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[Supplement to Chapter 3! 】

Soon, Yu Chengqian took Azure Jiāo and arrived in front of Ye Xing and Yang Gang.

Under the feet of 2 people, Silver-Winged Devil Vulture is a little irritable. This is the low-level Demon Beast’s instinctive fear when facing Venerable Level Demon Beast.

Unlike Long Xiao, Yu Chengqian is accompanied by two Six Stars Spiritual Masters. In the dark, it should be the protection of the existence of a superior. He is alone.

Of course, he is not alone. His mount, Azure Jiāo, is the most powerful companion, the superior of Equivalent to Star Astral Boundary Eighth Layer. This is how terrifying the existence can be compared with Reverend Wu Yu.

“Many thanks Crown Prince Chengqian rescue!”

Yang Gang and Ye Xing held their fists and thanked Yu Chengqian.

However, the two did not relax at Vigilant. They did not know that Yu Chengqian’s was a person. Yu Chengqian scared away Long Xiao, but it was also possible for them to start.

However, only in terms of character, Yu Chengqian is much higher than Long Xiao. Long Xiao keep on saying that he is extraordinary, but in fact it is ordinary. Shu Chengqian is the one to go to. There is a crane. in a flock of chickens.

Ye Xing observed Yu Chengqian for a while, but he felt relieved. Such a character is far from Long Xiao’s, and he would not covet their corpse jade.

Yu Chengqian waved his hand and said, “I just ca n’t get used to surnamed Long. You do n’t have to say thank you. My name is Yu Chengqian. You can call me Elder Brother Yu or Young Master Yu, or just call me Cheng Qian. 10000000 Don’t mention the word “Crown Prince”. Out of the Blue Feather Domain, I am an ordinary Martial Artist. There is nothing like that. “

Just this realization, Yu Chengqian far surpasses Long Xiao 108,000 li both in mind and manner.

Long Xiao is in the Blue Dragon Empire, but he is a more outstanding Prince. In the Blue Dragon Empire, he is indeed the proud capital. However, after leaving the Blue Dragon Empire, who cares if you are the Empire Prince?

But he was so proud, as if the Blue Dragon Empire ruled the world. All Martial Artists were subjects of Blue Dragon Empire’s. In front of all Martial Artists, Long Xiao consciously wanted to be first-class.

Such people are undoubtedly disgusting.

In this regard, although Yu Chengqian is expensive as the Crown Prince, it is much clearer than the Prince of Long Xiao. Leaving his own sphere of influence, it is not important to identify himself. Everyone is an ordinary Martial Artist.

Otherwise, there are 36 Eastern Divine Continent domains, which means there are 36 empires, how many Crown Princes and how many Empire Princes?

With so many Crown Princes and Princes, who is more expensive than others? Who is humbler than anyone?

No one is worthy of mentioning no one’s position in their own power. Strong strength is the real dependence.

If Ye Xing and Yang Gang are the superiors of Star Astral Boundary Venerable Level, is the Prince Long Xiao a fart? If it provokes 2 people as before, they will kill him in minutes, whether he is Prince or not!

Yang Gang said, “Then many thanks Young Master Yu. Although Young Master Yu did not intentionally save us, but it saved our lives. This is a fact, and I can’t wait to thank you.”

Ye Xing is also nodded.

Yu Chengqian slightly smiled. Suddenly, Azure Jiāo at his feet turned his head and looked in a direction, and snorted.

With a smile on Yu Chengqian’s face, he turned and looked towards the direction that Azure Jiāo was looking at, shouted out loudly: “Xiao Xiao generation, dare to have a bad heart, this Young Master Kill without mercy!”

Ye Xing also felt that direction. Faintly discernable, there was a sense of expert. He had also previously felt discernable that it should be the master who secretly protected Long Xiao.

It is said that a superior is Xiaoxiao, and only Yu Chengqian has such courage, because Azure Jiāo at his feet is an expert among the superiors, and has the courage to rely on strength, not courage, not his Blue Feather Empire Crown Prince’s identity.

If there is no Azure Jiāo mount, he dare to say such a superior, whether he is the empire Crown Prince or not, the superior can appear to kill him with no difficulty.

As soon as Yu Chengqian made a sound, Ye Xing felt that the smell of fatly discernable had completely disappeared, and it seemed that the person had receded.

Yu Chengqian said, “You have offended the surnamed Long and have been stared at by his people. If you stay here and I leave, I’m afraid you are in danger. You might as well leave with me. With me, they dare not For the hands, it will give up tracking of you. “

Yang Gang and Ye Xing looked at each other and said, “What do you say?”

In secret, Yang Gang sent to Ye Xing sound transmission: “We have obtained a lot of corpse jade, which is enough for cultivation for a long time, it is better to go back first, otherwise it will be dangerous if we encounter Long Xiao again.”

Ye Xing nodded, said: “Go back first!”

2 people traveled with Yu Chengqian towards the outer edge of Heavenly Corpse Mountain Range.

Long Xiao originally ordered to protect his superiors secretly, and tracked Ye Xing and Yang Gang. After the two separated from Yu Chengqian, they seized 2 lives and let him end his life.

That is, the two were traveling with Yu Chengqian. The master had no choice but to give up and report the matter to Long Xiao.

Long Xiao said dejectedly: “Someone will meet Yu Chengqian. Let’s go dog shit luck! Let’s forget it. If you have a chance to meet again in the future, pack them up!”


“How to call 2 people!”

Yu Chengqian stood at the head of Azure Jiāo, and asked Ye Xing and Yang Gang with silver wings.

“Under Yang Gang, True Profound Domain Heavenly Astral Sect disciple!”

“Under Ye Xing, True Profound Domain Falling Star Sect Sect Master!”

Yu Chengqian is a person who can be traded, and the two did not conceal their identities.

Yu Chengqian responded calmly to Yang Gang’s identity, but was somewhat surprised at Ye Xing: “Sect Master! Brother Ye is so young that he is a Sect Master, and it does not seem to be an ordinary person.”

Ye Xing’s faint nodded, no explanation, he is the Sect Master, carrying Falling Star Sect’s painful past, not to mention.

Yang Gang said excitedly: “Ye Xing is certainly not an ordinary person. Last year, the Young Hero Assembly of True Profound Domain, he broke through the Star Astral Boundary at the conference, swept the same generation, and won the first place. At that time, I was cultivation of Star Astral Boundary Third Layer peak. base, it’s only 3rd place. “

Yu Chengqian’s face was startled, saying: “It was only at the end of the year that the Star Astral Boundary broke through. It is only June now that it is already the Two Stars Spiritual Master. Brother Ye ’s fast cultivation speed. A realm, there is no one in the nearby ten domains, and now it seems a bit arrogant. The cultivation speed of Brother Ye is not inferior to me! I do n’t know what destiny is Brother Ye? “

Ye Xing said: “My destiny is erratic, high and low, but overall, as my cultivation base improves, my destiny has become higher. The highest one is Four Stars Yellow Fate.”

Before falling out of Falling Star Country, Ye Xing’s had limited knowledge and thought that the destiny was fixed.

But as his insights became wider and wider, he gradually learned that there are special cases of destiny. Some Martial Artists are destabilized, high and low, and will become higher as the cultivation base becomes higher. .

In this way, it can explain the change of destiny.

Yu Chengqian said, “Brother Ye, there must have been an incredible expert, destiny fluctuated, high and low, but the overall trend has become higher. This is the change brought about by the awakening of the body Bloodline. Only the descendants of expert It is only in this special situation. “

Ye Xing was surprised: “My family is a family that is too ordinary to be ordinary.

Ye Xing just heard about the fate of destiny, but I don’t know. It involves Bloodline inheritance. Yu Chengqian is obviously more knowledgeable than Ye Xing’s.

Yu Chengqian said: “Brother Ye is wrong. The history of Human Race, how old it is, the ancient era, how many experts appear, but their families and descendants are not always strong, and most of them are lost in the long river of time.

But their Bloodline is not necessarily cut off, and their immediate descendants may inherit the Bloodline inheritance, married daughter, or they may pass their Bloodline to another family.

With the passage of time, these Bloodlines are getting thinner and thinner. Some offspring may not even sense the the stars and become ordinary mortals, while some offspring will be able to sense Astrology and become ordinary Martial Artists.

But it doesn’t mean that their ancestors never had an expert. If these Bloodline’s meager offspring, once Bloodline awakens, the destiny will show unstable characteristics.

As Martial Artist ’s cultivation base gets higher and higher, Bloodline awakens more and more, and destiny will gradually improve. This is the case with you, Brother Ye. You are so young, you are already a Two Stars Spiritual Master. Big room for improvement!

It is Four Stars Yellow Fate now, and it may be Seven Stars Yellow Fate, Nine Stars Yellow Fate in the future, and even it is possible to reach the Destiny of the Lord. In the future, the achievements of Brother Ye may not be under me, haha ​​…! “

Yu Chengqian is very modest. If it is an ordinary character, his destiny is as high as Two Stars Green Fate. He is destined to become the honor of Two Stars. How can he believe that other people’s uncertain destiny will surpass himself.

Ye Xing pretended to look at Yu Chengqian in surprise, saying: “There is such a saying, and being told by Young Master Yu, I feel that the future is bright and full of hope.”

Ye Xing himself knew his condition, not a Bloodline awakening, but a way to devour others.

Therefore, Ye Xing is very clear that his future is not unstable, but can be determined. As long as it does not fall, the future will be brilliant.

And, this glory is far from the future of Two Stars Green Fate, but standing on the Stars Continent peak and becoming the glory of the King of Star Ocean Boundary.

Yang Gang was also stunned by Yu Chengqian’s words, watching Ye Xing’s eyes changed, and said: “It turned out that he was Bloodline awakened, there was a phenomenon of returning to the ancestors, the destiny is not fixed, there is room for improvement, is it possible? In the future, is he really possible to become a respected one? But it will become a legend of True Profound Domain! “

Yu Chengqian said laughed and said, “But this hope is very slim. Two conditions need to be met. The first is the expert that you have made in your ancestors and achieved at least Middle Tier.

The second is that you can perfectly awaken the Bloodline left by your ancestors. In the future, you will also reach the height of your ancestor’s Martial Dao. Both conditions are met. The possibility is very small. Don’t hold too much hope to avoid disappointment in the future. “

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