Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 051 [Prisoner Kerry]

Walking in the woods, Kerry noticed that the oxygen concentration here is much higher than on Earth, at least 35%. If it were an Earthling, such a high oxygen concentration would cause him to faint from oxygen intoxication.

"Now I have two main goals. First, find a way to determine which planet this is. Second, find a way to return to Earth."Kerry calculated in his mind.

On the way, Kerry found something shocking. He thought it was a classical castle in the distance, but Kerry walked for a long time and didn't get there. Then Kerry found an opportunity to use trigonometric functions to speculate and found that the castle was more than 50 kilometers away!

"If we extrapolate from this, the height of this castle must be at least 5,000 meters! Oh my God! This is higher than most mountains on Earth."Kerry came out of the mountains, and inside was a huge basin. The castle stood quietly in the center of the basin. The entire basin covered thousands of square kilometers.

Any of the surrounding mountains must be more than four thousand meters high, but due to the composition of the air and the concentration of oxygen, the snow line is not even five thousand meters. If it were on Earth, these mountains would have been covered with snow long ago.

As a superman, Kerry felt very tired after climbing up and down.

Before Kerry officially came down from the mountain, there was a sound of surging air in the air. A bus-sized aircraft was flying towards Kerry in the distance. Just as he was about to escape, he didn't expect a laser to shoot over, and a powerful spell accompanied the laser...

Kerry felt that tens of thousands of kilograms of force were instantly pressed down on him, and his hands and feet moved as if they were in a quagmire.

Kerry ran a few steps with difficulty, and the second beam of light hit him again, and he lost consciousness instantly


"Is this person an aboriginal?"Several incredibly beautiful men and women ran down from the aircraft. They were wearing off-white clothes, had long thin ears, and their magic power was as shocking as spring water. The magic power of these people was at least 10,000 calories.

They looked very similar to the"elves" in mythology. Both men and women were incredibly beautiful. The language they spoke to each other was not the earth language. The only drawback was that these elves were very short. The tallest man was only about 1.5 meters tall. Kerry was 1.75 meters tall, making them look like children.

These people were obviously not of the same race as the corpses that had just died. Those people looked more like humans than elves.

"I think it should be an indigenous person, he is so tall!".

A female elf lowered her head and searched Kerry's body and the package on his body, and took out the magic wands in the shape of finger sleeves:"We found those golden fingers, but this indigenous person should not be the murderer, and there is no magic interference with those indigenous people. I guess he should be a thief!"

"The clothes he was wearing were very strange!"A male elf said,"This is the feel of natural fabric, but I have never seen it before!"

The wizard robe Kerry was wearing was made of dyed pure cotton, which they had never seen before.

"The indigenous people have all kinds of strange things. Okay, let's take him back. Even if he is not a murderer, at least he is a thief. He also destroyed the evidence at the murder scene. I think he should be detained for at least a year!"

Several elves took out something similar to a collar and put it around Kerry's neck. Kerry's body actually moved on its own. Kerry, who was still unconscious with his eyes closed, was controlled by the collar to"float" back into the aircraft.


When Kerry woke up, he found himself in a huge room, more like a hall than a room, with an area of more than 400 square meters.

The room had pure white walls and a huge transparent sink next to it, filled with water. Kerry dove in and drank a few gulps of water.

Judging from his lack of water, Kerry knew that at least three or four days had passed since he fell unconscious. All his belongings were taken away, leaving only his clothes, and the Philosopher's Stone and wand were not spared.

"What is this place?"Kerry touched the collar, but he didn't dare to move. Kerry, who had fallen into trouble, became cautious now. There was something like paper pasted on the wall next to the sink, with dense vertical text written on it - but Kerry couldn't understand a word.

"Judging from the style, it should be an official document or a formal announcement. Kerry used his super brain to try to parse something out of it.

【If it really is an announcement, then there should be a few words indicating time on the far left or far right! Kerry thought to himself.

There is a huge piece of glass on the top of the wall. The sunlight shining into the hall is very warm. Kerry tried to fly, but surprisingly, the neck ring did not block him or anything abnormal.

Kerry flew to the side of the glass. He initially judged that he should be somewhere inside the castle. There were mountains outside, and one of them happened to be the place where Kerry first appeared.

Kerry wanted to smash the glass, but the moment he exerted force, a huge binding force came from the neck ring, which almost suffocated Kerry.

Kerry quickly stopped, then tried on the ground, and finally he realized some of the effects of the neck ring.

【You can't use a lot of force. As long as there is force transmitted, the neck ring will shrink; you can't use magic. If there is a slight fluctuation of magic, the neck ring will shrink; you can't move quickly, you can only walk slowly; you can't destroy the neck ring, or try to destroy it. It has at least more than 20,000 cards of magic, which is enough to kill you now.

Kerry made a judgment in his heart, that is, he is actually a prisoner now. This neck ring is a"handcuff", but it is more advanced. Due to the angle problem, Kerry's perspective eyes can't see the situation of the neck ring.

But Kerry's perspective eyes found that all the walls around were cast by magic. Although they are not that high, there is absolutely no problem in trapping an ordinary wizard.

Kerry also found something similar to a"door" on a wall. Obviously, it was also applied with magic, so it looked no different from a wall.

The sun set quickly, and Kerry didn't sleep and calculated the time carefully. Finally, when the sun appeared the next day, Kerry judged that the solar cycle here was similar to that of the earth, about 24 and a half hours.

The only problem is that Kerry is very hungry. According to the time estimate, it has been more than a week since he fell into a coma. Kerry didn't eat during this week.

"What kind of prison is this?!" Kerry cursed,"There's not even any food? Only water. How can I drink enough water?"

Fortunately, Kerry, who has superhuman blood, can go hungry for nine meals in three days or twenty-one meals in seven days. He won't starve to death.

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