Hogwarts Superboy - Chapter 052 [Magic Civilization]

Although still in prison, this did not prevent Kerry from studying this civilization through his X-ray vision.

Kerry was sure that this civilization had at least reached the age of electronic technology civilization. On the morning of the seventh day, Kerry was already starving, and suddenly two extremely beautiful"elves" came in.

This was the first time Kerry had seen such creatures, and he was a little stunned. This was not scientific at all! How could elves exist here?

""Fuck!" The male elf on the left suddenly exclaimed:"We forgot to prepare food for this person!"

"This is where the elves are imprisoned! There must be no food prepared here!" said the interface on the right.

"There is still an hour before he goes to court. I thought maybe we could give him some food. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if he accidentally tells this!"

"Good idea!"

Of course, Kerry couldn't understand the above conversation, but he forced himself to memorize the tone and sound of the conversation between the two"elves" - with super memory, this was a very easy thing.

The one on the left was operating a screen-like thing. Kerry felt that his neck ring suddenly shot out some magic power, and his body passively moved with the magic power.

This power was very weak, and Kerry could easily interrupt it, but he wanted to take this opportunity to understand the real magic world, so he was going to see the situation first.

The two elves took Kerry to another room, which was obviously a restaurant. An elf prepared a large plate of food for Kerry, all of which were fruits of some plants. Things like rice cakes.

Kerry was not polite either. In no time, he filled his stomach that had not eaten for seven or eight days. After a large plate of food, Kerry recovered from the state of almost starving to death.

After a while, Kerry was taken to another room, where there were three other"elves".

The three elves were chattering about something to Kerry.

Kerry looked carefully at the decoration in the room. There was a scale painted on the top of the room. Kerry instantly understood that this should be a place similar to a court.

In an instant, Kerry was possessed by the spirit of drama - he pointed at his ears with both hands, then at his mouth, and then spoke in Chinese:"I don't understand what you are saying, I want a translation!"

The three elves were also confused. In the end, they finally understood the tricky part of this trial. What the native said was beyond their understanding.

The three elves spoke:"I am familiar with more than 50 dialects on this planet, but I can't understand what this man says."

"Why don't we just send him to the correctional institution? He just stole some dead people's stuff!"

"Good idea!"

After the three elves finished speaking, they said something to Kerry, and finally pulled Kerry's hand and pressed a few times on a stone. This was obviously a way to record fingerprints! There are extremely precise magic patterns in this stone that can store information!

Then Kerry was pulled onto the aircraft and sent to a place similar to a mine.

Kerry thought that this mine was a place without human rights, but he was surprised to find that it was more like a"technical school". There were four meals a day, mining in the morning, and someone would teach them some basic skills in the afternoon - mainly planting magic. The mines are full of"indigenous people" similar to humans. These indigenous people are all very minor criminals, such as minor thefts or fighting with others.

Thanks to his super memory, it only took a few days for Kerry to initially learn the language here.——【Common Elvish Language], after a few days, Kerry became familiar with the jailer here - an elf.

This female elf named"Isilian" was responsible for teaching them planting magic so that they could become qualified farmers and stop doing evil.

The reason why Kerry was able to become familiar with them so quickly was because of his amazing achievements in planting - he was familiar with all kinds of fertilizers, and he took a planting class with Sprout for a semester. Although this was an alien planet and there were almost no plants like those on Earth, they were all photosynthetic plants anyway, and their personalities and tempers were similar. How could the natives compare with Kerry?

""Kerry, you are the smartest student I have ever seen! Even my college classmates can't compare to you!" Ithilien exclaimed. At this time, she had just finished describing a kind of planting magic, and only Kerry repeated Ithilien's content word for word.

"Thank you for your praise, teacher!" Kerry replied in Elvish

""Everyone disperse, Kerry, you stay!" Isilian said.

Kerry stood in front of the elf without any nervousness or excitement. He had been on this planet for a month and was quite familiar with this female elf.

Isilian took out two books:"You asked me last time what this country is and where our civilization came from. This one is a history book compiled by a great king.

And this one is a dictionary, which can let you know the meaning of each word, but you need to learn it by yourself!"

That night, Kerry didn't sleep at all. He forced himself to memorize the contents of the dictionary. He was slow at the beginning, but later on, he could read ten lines at a glance. After learning the dictionary, it only took him ten hours to learn the [Superior Elven Writing]. In the second half of the night, he carefully read the history book, and his mood became very heavy.

In the history book, the country composed of elves is called the [Elf Kingdom]. The country was born from a distant alien planet, and it has a history of at least four million years.

Four million years!

The history of China is only about five thousand years in total...

There is no detailed record of the specific history four million years ago, and there are more myths and legends. The planet where the ancestors of the elves lived had many races - humans, orcs, dragons, phoenixes, and more than five hundred intelligent races.

The elves eventually rose and became the only ruler. It has been a million years since the era when there were accurate historical records.

After the elves completed the unification of their mother planet, they ushered in the interstellar era - due to the magic of magic, they quickly ruled hundreds of surrounding star fields, but soon faced the so-called first elven war.

In the past few years, After about 500,000 years, the Elf Kingdom was completely destroyed due to internal division.

After that, there was the Second Division and the Third Division War, which occurred about 100,000 years ago.

The era in which the elves are now living is commonly known as the [Fourth Age Elf Kingdom]. They have suffered a serious regression in civilization, resulting in the current Elf Kingdom being able to travel to other planets, but no longer able to sail freely. Every interstellar voyage requires the full power of the planet to complete.

Therefore, each planet is managed independently from other planets.

Although they are all called subordinates of the [Elf Kingdom], they are actually independent planets.

According to the records in this history book, those places close to the capital planet of the Third Age may still be able to continue to sail freely, but their technology cannot reach here.

There are about 500 planets with accurate information recorded in this history book, covering several surrounding star fields, equivalent to the size of half of the Milky Way.

There are basically no elves on other planets - they have lost tens of millions of planets with life, and those planets have all lost life in the Third Elf Civil War.

"World-destroying magic?!" Keri repeated the contents that led to the third elven civil war.

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