Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 184 [Unexpected Sorting Result]

The special properties of Dementors allow them to walk in the dark, and Superman's vision is better than that of Dementors.

Malfoy, who was groping in the dark and cursing the train, did not realize that danger was approaching quietly.

Kerry used his wand and cast a spell with wind, quietly directing his breath to Malfoy.

As expected, the Dementor was punched by Malfoy in the dark, and then the Dementor moved his body closer to Malfoy.

Malfoy shivered and felt as if he had entered an ice cellar. The weather in September was still summer, but at this moment Malfoy felt that his whole body was shaking.

A bone-chilling chill passed through his body, and Malfoy felt that his breathing was frozen. This terrible chill penetrated his skin and went deep into his bones, and even his heartbeat was frozen.

At this moment, a noisy sound suddenly came from the front of several carriages, mixed with the screams of female classmates.

Kerry's super hearing heard Harry's groan. It seemed that the Dementors, like in the original book, could not help but rush up after seeing Harry. Harry should have fainted now.

Malfoy seemed to be more awake after hearing these noisy sounds. He wanted to break free, but in a blink of an eye, another Dementor also approached Malfoy. Malfoy felt cold from head to toe, and a strong sense of dizziness attacked Malfoy's brain.

He tried desperately to scream, but his eyes were so big that the whites of his eyes rolled out. But he couldn't say a word.

At this time, Kerry noticed that between Malfoy and the Dementors, a layer of white mist was being transmitted. Kerry used his perspective eyes and found that the thing was a bit like a soul. It was a part of the soul, a component of the soul.

Obviously, this is the so-called"happiness". Malfoy, this grandson, made him lose all his happiness, and Kerry had no psychological pressure at all.

But there was a little accident afterwards. After the two Dementors sucked Malfoy's happiness, they didn't seem to want to stop.

They actually wanted to give Malfoy a Dementor's Kiss!

Kerry quickly shot out a [Patronus Charm].

A superman instantly flew out from the end of Kerry's wand Hercules. The silver-white superman was suspended in the air, releasing an immense magical pressure.

The two Dementors were struck by lightning and instantly retreated several meters.

"Two ignorant guys!" Kerry just wanted to teach Malfoy a lesson, he didn't want to kill him.

Relying on the light of Kerry's patronus, the surrounding students came to their senses one after another, they looked at the two monsters in horror.

On the Hogwarts Express, the distribution of students also showed obvious differences among colleges. Most of the students in the carriages near Malfoy were from Slytherin College.

Some senior students obviously recognized that it was a Dementor. They showed expressions of fear and quickly retreated to their own compartments. A girl shouted loudly:"Dementor, that's a Dementor! Run! He will kill us!"

The effect of the Patronus Charm was obvious. Kerry's Patronus, Superman, punched one Dementor at a time and threw the two guys out of the carriage.

After the two terrifying guys were driven off the train. The young wizards in the train finally quieted down. They looked at Kerry and Superman beside Kerry with some horror and dazed eyes.

Kerry simply said a few words to the young wizards of Slytherin, explained what Dementors were and what spell he had just cast, and left the place.

At the same time Kerry was taking action, a silver light flashed in the nearby carriage, where Harry Potter was. That should be Professor Lupin's action.

While the lights were not on, Kerry quickly returned to his compartment. Malfoy was carried back to his seat by the senior students of Slytherin College, and his little follower had disappeared.

Just after sitting down, Hermione and Ginny looked at Kerry with very gossipy eyes. The ends of their wands flashed with weak fluorescence, barely illuminating the compartment.

"I just used the Dementors to teach Malfoy a lesson...……"At this point, Kerry suddenly paused and said,"It should be said that it was with the help of the Dementors' mouths, hehe."

Just now, the Dementors almost kissed Malfoy, so it was not wrong to say it was with their mouths.

The two girls also laughed, but judging from their expressions, the matter was not over yet. Hermione and Ginny seemed to have prepared more"good plans" to deal with Malfoy, because he was so rude.

While they were talking, the lights in the car came on again. The crowd gradually restored order, and the Dementors who boarded the car for inspection had already gotten off.

If Dumbledore really wanted to stop them, he would definitely be able to stop these Dementors from approaching the young wizards, but it was obvious that these Dementors were the"gifts" that Dumbledore prepared for the young wizards. He was not a nanny, but an educator, and it was also his task to make the young wizards independent.

Dozens of minutes later, the Hogwarts Express finally arrived at Hogsmeade Station. Sometimes Kerry really felt that this train was frustrating. A train with a speed of only about 35 kilometers per hour could not be called"express" at all. It was about the same speed as a bicycle.

Before the vehicle stopped, Professor Lupin hurried to Malfoy's side.

Malfoy was obviously more seriously injured than the others, because the two Dementors almost gave him a Dementor's Kiss.

The little wizards in other carriages were at most frightened. Malfoy's soul was really damaged, of course, not very seriously.

Professor Lupin carried Malfoy off the train and flew directly towards the castle. This scene was seen by all the little wizards who got off the train, and many people immediately showed expressions of gloating.

For example, Harry and Ron, although they had also been attacked just now, it was not so serious. Looking at Malfoy who was more seriously injured, the two showed a hidden smile.

After getting off the train, Hagrid, the big fool, holding a dim oil lamp, stood at the exit of the station and shouted,"First-year wizards, come here!"

The three of them greeted Hagrid, then got on the horseless carriage and watched the first-year wizards take a boat across the Black Lake.

"Is there really some magical ritual? I mean the students took a boat across the lake."Ginny's face was full of curiosity.

"Yes!" Hermione said affirmatively:"Remember the spell cast by Kerry when we were cleaning up the spider monster?"

Ginny was thoughtful. She recalled the spectacular scene that night and suddenly did not dare to underestimate this magic ceremony.

While talking, the three got off the carriage and came to the auditorium.

The lights in the auditorium were already on, and senior wizards were walking into the auditorium one after another. The professors were sitting on the podium in the front row.

Professor McGonagall said a few simple words and was interrupted by the little wizards. Hagrid brought the little wizards to the auditorium.

Looking at the little wizards strolling over, Kerry suddenly saw two of them, and his heart moved instantly.

Kerry has a super memory, so what he has passed is like a 3D recording machine. He can be sure that he has not seen the two little wizards on the train or on the platform.

Looking at the familiar faces of the two little wizards, Kerry gently read out two names:"Lisa Evans, Severin Snape……"

The boy had a standard English face, black hair, and a high nose bridge. Although he was not as handsome as Beckham or Tom Hanks, he was at least a handsome boy with a score of 7 or above. No one would associate him with Snape. At this moment, his face was full of joy of coming to school, and he could be seen smiling from the heart.

The girl next to him had a standard European beauty, with green eyes, long red and golden hair, and fair and delicate skin. To be frank, in terms of appearance, she was at least on par with Ginny, surpassing Hermione and crushing most girls. Her face was a little excited, but also a little shy.

Among the first-year wizards, these two people did not stand out too much, but at a glance, you could pay special attention to them.

Kerry saw Snape on the stage and had an idea in his mind. Snape was now concentrating on looking at Harry Potter.

In the original book, Harry was taken away for a while because of the attack of Dementors, but it seemed that because of Kerry's interference, it was Malfoy who was taken away.

Moreover, the injury Harry suffered at this moment was obviously not as serious as described in the original book. Kerry's heart moved. It seemed that the daily training of the 91st team had indeed made him grow a lot, especially the practice of the Patronus Charm in the past year.

At this time, Professor McGonagall, from���He took out an old, worn hat and placed it on the stool. The annual classic sorting ceremony began.

Feng Yanmao opened his eyes and saw that he was sitting in the seat he was supposed to be in. He moved his mouth and sang the song he had prepared for a year.

"The Great Hogwarts……"As usual, the song introduced the characteristics of the four colleges and their names.

When the Sorting Hat finally finished singing his song, Professor McGonagall opened a parchment scroll and said solemnly:"Now, wizards whose names I read, please go to the stool and put on the hat. The Sorting Ceremony begins now!""

"Alberto Allen!"Of course the first name this year will not be Hannah Abbott. As the name was read out, the little boy walked to the front of the crowd. He put on his hat with some fear.

"Ravenclaw!"The Sorting Hat barely took a second to think before it immediately read out the house.

A cheer erupted from the Ravenclaw table, and the Ravenclaw prefect waved his hand to signal the little boy to come over to them. The little boy dropped the hat and ran to the Ravenclaw table, where the senior students pushed him onto the stool.


The names were read out one by one, and finally Lisa Evans' name came.

The little girl slowly walked to the front of the crowd. She was not afraid at all, but gave people a very safe feeling. She looked like a brave little girl!

Picking up the hat, the little girl showed a feeling of disgust on her face, because the sorting hat was too worn out and even covered with dust. But she did not hesitate and put the hat on her head.

"Slytherin!"Without wasting any time, the Sorting Hat immediately announced the result.

Upon hearing this result, Chris was a little bit incredulous. Hermione and Ginny, who knew the inside story, also looked surprised. The three of them turned their eyes to Snape at the same time.

Snape frowned. He really didn't understand what was going on. He seemed to want to stand up to stop this result, but when he raised his hand, he hesitated and sat down.

From this performance, it can't be guessed that Snape was also a little surprised by this result, even unacceptable, but he held back.

There was another round of applause from the Slytherin table, and the little girl quickly ran down the Slytherin table.

""What a pretty girl!" A senior wizard from Slytherin said admiringly.

The girls from Slytherin seemed unhappy. Just by looking at the appearance of this first-year student, they knew that she would definitely be a school beauty in the future, or even better than the others.

Kerry noticed that Snape took out a book from his pocket, which seemed to be a notebook. He was writing and drawing on it with a pen.

It seemed that Snape had some expectations about the results of the sorting, but also some unexpected things.

After some people, Severin Snape finally appeared.

""Severin Snape!" Professor McGonagall shouted.

Severin looked a little shy, unlike Lisa, he really looked like an immature child. Severin walked to the crowd and put on the Sorting Hat.

The little boy was a little nervous. He put the hat on crookedly for the first time, and then straightened it.

The Sorting Hat didn't speak, his expression was serious, and his mouth was mumbling something, but the Sorting Hat remained motionless, with no intention of speaking.

Dumbledore looked up, he seemed to look at his pocket watch, Kerry was a little surprised, Hermione and Ginny were even more surprised, tonight's Sorting Ceremony seemed different because of those two people.

It was not until more than a minute later that the Sorting Hat opened its mouth:"Ravenclaw!"

Hearing this name, Kerry was surprised again, and so were Hermione and Ginny. The three of them looked at Snape at the same time.

But unlike before, Snape did not show any expression this time, as if he had expected this result. A barely perceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he wrote a small line in his notebook again.

Looking at Snape on the stage, Kerry seemed to understand something.

In the sixth part of the Harry Potter series, the old book of the Half-Blood Prince Snape could elevate Harry, a poor student, to the top. This obviously shows how talented Snape is.

A student with excellent talent and hard work, shouldn't this be a Ravenclaw talent?

Ravenclaw, but a student who studies hard, is not a Ravenclaw. He is famous for his strength, and there are no bad students in that academy.

In the original book, why did Snape become a Slytherin? That's because Snape had an overly tragic childhood in his life. The repressed childhood made him forget his original intention. He became extreme and longed for power and authority. It was this urgent desire to climb up that made him become a member of Slytherin.

Obviously, this little boy did not have such a tragic childhood. Snape left the boy the"best gift".

But no matter what, the result of the sorting ceremony is indeed a bit weird.

Kerry looked at the little girl. Lisa Evans was surrounded by a group of Slytherin boys. Obviously, beautiful people are always popular.

With the very unexpected sorting results, the opening dinner finally began.

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