Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 183 [Dementors officially appear]

At this moment, Mrs. Granger and Ginny's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, looked at each other from a distance, and they suddenly felt a sense of sympathy and compassion for each other.

Although the parents of both sides had never met before, and even the Weasleys and Mrs. Granger, one was a wizard and the other was a Muggle, but facing the same"enemy""——Kerry.

The three adults seemed to be old friends who had known each other for many years and started discussing with each other.

As they talked, the three seemed to have reached some tacit and silent consensus. Mrs. Granger handed the two wizards a business card, hoping that they would have the opportunity to come to her house.

Just like that, the train to Hogwarts blew its whistle.

The Weasley children, as well as Hermione and Kerry hurried towards the train. After the whistle was blown, the train would start in a minute or two.

As soon as they boarded a carriage, Kerry instantly saw a compartment - an adult was sleeping on the table. Kerry's heart moved. This must be the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class - the werewolf Lupin!

And opposite Lupin, sat a person Kerry was very familiar with - Harry Potter.

Kerry looked around the compartment. There was an old suitcase on the luggage rack. There was a line of words on the suitcase, J.R.Lupin.

After seeing Kerry, Harry Potter warmly invited him to come here, but Kerry pulled out Ginny and Hermione, indicating that this box could no longer accommodate more people.

Harry Potter immediately understood that Harry Potter, who was still very young, had no intention of falling in love at this time. He still admired Kerry very much, but he strongly disagreed with Kerry's two-timing behavior and shrugged his shoulders to express his helplessness.

Kerry pulled Hermione and Ginny and quickly walked to another empty box.

Kerry guessed that Professor Lupin actually reserved the seat for Harry on purpose, and now Kerry did not want to have any in-depth contact with this werewolf.

"Studying werewolves is a good topic!"Kerry thought to himself.

Hermione and Ginny sat on one side in tacit understanding, and Kerry sat alone on the other side.

When the three of them sat down, Kerry took out a variety of special snacks from his backpack, and the three of them immediately feasted on them.

At this time, Ron appeared at the door. Compared to two years ago, Ron, who was about to enter the third grade, had matured a lot and looked like a young man.

""Ginny, I'm really shocked that you can sit at the same table with Hermione and eat snacks!" Ron said in a funny tone.

Ginny looked at her brother with a look of contempt from a strong person, then she grabbed a handful of snacks on the table and stuffed them into Ron's hands:"Use these snacks to shut up your stinky mouth!"

"Where are you sitting?" Kerry asked

"Harry and I are sitting together, and Neville is also in our box!" Ron replied vaguely while stuffing snacks into his mouth.

""Did you notice the professor sitting opposite Harry?" Kerry asked Ron.

Ron, who was eating snacks crazily, was stunned:"Professor? What do you mean?""

"Merlin, why do I have such a stupid brother!"Ginny covered her face with her hands and muttered.

Kerry and Hermione laughed beside her

"Didn't you notice the luggage on the luggage rack? The sleeping adult must be the new professor at the school, Professor Lupin!"Kerry explained.

"Merlin's beard!" Ron's face turned pale, and Clee immediately guessed that this fool had said something unpleasant. It seems that this school year can only mourn for Ron.

Hermione took over and said,"The only teachers missing in the school now are Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures. But I heard from Harry that Hagrid will be the teacher of our Care of Magical Creatures class, so it is obvious that Professor Lupin should be our new teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Merlin's thighs... I just said that his box was so broken and it was strange to sleep here." Ron looked desperate:"Harry just called my name, I think the professor must remember me now"

"I don't think this professor is that petty!" Kerry said,"Professors like Lockhart are rare after all.……"

"Come on! Look at our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell, a wretched dark wizard, and Professor Lockhart, a big liar who only wants face but doesn't care about the lives of others."Ron said desperately:"Just thinking about this, I can guess what kind of person this year's professor will be."

Kerry really wanted to laugh out loud. In fact, among all the teachers of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the most reliable professor was Professor Lupin. Although he was a werewolf and very different, his teaching level and teaching methods were very good. If the time period when he went crazy was deleted, he would be a perfect teacher.

Speaking of werewolves, Kerry couldn't help but think of a very popular American TV series in his previous life,"Twilight". The heroine was around several immortal old guys and had dated many men. No matter how you look at it, it feels like a reverse harem TV series.

It's okay if girls like to watch it, Kerry clearly remembers that many boys also like to watch this TV series, which makes him wonder if these boys also have the desire for ntr?

Forget it, forget it, don't think about it. These are all things that happened in the past life, and they may not appear in this life. Besides, even if they appear, it will be 20 years later. By that time, maybe it's not him who will watch the TV series, but his own children.

"I think you are wrong, this professor should be different from other professors." Ginny frowned.

"Is there any basis for this?" Ron asked

"I just saw his suitcase, which was very worn out and almost falling apart, tied up with ropes, which showed that he was not rich, but he was dressed very neatly and cleanly, which showed that he was a very serious person, a very serious professor, and I think he should not be a bad professor anyway." Ginny judged. Kerry couldn't help but applaud Ginny, the strict logical reasoning, the rigorous process, and the completely correct result

"My opinion is similar to Ginny's, but my judgment is not based on the old suitcase."Hermione said:"He was wearing a pair of leather shoes, which were brand new and polished very brightly. And I noticed that there was a line of very inconspicuous small words on the suitcase, which included Professor Lupin's name and the date of purchase."

"He was able to write the purchase date on the suitcase, so he must be a very rigorous and serious person.

Kerry also applauded strongly, expressing his agreement with Hermione's opinion.

The four of them chatted casually about all sorts of things.

After about an hour, a little head suddenly popped out of Ron's pocket. It was a rat's head.

""Scabbers is awake!" Ron said.

The next scene was very unexpected and made everyone a little worried. Hermione's newly bought cat, Crookshanks, suddenly rushed over and grabbed Ron's little mouse pet.

""Crookshanks, stop it!" Hermione quickly grabbed the big cat.

However, in just a few seconds, it seemed that Ron's poor little mouse had broken several ribs and lay flat on the ground in pain, gasping loudly.

"Crookshanks, you're so annoying!" Hermione generally complained while putting the big yellow cat into the cage. Ron, who had come to his senses, picked up the mouse and blew on it up and down. After a few seconds, Scabbers resumed his movements, but it was obvious that he had not recovered from the cat's bite. He covered his upper body painfully, and then lay on the ground in the same posture as mice.

In the original book, Hermione's big cat can be said to be shining. Obviously Crookshanks has the ability to identify magical animals, especially Animagus transformation.

After the cat was caught, it watched Ron's little mouse with interest.

In the afternoon, it began to rain, and the outline of the continuous hills outside the window blurred. At this time, they heard footsteps in the corridor again, and then the three people they disliked the most came: Draco Malfoy was followed by his close friend and lackey Vincent Crabbe.

The only regret is that Goyle was supposed to be the lackey behind Malfoy, but now Goyle has permanently graduated from the"human world".

Harry and Malfoy have been enemies since the first time they met on the Hogwarts Express.

Malfoy is pale and thin, with a sarcastic look on his face. He is a student of Slytherin House. He is a seeker on the Slytherin House Quidditch team, while Harry plays the same role on the Gryffindor team. Crabbe seems to be born to listen to Malfoy. Malfoy does have a reason to hate Kerry, because it was Kerry's existence that caused Goyle to die early.

But then again, his death was his own fault, and it had nothing to do with Kerry.

"""Well, look who this is," said Malfoy in his usual lazy drawl, pulling open the door of the carriage:"the Weasley siblings and a stupid Kerry!"

"I heard that the Weasley family made a small fortune this summer and even went on a trip!" Malfoy said to Ginny and the Weasley siblings with an extremely exaggerated expression and voice:"The scenery in Egypt must be very beautiful. You have never seen it in your life! Has anyone in your poor family been so excited that they fainted or even died because of this!"

Malfoy almost ridiculed the entire Weasley family.

After saying the above, Malfoy wanted to continue, but at this moment, Kerry looked at Malfoy coldly.

"It seems that Gao Er's death did not teach you any lesson, did it?

Mr. Draco Malfoy!"Kerry said in a dull tone, and he stared at Malfoy coldly with his eyes.

Malfoy suddenly became alert when he saw Kerry's look. He dared not say another word and slipped away in shame.

Malfoy's words made Kerry very unhappy. He remembered that the Dementors would come to the Hogwarts Express soon. Maybe at that time, he could make a secret move to let Malfoy learn a social lesson.

Ron stroked his knuckles.

""I'm not going to listen to Malfoy's bullshit this year," he said angrily."I mean it. If he makes fun of our family again, I'm going to grab his head.——"Ron gestured and made a violent fist-swinging motion, but unfortunately because Ron was too young and his arms were weak, this motion looked a bit like a monkey stealing peaches.

Ginny was also very angry, but she would not show her emotions like her brother, or rather, she would show them, but not so obviously. Ginny's face was also full of anger. Ginny and Hermione looked at each other, nodded, and secretly wrote this down.

The Hogwarts Express drove steadily to the north. The scenery outside the window became more and more wild and darker, and the clouds above were getting thicker and thicker. Outside the door of their carriage, people kept walking back and forth.

Although the big cat, Crookshanks, was locked in a cage by Hermione, its cat eyes were still quietly watching Ron, especially the pocket on Ron's chest, as if Ron's pocket had something supremely delicious.

The train continued north, the rain getting heavier; now the windowpanes were a thick, sticky grey, and it deepened until the lights in the corridor and on the luggage racks were on.

Kerry, Hermione and Ginny were all a little tired, and Ron returned to his compartment.

The train was moving slower and slower. The sound of the wheels became quieter, and the sound of wind and rain outside the window became louder. Finally, at a certain point, his train suddenly stopped.

People in the carriages along the corridor leaned out to look. The train suddenly shuddered and stopped, and there were bangs and pops in the distance, indicating that luggage had fallen from the racks. Then, all the lights suddenly went out, and they were thrown into complete darkness.

Kerry smiled coldly, and now it was his turn to act.

Superman's vision was of course not affected in the darkness.

He walked into the corridor, and at this moment, in the darkness at the other end of the corridor, two Dementors were flying towards this side.

Kerry did not intend to confront them directly, but suddenly showed a look of horror, and raised a provocative gesture to the two Dementors.

The two Dementors were also startled, but they seemed to realize that the gesture Kerry made was not a good thing.

Kerry flirted with the two Dementors while walking, and in the darkness, a mess of noises spread throughout the train.

But the two Dementors still followed Kerry firmly. Kerry went to the adjacent carriage, where Malfoy was.

Some exclamations came from a distance away from Kerry, but Kerry ignored them and quietly led the Dementors to Malfoy, who was screaming.

At this moment, Kerry especially wanted to say to Malfoy:"Dear, you must give a good review!"

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