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Ye Xing’s gaze perspective, Superbrain scan, found deep in the valley, even Spirit Level Top Grade medicinal herbs.

Here is the entrance to Divine Continent’s secret boundary, but ten-twenty thousand miles away, there is actually a valley with so many Spirit Level medicinal herbs growing, which makes Ye Xing feel very happy, but also a little surprised.

According to the previous rules, Divine Continent’s secret boundary is opened every ten years, and younger generation geniuses under the age of 25 can enter.

Every ten years, the younger generation geniuses of the 3 High Grade empires and 9 Middle Grade empires are trained once in Divine Continent’s secret boundary. There are a large number of Spirit Level medicinal herbs growing in this valley, which should not be maintained so well.

Waves of younger generation geniuses entered Divine Continent’s secret boundary. It should have been discovered here long before the medicinal herbs were dug.


A terrifying breath suddenly came from the mountains on the side!

Ye Xing turned around and saw a scarlet-red 4-eyed giant tiger emerged from the jungle.

The hair of the tiger is like a red flame, excluding the tail, and the body length reaches 6 meters, counting the tail, which has about ten meters.

Third Level Venerable Level Demon Beast-Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger.

No wonder in this valley, so many Spirit Medicines are growing very well. It turns out that this Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger is guarding.

Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger, in Third Level Venerable Level Demon Beast, is the most common. Equivalent to Seven Stars master, Ye Xing does not take it seriously.

Pupil of Clear Sky!

Ye Xing’s eyes, clouds and mist vortex suddenly appeared.

In the eyes of Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger, clouds and mist-like vortex also appeared in the blink of an eye.

With Ye Xing’s Pupil of Clear Sky, it is not difficult to control the Level to Venerable Level Demon Beast of Equivalent to Seven Stars.

However, Ye Xing’s face was astonished.

I saw the within the body of Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger suddenly burst into a terrifying atmosphere. It seemed that an invisible flame rose, all around the temperature suddenly rose, clouds and mist vortex in Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger eyes. , Suddenly disappeared.

“What’s going on, this breath is almost on par with Master Eight Stars!”

Ye Xing was surprised, and suddenly light flashed: “Mike, this Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger has an ancient demon beast Bloodline?”

It is recorded in Pupil of Clear Sky. Although Pupil of Clear Sky can control Demon Beast, it cannot control Demon Beast with ancient demon beast Bloodline.

In addition, Demon Beast with ancient demon beast Bloodline is stronger than normal Demon Beast and almost invincible with realm.

Under normal conditions, Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger equivalent to Seven Stars is superior, but if the ancient demon beast Bloodline is provoked, it is the almost invincible battle strength of Seven Stars.

Seven Stars, there are strong and weak, invincible battle strength among Seven Stars may easily kill the most ordinary Seven Stars Spiritual Master.

Ye Xing looked at Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger, burning fighting intent in his eyes, Seven Stars’ invincible battle strength, he was also fearless, and just used to practice his hands.

From Three Stars Spiritual Master to Five Stars Spiritual Master, Ye Xing broke through very quickly and hadn’t had time to become thoroughly familiar with each realm.

Fighting is the best way to familiarize yourself with the foundation, especially when you are in danger.

Feeling Ye Xing’s fighting intent, Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger roared and stared at 4, and 4 scarlet-red rays burst out in an instant, killing Ye Xing.

These 4 crimson rays are almost like 4 swords and swords, revealing the extreme sharpness, and the speed is extremely fast.

Great Power of Wind!

Ye Xing applied the Great Power of Wind to the limit. The silhouette, like electricity, disappeared in an instant, 4 red rays disappeared, and the ground where Ye Xing stood was split into 4 depths.

The wind roared, and Ye Xing used Flame Astrology to cast a blow from Flame Astral Fist.

The Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger has sharp eyes and a fast response. The tiger claw shoots like an iron hook and grabs Ye Xing.

The flames fisted suddenly and was smashed by tiger claw. Ye Xing’s body stepped back several steps in a row.


The Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger roared. Its strength is much stronger than Ye Xing. It did not retreat halfway through the collision, but instead fluttered towards Ye Xing.

Cloud from the dragon, wind from the tiger, before the body of Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger fluttered, there was a fierce and violent wind blowing.

Hissing Tiger and Roaring Dragon!

Ye Xing was shocked, and immediately performed the best trick in Flame Astral Fist.

Fire Dragon is flying and blending into the flames of fist fight. The infinite flame Star Power hangs down, making the flame fist formidable power doubled and colliding with Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger.

With a bang, the slam blast exploded, and the airflow swept away in all directions, forming a terrifying impact ripple.

The strength shock this time is too brightening, even if the Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger strength is amazing, it can’t help but start to stop, speeding forward.

As for Ye Xing, the body flew backwards and retired several dozen meters, and the body seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer.

Fortunately, the strength of his fleshly body is far superior to other Spiritual Masters. He was not injured, but also within the body astral qi riot. It is very uncomfortable. If it is changed to another Five Stars Spiritual Master, it is such a Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger. I am afraid that I have already vomited blood, and I was even directly killed.


Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger shouted, and continued to kill Ye Xing.

When Ye Xing lifted his hand, Dark Dragon Spear appeared in his hand for a moment, and the flame might suddenly increase.

Sun Flame spear technique-Burning Slaughter!

A shot stabbed, the strength of Raging Flames exploded, the shotgun stabbed forward, and a seascape of fire appeared in the rear.


The awn was shattered, and Dark Dragon Spear collided with tiger claw, making a clear crackling sound.

With Dark Dragon Spear in hand, Ye Xing’s attack power is even better than when using Blazing Flame Gauntlet. Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger’s attack is resisted by Ye Xing.

Before, Ye Xing stepped back and forth under the attack of Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger, but now Ye Xing has blocked it, which makes Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger very angry.

A tiger howling sounded, and Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger burst into a more violent atmosphere, killing Ye Xing.

In addition, 4 eyes were furious, and the red rays were attacked again.

Feeling a huge threat, Ye Xing immediately started the Superbrain scan to find the weakness of Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger and attack.

Under the scan of Superbrain, the attack trajectory of Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger, Ye Xing knew in the heart, even if Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger is violent, Ye Xing can’t help it.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ bang …

The sound of crunch is endless, Ye Xing and Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger are fighting fiercely every moment.

In a fierce battle, any reaction is within the time of 1000 uniform rounds. This is very different from the usual Cultivate Martial Arts study. One move.

One person, one tiger, fiercely battled for 100 rounds. Finally, the scarred Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger was frightened by Ye Xing, and gave out an unwilling roar, giving up a lot of Spirit Medicine in the valley and escaping.

Ye Xing didn’t catch up. When Four Eyed Scarlet Flame Tiger left, he entered the valley and dug Spirit Medicine.

[There is something delayed during the day, and the headache has been improved. Until now, it ’s better. Today 4 ca n’t be completed, only 2 can be completed. I owe it, make up tomorrow, so there will be 4 more tomorrow!

At the end of the month, when it is time to ask for a monthly ticket, if I complete the 4 earlier, it is better to ask for the ticket earlier. It is very beneficial, but it failed to complete. 】

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