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[Supplement to Chapter 4! 】

After 3 days, 3 people returned near Crow City.

Crow City is the site of Blue Dragon Empire’s, Blue Feather Empire and Blue Dragon Empire. The relationship is not friendly. Yu Chengqian has no plans to go to Crow City.

Ye Xing and Yang Gang are planning to return to True Profound Domain directly, and have no plans to go to Crow City.

Near Crow City, Yu Chengqian and Ye Xing and Yang Gang resigned and parted ways.

After separating from Yu Chengqian, Ye Xing said to Yang Gang: “Elder Brother Yang, you go back first, I decided not to go back and continue to train in Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range.”

Yang Gang expression was surprised and startled: “How do we offend Long Xiao, 10000 Once you meet him, it is so dangerous, and we have obtained a lot of corpse jade, corpse jade has death gas, It takes a long time to absorb a piece, and the corpse jade we have obtained is enough for us to cultivate for a long time. “

Ye Xing took off the mask on his face, revealing his true colors, and said, “So, wouldn’t Long Xiao not recognize me? Yang Gang need not say more, I will be careful.”

Ye Xing and Yang Gang are actually very inconvenient, just like the Corpse Dao Martial Artist of Star Astral Boundary Fifth Stage cultivation base that I encountered before, with Yang Gang in the vicinity, Ye Xing dare not expose cards in one’s hand, Therefore, it is at best comparable to the Corpse Dao Martial Artist, and falls into the downwind.

If Ye Xing’s strength explodes, he can kill the Corpse Dao Martial Artist of the Star Astral Boundary Fifth Stage.

A corpse jade of Spirit Level Grade 8 has a great effect on raising the cultivation base of Yang Gang, which is enough for Yang Gang cultivation for a long time. Ye Xing is going to assign the Corpse jade of Spirit Level Grade 8 to Yang Gang, and then continue to Heavenly by himself Experience in Corpse Mountain Range to get more corpse jade.

He can refine the gas of death in corpse jade, can quickly absorb the energy of corpse jade, get enough corpse jade, and can break through Star Astral Boundary Third Layer in a spurt of energy.

Then, you can continue to look for corpse jade. As long as there are enough corpse jade, Ye Xing can continue to refine and absorb, and breakthrough the cultivation base to Star Astral Boundary Fourth Layer.

Then, Ye Xing took the time to study Cultivate Martial Arts, and raised the battle strength to the highest state. I believe that at the end of the Eastern Divine Continent younger generation genius conference, he will be able to get a good ranking.

Ye Xing’s goal is not the top 100 as Hei Biao said, but the Eastern Divine Continent younger generation first!

Ye Xing made up his mind. Yang Gang couldn’t persuade him, so he had to take the Silver-Winged Devil Vulture to return to True Profound Domain.

2 people assigned corpse jade, corpse jade of Spirit Level Grade 8 goes to Yang Gang, 3 corpse jade of Spirit Level Grade 7 goes to Ye Xing, and the other half points are divided into Yang Gang for every singular Ye Xing.

Ye Xing refining the aura of death in the corpse jade is related to the secret of his star Fire Seed. The higher Ye Xing’s cultivation base, the more you know the preciousness of Fire Seed. This is not dare to expose, so you ca n’t refining for Yang Gang. Death gas in corpse jade.

In addition, if Yang Gang refines the death gas in the corpse jade for Yang Gang, Yang Gang can also quickly absorb the corpse jade, and he will definitely continue to search for the corpse jade with Ye Xing. In this way, if the corpse jade is found, then If you get 2 equals, Ye Xing’s will get half the reward.

In this way, the goal of the cultivation base breakthrough to the Star Astral Fourth Layer this year may be difficult to achieve. The cultivation base has reached the Star Astral Boundary Fourth Layer, not to mention the younger generation genius of the Eastern Divine Continent, even before entering 100 is not an easy task. A realm gap, ranking is dozens of disparity.

Therefore, Ye Xing must act alone.

And Yang Gang returns to True Profound Domain, refining Spirit Level Grade 8 corpse jade cultivation, and some time, refining aura of death, no difference.

After separating from Yang Gang, Ye Xing went to Crow City and found a home Inn to live in.

In the Inn room, Ye Xing arranged a shield formation to prevent others from peeping, and then, all of the corpse jade death gas was refined with the Star Fire Seed.

Ye Xing absorbs Spirit Level Grade 7 corpse jade cultivation, absorbs one piece a day, raises the cultivation base, one day, a thousand miles.

After 3 days, Ye Xing absorbed all three Spirit Level Grade 3 corpse jade, the effect is no less than that of one Spirit Level Grade 7 corpse jade, and the cultivation base was consolidated to the Star Astral Boundary Second Layer peak.

“If there are 3 more Spirit Level Grade 7 corpse jade and my cultivation base, I will definitely be able to break through to Star Astral Boundary Third Layer and become Three Stars Spiritual Master.”

Ye Xing secretly said in one’s heart, full of expectations for the next experience of entering Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range.

The next day, Ye Xing settled the house money, left Inn, ready to go, went to the depths of Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range, and continued looking for corpse jade.

He acts more freely than when he is with Yang Gang, and always feels awkward when wearing a mask, it is better to show people with the original mask, and his heart is relaxed.

Ye Xing had just left Inn and had just turned a street. He suddenly stopped and looked at a Martial Artist not far away. In the eyes, two sharp lights burst out suddenly.

In front of Ye Xing, apart from several dozen meters, Fire Cloud Cult, Yun Tianhao, moved forward slowly.

Next to Yun Tianhao, there are 2 Martial Artists from Firecloud Cult, all of whom are Elder, Six Stars Spiritual Master and Five Stars Spiritual Master.

Yun Tianhao suddenly felt the sharp eyes coming from the front, and suddenly blasted away. He was right with Ye Xing’s eyes.

It’s Ye Xing!

As soon as Yun Tianhao’s eyes were stunned, 2 shots were also emitted.

Because of Reverend Wu Yu’s warning, Yun Tianhao lost a lot of face in True Profound Domain, but Yun Tianhao was very resentful about Ye Xing.

But deterred by the threat of Reverend Wu Yu, Yun Tianhao did not dare to deal with Ye Xing, so he had to pay a fee to introduce Earth Fiend Sect to the Blue Feather Empire. Please ask the Killer Organization Seven Kills League to send out a killer to kill Ye Xing. .

Ye Xing is also very angry at Yun Tianhao.

In Nine Heavens City, the bone-bone auction site, Ye Xing has vowed not to kill Yun Tianhao, and not to be human.

These two people met by chance in Crow City. It was really enemies on a narrow road. The enemies met, and they were jealous.

Yun Tianhao’s gaze sharply looked at Ye Xing, and then he scorned and the corners of his mouth followed.

At the same time secretly said in one’s heart: “This kid originally came to the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range. No wonder there is no news. No one knows where he is. He passed the news to the Seven Kills League. This is the Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range. The kid’s burial place. “

Seven Kills League assassinates the target. It will give up after 3 failures, and then return the reward to the owner. Now he has assassinated Ye Xing once, and is planning to assassinate the second time. He has been searching for the whereabouts of Ye Xing’s. The first failure, naturally Did not tell Gu Zhu.

So, whether it is Earth Fiend Sect or Yun Tianhao, I don’t know that the Seven Kills League has assassinated Ye Xing once, sending out a Five Stars Spiritual Master and 2 Four Stars Spiritual Masters, but the results have failed.

Ye Xing looked at Yun Tianhao, killing intent surge in his heart, secretly thought: “I actually met you in Crow City. It really is enemies on a narrow road. Since God sent you to me, then Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range, This is your burial place! “


[5 More done! Stay up late until the early morning every day, tired every day! However, the monthly ticket is very sluggish, and the performance is unsatisfactory. Now the recommendation ticket is not on the list. The only hope is to show up on the fantasy monthly ticket list and add some subscriptions. Brothers and sisters, please cast a monthly ticket to support, thank you for 2 points of chocolate …

Bow to thank you brothers who voted, thank you …]




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