Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 159 [Ginny's version of Hermione (Part 2)]

To be honest, although Kerry didn't want to admit it, when the two of them ate barbecue together in tacit understanding, Kerry had a strong sense of CP.

This feeling is like... I can guess what you are thinking, and you can guess what I can guess what you are thinking, so I won't tell you what I can guess, and you don't have to answer me anymore. I can guess what I will do next... To use an old saying: [Everything is implied]!

This kind of tacit understanding that everything is implied, some people will never experience it in their lifetime. Kerry and Ginny started to return to Hogwarts 40 minutes later.

The two of them were still walking one after the other on the mountain path. The location of Hogsmeade Village is in the fortress on the mountain, which makes this mysterious village. Snow falls all year round, even in the hottest time.

The woods here are connected to the forbidden forest, so no one likes to walk through here, and the students who sneak out have their own routes.

As the two moved away from Hogsmeade Village, the surrounding woods gradually became very deep. Not to mention people around, there was not even a dog.

Kerry had been walking in front, but suddenly he heard footsteps behind him and stopped.

\"What happened? Kerry turned his head and looked behind him.

Ginny was holding a small transparent medicine bottle in her hand at this time, and drank the water in the bottle.

Ginny walked closer to Kerry step by step, her eyes became very strange, and she said:"Christian Feynman, look at who I am?"

Kerry looked at Ginny strangely, not knowing what Ginny had done, but in the blink of an eye, Kerry was surprised to find that the brown-red hair on Ginny's head gradually turned brown, and at the same time, her body grew taller and became more mature.

Before Kerry could react, the facial features on Ginny's face moved slightly, and then a face that stunned Kerry appeared on Ginny's face.

Hermione's iconic cute rabbit teeth, brown hair, big eyes and plump cheeks.

\"" Hermione!?" Kerry couldn't help shouting this sentence, but Kerry realized what happened in an instant.

At the same time,"Hermione" did not stop what she was doing.

She threw the medicine bottle aside and gently untied her wizard robe.

Kerry had no intention of stopping her.

He was still a little dazed at the moment.

Although he knew that this would definitely not be the"real Hermione", he still watched all this in amazement.

The black and loose wizard robe was taken off from the girl's body, and then the red and blue themed tights were exposed.

Along with the tights were the young peaks, the fair skin, and the small waist like a water snake.

The heroic"Hermione" posed handsomely.

She put her hands on her chest and moved her upper body slightly towards the sun, forming a 60-degree angle between herself and Kerry, which made the two peaks on her chest look more magnificent.

\"Long time no see! Kerry! \"Hermione's voice came out of \"Hermione\"'s mouth

\"Ginny! Kerry reacted instantly:"Ginny, what are you doing? This should be the effect of the polyjuice potion!"\"

\"Hermione opened her hands and walked briskly to Kerry's side, with a bright smile on her face.

\"From now on, I am Hermione!"Ginny. Wearing a Hermione face made Kerry very uncomfortable.

But you have to admit that this superhero look really hits Kerry's high point. She is conservative where she should be conservative and wild where she should be wild.

\"Hermione stood on her heels and whispered to Kerry's ear:"You know, this dress was given to me by Hermione.……\"

Boom... Kerry suddenly felt as if she had heard some incredible news, and suddenly it was as if someone had thrown a 50 million ton TNT equivalent hydrogen bomb into the depths of her mind.

What does"Hermione asked her to wear it?"

Kerry was a little dazed for a moment."Hermione" pressed herself tightly against Kerry's body, and then leaned her long brown hair against Kerry's chest.

Neither of them spoke. Kerry hadn't recovered yet, and"Hermione" was immersed in the sound of Kerry's heartbeat in her chest.

Boom, boom, boom... This sound was like the sound of spring thunder, which shattered"Hermione's" last reserve bit by bit.

She tightly embraced Kerry's neck with both hands, as if she wanted to blend her body into Kerry's chest.

\"Hermione's face turned red, and she rubbed her face against Kerry's chest repeatedly.

Looking at the"young Hermione" in front of him, Kerry's reason told him that he had to hold back, but Kerry's emotional side was freely controlling Kerry's emotions.

Kerry lifted up Hermione's cheeks with both hands, and the two of them looked at each other.

\"Hermione was a little shy, but her eyes were full of love. Although Kerry had super intelligence, super memory and strong logical analysis ability, he could not objectively evaluate everything in front of him.

The two looked at each other for 5 minutes. In this silent forest, no one came to disturb them.

Kerry looked at Hermione in front of him, carefully looking at everything about Hermione from top to bottom, long brown hair, big eyes, red but plump cheeks full of girlish breath, two small peaks that were only half covered, and the deep ravine between the two peaks. Kerry couldn't help but put his hands on the girl's waist. The slender waist was full of girlish softness, and her skin was as smooth as if it was coated with a layer of baby oil.

Who can resist!

Kerry lifted Hermione up with his hands, and the two looked at each other horizontally, and then kissed the girl thoroughly.

The girl was passionate The two responded with a kiss, and they kissed passionately in the deep forest.

Kerry seemed to have forgotten the time, and so did Hermione. The two only remembered each other, the smell of their bodies, the girl's python-like waist, and Superman's steel body, both of which burned like hot flames.

The two underage wizards stood like this and spent two hot quarters of an hour. Of course, they did not do anything further.

When the passionate kiss ended, Hermione's hair began to turn back to a fiery red, and her body began to shrink in the next minute. Finally, Ginny's face reappeared in front of Kerry.

Ginny didn't know what expression to use to face Kerry. She put her ear against Kerry's chest and just listened to Kerry's heartbeat quietly.

Kerry looked at Ginny's panicked eyes and her hands that had nowhere to put. He gently picked up Ginny and the two kissed again.

This time it was the real [Ginny and Kerry].

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