strength was exhausted and completely killed.

If it was normal, even if Jin Hongcheng suffered a blow from Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue, he would not be killed, but before he received an arrow from Ye Xing, Life Strength was lost by more than 80%, and he had suffered extremely serious injuries. It was completely killed by Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue.

While Feng Hanqiu and Feng Junyue attacked Jin Hongcheng, Wei Qingxuan also shot, but she attacked four people, including Xing Yinshang who was fleeing.

Wei Qingxuan exhibited the speed secret technique of Samsara Palace, and suddenly passed through the empty number of fifty kilometers, shot with 2 palms, Extreme Cold astral qi immediately enveloped several dozen li in front, Xing Yinshang and 4 others were enveloped, one after another Cold Ice Palm Indiana came.

“Little King, also catch up … courting death!”

Xing Yinshang was furious, coldly shouted, hand-knife knives, the Divine Item Knife, the rays of light were bright, a knife blade cut the sky into two halves, and immediately split into Wei Qingxuan.

With the exception of Ye Xing, when did Xing Yinshang put the king in his eyes, Wei Qingxuan was only the Seven Stars King. Although the strength is not weak, the Low Grade Divine Armament can be associated with a nirvana Quasi-God mention on equal terms, but the king is the king There is a qualitative difference between King Body and Divine Physique.

From Xing Yinshang’s point of view, when this blade is dropped, he will cut Wei Qingxuan into two halves. Wei Qingxuan’s Extreme Cold astral qi attacks without breaking.

Not far away, there is a teleportation formation, which is arranged in advance by Xing Yinshang and the others, and can quickly communicate with various sects. As long as you escape to the teleportation formation, you can return to the capital, and resist the enemy with the dynasty Dragon Destiny.

At Quasi-God’s speed of five kilometers, they can reach the teleportation array in just one blink.

Facing Xing Yinshang’s slash, Wei Qingxuan not at all pulled back and retreated, but broke the third eye in the center of his forehead and used the cycle of Divine Pupil.

“Reincarnation Light-!”

A dazzling colored rays of light, radiated from the reincarnation Divine Pupil, burst into a strength of brightening, and instantly collided with the blade light.

Wei Qingxuan moved the strength of Reincarnation Light to the limit, which is more terrifying than a nirvana Quasi-God full strength attack, even though it is not as powerful as Xing Yinshang’s sword, but it also dims the bright sword. Yu went 70-80%.

Reincarnation Light broke apart instantly, and the sword was cut off. In the middle of Wei Qingxuan’s body, almost the entire upper body was split, and his head was split into 2 halves.

Xing Yinshang coldly snorted, the little king of the heart, the god can’t kill you with one sword.

However, to Xing Yinshang’s surprise, the opponent hit the sword, and the Extreme Cold astral qi did not fall apart. The four of them were still affected by the Extreme Cold astral qi, and the speed was greatly reduced.

I saw Wei Qingxuan’s body, the flesh and blood moved, and the split wound healed in no time, and he recovered as before.

“Top Grade King Body?”

Xing Yinshang, Feng Shaoyuan, Feng Nongying, and Xuan Yuan, and cried out in surprise at the same time.

They used to be Outer Sect Disciples of Dark Star Shrine. They have a wide range of knowledge. Naturally, Top Grade King Body has the same Undying Body as Divine Physique. It also knows how rare Top Grade King Body is.


It was dark and suddenly covered Xing Yinshang and 4 others. Ye Xing was dying for 1000 miles, hurried back, killing intent came, and Black Hole Astrology pulled all 4 people into Dark World.


At the same time, in the Dark World, a black flame arrow shuttled at a fast speed, with the extreme frightening strength and the extremely penetrating Internal Qi, and fired at 4 people at Xing Yinshang.

Xing Yinshang 4 people, not only fell into Dark World, the void around all around was suddenly strengthened, and the power of the air held them in check.

At this time, they have already reached the teleportation formation, but Wei Qingxuan’s Extreme Cold astral qi has greatly delayed their time, allowing Ye Xing to condense a black flame arrow again and kill it.

Shoot the target-Xuan Yuan.

“Reincarnation Light-!”

At this point, Wei Qingxuan once again wrecked the reincarnation of Divine Pupil, bursting into an extreme blow, and the dazzling colored rays of light burst out, instantly penetrating the space into a virtual hole, killing the past with Feng Nongying.

In addition, Wei Qingxuan didn’t have his hands idle, and even shot them. They are all the tricks in the cold and cold ice palm. Cold Ice Palm is printed or slashed, or cut horizontally. Each one is cut like a blade, and the attack power is very terrifying.

All of these Cold Ice Palm blades were attacked by Xing Yinshang.

Xing Yinshang as 2 nirvana Quasi-God. For the suppression of Ye Xing’s cultivation base, it is very obvious that Black Hole Astrology has a much worse effect on him than a nirvana Quasi-God. Dark World can’t block his sight.

However, Feng Nongying, Feng Shaoyuan, and Xuan Yuan were very affected by Black Hole Astrology. Even with Astrology’s competition, the visible distance was not enough for fifty kilometers.

Whether it is Ye Xing’s Black Flame arrows or Wei Qingxuan’s Reincarnation Light, it is an extremely difficult attack in Dark World.

Without the help of others, Feng Nongying and Xuan Yuan will be wounded.

Needless to say, the attack power of the Black Flame arrows is also very terrifying, which not only hurts the body but also the soul.

Xing Yinshang was already facing Wei Qingxuan’s Cold Ice Palm blade attack. Although he could resist it, there was still more power, but to save Xuanyuan, he still had to save the shadow, but he could only save one. There was no way to save Black Flame arrows, Reincarnation Light. All blocked.

On death threats, Black Flame arrows are greater than Reincarnation Light, but in Xing Yinshang’s mind, Feng Nongying is far more important than Xuan Yuan.

Between lightning and firestone, Xing Yinshang has a decision to save his partner.

Xing Yinshang abruptly split a world-wide sword, Guanghua thousand zhang, and tiger howling the sky.

Suddenly, the power of Beam, Cold Ice Palm, and Reincarnation Light were all split by this blade. 2 The frightening blow from the Nirvana Quasi-God was really powerful and terrifying.

But when this blade is as strong as it can be, it is impossible to turn around to defeat the Black Flame arrows. When Xuan Yuan discovered the Black Flame arrows, he was close to fifty kilometers, and the reaction was unsatisfactory. He was penetrated by the arrow of Black Flame arrows. Suddenly a blood-curdling scream sound was made.

The rapid flow of Life Strength scared Xuan Yuan.

Sou! sou! sou!

Xing Yinshang held Feng Nongying in one hand and Feng Shaoyuan in the other, and rushed towards the teleportation formation as the Extreme Cold astral qi and the power of the beam collapsed.

He knew very well that if the time was prolonged, their mortal danger would be even greater. If they didn’t leave, they might all die here today.

Xing Yinshang was unable to quickly evacuate to the teleportation formation with 3 people, but Xuan Yuan has been severely damaged and can only abandon Xuan Yuan.

“Xing Yinshang …!”

Xuan Yuan yelled and looked at the 3 people not far away, suddenly disappearing far away, full of despair.

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