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The medicinal herbs in this valley, I do n鈥檛 know how many years, no one digs, there are many, and they grow very well.

As long as it is mature Spirit Medicine, Ye Xing excavates all of them whether it is Spirit Level Low Grade, or Middle Grade, High Grade, Top Grade.

Even though these Spirit Medicines are mostly useless to him, Falling Star Sect needs them, and the more the better.

It took a lot of time for Ye Xing to mine the mature Spirit Medicine in the valley and put it into the Storage Ring.

Spirit Level Low Grade, Middle Grade medicinal herbs, Ye Xing have harvested nearly 100 plants, Spirit Level High Grade medicinal herbs, received more than 20 plants, as for Spirit Level Top Grade medicinal herbs, only 3 plants were harvested.

However, Ye Xing found many roots of Spirit Level Top Grade medicinal herbs. It seems that the Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger has eaten many Spirit Level Top Grade medicinal herbs.

Leaving the valley, Ye Xing continued to fly forward, and improved vision, 4 searches, looking for medicinal herbs growing treasures like that valley.

Divine Continent’s secret boundary is very large. Once the personnel are dispersed, it is difficult to meet again. Ye Xing came down one day and met 2 other people, avoiding each other far away.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, Ye Xing found several Spirit Medicine growth sites guarded by Third Level Venerable Level Demon Beast, some Third Level Venerable Level Demon Beast equivalent to Seven Stars, some Equivalent to Eight Stars people.

The Demon Beasts in Divine Continent’s secret boundary all have ancient demon beast Bloodline, and their strength is the most peak among realm.

Equivalent to Seven Stars Demon Beast, Ye Xing is used to train hands and fight against it, Equivalent to Eight Stars Demon Beast, Ye Xing directly uses Greenwood Sword Array to kill.

In a few days, Ye Xing harvested a large number of Spirit Medicine, even Top Grade Spirit Medicine, harvested more than ten strains, and harvested quite a lot.

On this day, Ye Xing came to the edge of this mountain and entered a dense forest.

The giant tree in the forest is towering, full of ancient atmosphere, the sky is blocked by the canopy, and the forest is very dark. This environment is suitable for the growth of some special Spirit Medicines, such as dark and overcast Cold Attribute Spirit Medicine.

Of course, next to high-quality Spirit Medicine, as usual, there is Demon Beast guardianship, which is not difficult to get from Ye Xing.

On the seventh day, Ye Xing found an ancient building complex in this dense forest, which should be the remains of an ancient era. Ye Xing searched it.

The ancient ruins have always been a good place to produce treasures. If there is an ancient ruin that has not been developed, there are almost everywhere in it.

However, this ancient ruin has obviously been patronized many times. Ye Xing searched for great halls after another, and found nothing.

“Huh …!” Ye Xing walked past a great hall, expression moved, and backed away, turning his eyes to the depth of the great hall: “Illusory Array!”

If it wasn’t for Ye Xing’s instinct to start the Superbrain scan, check every great hall, maybe he was fooled by this Illusory Array.

Ye Xing came deep into the great hall, and looked through the eyes and scanned it with Superbrain. He carefully checked everything in the Illusory Array, and found that it was not empty, but there were 3 stone platforms, with a knife, a sword, and a gun on it. !!

3 pieces of armament, all are Best Grade Spirit Armament.

This delighted Ye Xing: “I just missed a Best Grade Spirit Armament treasured spear!”

This is a Third Level Illusory Array for grand accomplishment, and it also comes with a Third Level defensive array for grand accomplishment, which is not difficult for Ye Xing.

Ye Xing took out a few Third Level flags of grand accomplishment. It didn’t take long to break the third level Illusory Array and Trapping Array in front of the grand accomplishment.

The 3 Best Grade Spirit Armaments suddenly lost their cover, and 3 breaths leaked out.

The breath is very strong, these 3 Best Grade Spirit Armament are all boutiques.

“Well …! Breath of Best Grade Spirit Armament!”

“Haha … there is treasure inside!”

“This ghost place, finally find treasure.”

Ye Xing just picked up the Best Grade Spirit Armament treasured spear, and there were 3 voices coming from outside the hall.

Someone felt the breath of the Best Grade Spirit Armament, came quickly, and quickly rushed into the great hall.

Ye Xing recognizes them, they are the younger generation geniuses of Ancient Commerce Empire, Shang Buqun, Shang Zi膩n, Shang Yuelin!

Shang Buqun, once listed in Ten Great Chosens!

Shang Zi膩n, played against Wei Qingxuan in the second round.

Shang Yuelin, the second round is in the same group as Ye Xing, but was eliminated by Shi Junfeng at first, and did not fight with Ye Xing.

These three people are Six Stars Spiritual Masters, all of them are in the top 3, especially Shang Buqun, who was once Chosen. The three people walking together is a very strong strength, even if it is Ten Great Chosens !!

As soon as the three entered the great hall, their eyes fell on Ye Xing.

At this time, the three Best Grade Spirit Armaments were all picked up by Ye Xing and put into the Storage Ring.

Shang Buqun, 3 people, glanced at the 3 stone platforms, it is not difficult to guess, Ye Xing won the Best Grade Spirit Armament on the 3 stone platforms.

“It was Brother Ye Xing!”

Shang Buqun’s eyes fell on Ye Xing, smiled lightly, and said: “It seems Brother Ye Xing, the harvest is not small!”

Ye Xing’s eyes swept one after another on 3 people, and Superbrain scanned them, scanning the inside information of 3 people clearly.

Although all three people had smiling expressions on their faces, but within the body Star Astral, they were secretly undermined. They could erupt at any time and launch the most violent attack, apparently uneasy.

Ye Xing lightly saying: “Average!”

Shang Buqun said with a laugh: “Brother Ye Xing don’t have to be nervous, we just ask it casually, huh … we’re gone!”

Having said that, Shang Buqun clenched his fists at Ye Xing, thoughtful of courtesy, and then waved his hand and turned away with Shang Zi膩n and Shang Yuelin.

The inside of the 3 people is still violent, Star Astral is angry.

Ye Xing corner of the mouth raised, the secret shield is the Flame Shield Astral Array flag!

Xiu! xiu! xiu!

Suddenly, the three Shang Buqun turned at the same time, each with a Best Grade Spirit Armament treasured sword in their hands, bursting into the air, and stabbed at Ye Xing in an instant.

Three people shot at the same time, killing them from different angles, forming a synergy, completely blocking Ye Xing’s retreat.

This is a set of siege techniques. 3 shots, even Ten Great Chosens, are difficult to cope with.


As the three men came out with their swords, they drank loudly, as if writing the death penalty to Ye Xing.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

3 beeps, 3 swords crickets, all stabbed on top of the flame shield that suddenly appeared on Ye Xing all around, all blocked.

Third accomplishment of grand accomplishment!

Shang Buqun 3 people, withdrawing the sword and backing up, expression shocked, watching Ye Xing exclaimed: “Are you a Third Level Formation Martial Scholar?”

There was some fear in this exclamation!

whiz whiz whiz …

Greenwood Sword Array took out, Ye Xing nodded: “Yes, I am!”

“Brother Ye Xing, have something to say …!”

Shang Buqun complexion greatly changed, but I still wanted to say something, but when I saw the sky full of greenwood sword energy that suddenly appeared, my voice was loud: “Go!”


A Third Level Formation Martial Scholar, has already taken out the Formation, the Six Stars Spiritual Master, and there is still a chance to go!

The densely packed greenwood sword energy fell, and 3 people were cut into pieces and killed at the same time.

[Accidentally, over 500 chapters, thanks to brothers for their support all the way, today 2 will be transferred to tomorrow, tomorrow 6 will burst out! 銆?/p>

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